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  • Mikaël Salson's avatar
    testSegment.cpp: Not ambiguous anymore · acea9c6e
    Mikaël Salson authored
    The test was classified as ambigious but it probably should not have been. The
    fact of having not enough Vs should have classified the read as UNSEG_ONLY_J.
    Now the overlapping k-mers where we maximize the score (with the 'before'
    affects at the left and the 'after' affects at the right) are ignored. This
    therefore gives us the UNSEG_ONLY_J.
    The previous UNSEG_AMBIGUOUS was due to the fact that some 'after' affects
    (the Js overlapping the end of Vs) were counted left affects and that there
    was too many left Js.
    Thus we now have 4 UNSEG_ONLY_J sequences and 1 UNSEG_AMBIGUOUS.  As the
    sequence whose unsegmentation cause changes is 33nt long, the average length
    changes accordingly.
    See #3296