v24.416e27adad · ·
- Boost: 1.85 -> 1.86 - Lua: 5.4.6 -> 5.4.7 - OpenBLAS: 0.3.26 -> 0.3.28 - Openmpi: 5.0.3 -> 5.0.5 - Petsc: 3.21.2 -> 3.21.5 - Scotch: 7.0.4 -> 7.0.5 - Bug #31: fix SuiteSparse compilation in macOS. - Bug #32: fix libmeshb compilation with gcc, and few improvements in it (asynchronous mode is restored)
v24.24054cc234 · ·
- Bug #28: fix Ubuntu Dockerfile which no longer accepted direct `pip` command. - Bug #29: add a command to fix installation of PETSc 3.21 on macOS / ARM architecture. - Support #14: Scotch - switch to CMake compilation. - Boost: 1.84 -> 1.85 - Libmeshb: 7.60 -> 7.80 - Openmpi: 5.0.1 -> 5.0.3 - Scotch: 6.1.2 -> 7.0.4 - Petsc: 3.20.3 -> 3.21.2 - Slepc: 3.20.1 -> 3.21.1 - Xsimd: 12.1.1 -> 13.0.0 - Xtensor: 0.24.7 -> 0.25.0 - XtensorBlas: 0.20.0 -> 0.21.0
v24.035893983a · ·
- Openmpi: remove an option that was there only for deprecated C++ bindings and that cause an error with Openmpi 5. - Boost: 1.83 -> 1.84 - Openblas: 0.3.24 -> 0.3.26 - Openmpi: 4.1.6 -> 5.0.1 - Petsc: 3.20.0 -> 3.20.3 - Slepc: 3.20.0 -> 3.20.1 - Xsimd: 11.1.0 -> 12.1.1 - Xtl: 0.7.5 -> 0.7.7
v23.107dc6ee6a · ·
Tag v23.10 - Support #23: Use `tee` command and artefacts to be able to access the log completely when the size limit of ~ 4 Mo is reached - Bug #22: Change the Docker image used for Docker-in-Docker to fix creation of Ubuntu images. - Bug #21: Fix openblas installation script to avoid the `make install` issue. - Feature #20: Add options to choose to install or not some solvers for PETSc. - Boost: 1.80 -> 1.81. - Xsimd: 9.1.0 -> 10.0.0. - Xtensor: 0.24.3 -> 0.24.5 - Xtl: 0.7.4 -> 0.7.5 - Slepc: 3.18.1 -> 3.18.2. - PETSc: 3.18.1 -> 3.18.5. - Openmpi: 4.1.4 -> 4.1.5.
v22.467cd6dc02 · ·
- Feature #17: Introduce Slepc library. - Feature #18: PETSc and Slepc libraries are installed "in place". - Petsc: 3.17.4 -> 3.18.1 - Xsimd: 8.1.0 -> 9.1.0 - Xtensor: 0.24.2 -> 0.24.3
v22.36d2632d4f · ·
- Support #13: CI: use newly available shared runners instead of dedicated VMs. - Bug #15: in PETSc build, force the version of CMake to avoid an issue with clang / gfortran compilation of SuperLU_dist. - Xsimd: 8.0.5 -> 8.1.0 - Xtensor: 0.24 -> 0.24.4 - Petsc: 3.16.2 -> 3.17.4. - Openmpi: 4.1.2 -> 4.1.4. - Openblas: 0.3.15 -> 0.3.21. - Boost: 1.78 -> 1.80. - Lua: 5.4.3 -> 5.4.4.
v22.013e780939 · ·
- Support #9: Modify visibility option in Boost - Bug #10: The specified compiler in the script was not actually used for Boost; fixed now. - Support #12: Upgrade to gcc 10 Ubuntu Docker images. - Support: PETSc: Add 'download-cmake' in PETSc script as the one installed by apt is not a recent enough version. - Bug #11: PETSc 3.16 doesn't seem to work well on macOS with framework Accelerate. A prompt has been added in the script to warn use about this and encouraging him to use Openblas instead. - Openblas: 0.3.15 -> 0.3.17 - Openmpi: 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2 - Petsc: 3.14.4 -> 3.16.2 - Xsimd: 7.4.9 -> 8.0.5 - Xtensor: 0.23.10 -> 0.24 - Xtensor-blas: 0.19.1 -> 0.20.0
v21.27.22caf679b · ·
- Bug #8: Remove an option in Openmpi build which broke compilation on case insensitive macOS.
v20.51a8c45ce4 · ·
- Support #3: For Docker build: add NOAVX and NOAVX2 for Openblas. - Support #4: Add two flags in Openmpi script to circumvent potentiel issue in macOS builds (to force the use of internal hwloc and libevent and thus avoid conflict when compiling with AppleClang and gfortran). - OpenBLAS: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 - Openmpi: 4.0.4 -> 4.0.5 - Petsc: 3.13.2 -> 3.14.2 - Xsimd: 7.4.8 -> 7.4.9 - Xtensor: 0.21.5 -> 0.21.10 - Xtl: 0.6.13 -> 0.6.22
v20.24a30909ca · ·
- Support #2: CI: Improve the Yaml file by pushing the latest image tag only if UPDATE_LATEST_TAG is set to True. - OpenBLAS: 0.3.7 -> 0.3.9 - Openmpi: 4.0.2 -> 4.0.4 - Petsc: 3.12.4 -> 3.13.2 - Xsimd: 7.4.6 -> 7.4.8 - Xtensor: 0.21.3 -> 0.21.5 - Xtensor-blas: 0.17.1 -> 0.17.2 - Xtl: 0.6.12 -> 0.6.13
v20.1039c1e003 · ·
- Feature #1: Deployment by Gitlab CI/CD, to avoid the hassle of generating all images on my laptop. - Boost: remove system and filesystem modules. - Update Boost to v1.72. - Ubuntu Dockerfile now uses up gcc 9, as gcc 8 does not yet implement STL filesystem. - Update QuantStack stack to more recent versions: Xsimd 7.4.6, Xtensor 0.21.3, Xtensor-blas 0.17.1 and Xtl 0.6.12. - Update Tclap to v1.2.2. - Update Openblas to 0.3.7. - Update PETSc to 3.12.4 - Various fixes in Dockerfiles and Yaml.