Mentions légales du service

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- Support #9: Modify visibility option in Boost
- Bug #10: The specified compiler in the script was not actually used for Boost; fixed now.
- Support #12: Upgrade to gcc 10 Ubuntu Docker images.
- Support: PETSc: Add 'download-cmake' in PETSc script as the one installed by apt is not a recent enough version.
- Bug #11: PETSc 3.16 doesn't seem to work well on macOS with framework Accelerate. A prompt has been added in the script to warn use about this and encouraging him to use Openblas instead.

- Openblas: 0.3.15 -> 0.3.17
- Openmpi: 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2
- Petsc: 3.14.4 -> 3.16.2
- Xsimd: 7.4.9 -> 8.0.5
- Xtensor: 0.23.10 -> 0.24
- Xtensor-blas: 0.19.1 -> 0.20.0