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Draft: Predicate `list.Sorted.sorted` recursively-defined.

Mario Pereira requested to merge sorted_list_rec into master

I believe that predicate list.Sorted.sorted remains an inductive definition for historical reasons.

Since we can attach variant to logical symbols, such predicate can be easily defined recursively, as follows:

  let rec ghost predicate sorted (l: list t)
    variant { l }
  = match l with
    | Nil | Cons _ Nil -> true
    | Cons x (Cons y l) ->
        le x y && sorted (Cons y l)

A quick grep shows that list.Sorted is used in seven different examples:

  • coincidence_count_list
  • insertion_sort_list
  • mergesort_list
  • sorted_list
  • tower_of_hanoi
  • verifythis_2019_cartesian_trees
  • verifythis_2019_ghc_sort

With this new definition of sorted, the only proofs that remain to be ported are verifythis_2019_cartesian_trees and _cartesian_trees (both authored by @qgarcher ). However, I do not do believe such proofs are stuck due to the new definition of sorted. The first one seems to be an issue with detached nodes of interactive proof; the second one seems to be some trick invariants and a postcondition with an existential quantifier.

Edited by Mario Pereira

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