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vidjil-algo: release 2022.03

Mathieu Giraud requested to merge feature-a/release into dev

Fix previous release, fixing #4962 (closed)

Before the release


On the feature-a/release branch, the last commit is the release commit updating the three following files:

  • doc/ with the proper release tag
  • algo/release with the proper release tag

Pipelines (if tests passed on different pipelines, indicate below the relevant pipelines)

Usual tests should pass, but also:

  • valgrind_unit
  • valgrind_functional (modulo gzip #4678)
  • multiple_tests

Benchmarks // hotfix, no change

The release, publish, tag and push

  • merge this MR to master and tag: git tag release-20XX.XX
  • push: git push origin master release-20XX.XX
  • mirror to GH: git push github master release-20XX.XX
  • deploy to and click on copy_release (there may be changes to CD...)
  • deploy the doc: click on deploy_doc

After these steps, we merge back the release in dev:

  • merge this MR to dev

After the release: deploy

  • Click deploy_release_prod in the deploy_prod stage, deploying the release on vidjil-algo-next on the public server

  • Open a new internal issue with the Deploy (vidjil-algo) template : vdj#1316 (même que pour 2022.02)

  • Possibly fix things in merge_request_templates/Release (vidjil-algo).md on a new MR

  • Close the milestone associated with this release, moving remaining issues on another milestone

Edited by Mathieu Giraud

Merge request reports
