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avoid fixed size array declarations in Fortran pointer/allocatable

Michael Vossbeck requested to merge vossbeck01 into develop
-> BlockDifferentiator::buildDiffVarDeclarationTree
   - no more need to peel out fixed array sizes from Fortran pointer
     as consequence routine 'deferMultiDirSize' could be removed.

-> set11/mvo03/example.f90 was not standard-conform Fortran code
   (must not have 'use m' and formal argument with same identifier!)
   -> derivative codes updated accordingly,
      multi-dimensional forward derivative code now with correct
declaration of allocatable (without nbdirsmax)

-> PointerTypeSpec::differentiateTypeSpec
   - must not have fixed dimension bounds in Fortran declarations here!

-> ArrayDim::toString

  • extended output (always reporting the 'tree')

Merge request reports