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Add scripts to to automatically update headers in files

ORDRONNEAU Camille requested to merge cordronn/vite:copyright into master

This fixes issue #26 (closed)

Here is an example of the format of current headers :

 ** @file src/interface/Settings_window.cpp
 ** @copyright 2008-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
 **                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
 ** @author Augustin Degomme
 ** @author Johnny Jazeix
 ** @author Mathieu Faverge
 ** @author Camille Ordronneau
 ** @author Thibault Soucarre
 ** @date 2024-07-15

Headers update with commited changes, so two commits are necessary to update the header of a file. First the update take into account only the changes done to the file Then, because the header was changed, a second update is needed

File headers don't update if the date of the last changes is the same as the date in the @date field.

Merge request reports
