Mentions légales du service

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## Utilities

- Bug #1846: Refactor slightly `OptionFile` so that keys with digits inside may be accepted.
- Support #1865: Introduce dedicated exceptions for `Directory`, and add `source_location` argument in all constructors.
- Support #1867: Introduce an `Assertion` class in debug mode when we want more information than the ones provided by an `assert`.
- Documentation #1868: Add wiki note about error handling (that also explains `Assertion` class introduced in #1867).

## ThirdParty

- Design #1871: A quick check on wrappers was performed after an avoidable memory allocation was spotted for `Vector::GetValue()`; no other such blunder were found. Unit tests related to `Petsc::Vector` have been added and documentation of some methods has been slightly improved.
- Design #1872: `Petsc::Vector::UpdateGhosts()` behaviour has been modified: when applied on a non ghosted vector it just doesn nothing (prior to this issue the behaviour was up to PETSc and was not the same for sequential and mpi without ghost).

## Core

- Design #1859 - #1866 - #1852: Make `TimeManager` leaner, with as much as possible work put at compile time. It is now part of `MoReFEMData` class.

## FiniteElement

- Bug #1837: Take properly into account the `NumberingSubset` information in `NodeBearer` connectivity for a parallel run: for advanced models two `NodeBearer` may be connected for a given `NumberingSubset` but not for another.

## Operators

- Bug #1857: There were bugs in `ComputeChainRule` for hyperelastic laws that have been solved by Jérôme. Tests have been expanded to cover them.

## Tests / CI

- Bug #1870: Now when there are differences between obtained and expected values for global linear algebra enough digits are printed for these values.
- Support #1869: Add `interruptible` for CI jobs.

## Tooling

- Bug #1835: Script count_number_of_lines now yield properly a different output depending whether tests and embedded
models are included or not.
- Support #1844: Add two suppressions for Valgrind related to two PETSc functions. Lots of new ones appeared when in CI I upgraded the third party libraries to Openmpi 5 and have been tackled by a complete overhaul of Openmpi related suppression file.

## Miscellaneous

- Bug #1862: Various small fixes found while updating `CardiacMechanics` model

## Onjoing issues.

- Bug #1837: Investigate the initialization issue in parallel found in the CardiacMechanics model. Probably fully solved but the `CardiacMechanics` model must be updated to work with this MoReFEM release before closing it.
- Design #1855: Script header guards: Stop deleting the headline comment with \file and Doxygen groups information. Fully done but the issue encompass other improvements for this script that are not yet tackled.
- Support #1615: Fix code smells found by Sonarqube.

## In standby

- Support #1858: gcc wrongfully doesn't support properly concepts in template template parameters. A macro has been introduced to circumvent this until gcc is working as expected.