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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v13.49
    - A nasty and stupid bug has been solved in Hyperelasticity: a quantity wasn't correctly initialized, leading potentially to undefined behaviour.
    - Intrusive smart pointers have been replaced by std::shared_ptr. Initially it was done in the search of the bug mentioned above, but it is in fact wiser: Yuni library pretends the virtual
    part is required, and it therefore wasn't so wise to deactivate it. But keeping it would mean paying the virtual cost anywhere... so shared_ptr at the moment; we'll see to replace them if the cost of memory is too huge. But doing it now was premature optimization.
    - Petsc wrapper: now there are two classes that wrap over Petsc's Vec and Mat. The interface is hence slightly easier, and we limit greatly potential memory leaks: Petsc functions MatDestroy and VecDestroy are now called automatically in the destructor.
    - Yuni library path has been modified in XCode project: Yuni has changed its SCM from SVN to git, and I have checked out the latest version from git. As a conequence, there is no longer a 'trunk' in the path to access the library.
  • v13.47
    See new TAGS file for details.
  • v13.46
    Hyperelasticity updated from what was in FElisce (for instance dynamic hyperelasticity added.). InputParameterFile are more generic: up to now the one required for hyperhyperelasticity was hardcoded everywhere. Mode release has been configured and checked; new improvement on it will be to try O4 optimization flag (but it requires recompilation of libraries, so it will wait until all libraries will be recompiled for OS X Mavericks.). At last, I now use a new scheme for tag numbers: *year*.*week number*(.*index if several in a week*).
  • v0.1
    Felisce classes have been all reworked slightly and moved into Happy Heart directories. The rework is local: a method has for instance be rewritten to be clearer, but in most cases the merits of this method has not been thoroughly called. So architecture will change a lot, as Happy Heart will grain ground against code inherited from Felisce.