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  • Mário Pereira's avatar
    Refinement (wip) · 2c2c4632
    Mário Pereira authored
    A good example is worth a thousand words:
    module Sig
      type t = private mutable {}
      val f (t: t) : int
        writes { t }
    module Impl
      use import int.Int
      type t = { mutable size: int }
      let f (t: t) : int
        writes  { t }
        ensures { result = (old t).size }
        ensures { t.size = (old t).size + 1 }
      = let x = t.size in t.size <- t.size + 1;
      clone Sig with type t = t, val f = f
    In order for this clone to succeed, we need to add the field
    [size] to the [writes] of the cloned val [f].
    In the general case, we add all of the new mutable fields of
    a refinement type to [writes] clause of the cloned function
    (even if their values are not changed by the function execution).
    FIXME: fix the case in which the type to be refined is already
    declared with some mutable fields.