Mentions légales du service

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- Bug #788: Clean-up XCode project to remove obsolete targets and put back those removed unduly in some git operations.
- Support #787: Add SConscript for RivlinCube.
- Bug #791: A list of numbering subset was incorrectly sort, which led to undefined behaviour in parallel.
- Feature #778 - Support #793: Introduce the possibility to move a mesh and use it in FSI model.
- Support #789: FSI: ALE could use two boundary conditions rather than four with a cleverer domain definition.
- Feature #783: Fix parallel for FSI. In the process, two new fields have been added to EssentialBoundaryCondition in the input parameter file: one to tell whether there might be an overlap with another and the other to specify whether thr values may vary over time.
- Feature #780: Model FSI: introduce new variational formulation for ALE.