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Add individual export

ORDRONNEAU Camille requested to merge cordronn/vite:feature/export into master

These commits adapt the export function so it better fits multi trace display. There is an export button for each trace.

Exporting behaviors:

When exporting a trace in command line:

  • This behavior was not changed It always export to .svg on the entire y range and on the x range defined by the -t or -T command line options When several traces are put in the command line, only the first one is exported and an error message occurs.

When exporting a trace with the button:

  • Previously .svg exported the trace on the entire y range and on the x range set by the -t or -T command line options Now the trace is exported on the entire y range and on the visible x range

    These other behaviors have not changed

  • If it is exported as .txt a box opens to choose which variable to export

  • Otherwise an image of the current view is saved

A ToolTip was added to Export, is was also added to other individual buttons at the same time. Both zoom icon were deleted because they were unused and I didn't want to make a MR just for that

Edited by ORDRONNEAU Camille

Merge request reports