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spm_read_driver.c 4.92 KiB
 * @file spm_read_driver.c
 * SParse Matrix package file driver.
 * @copyright 2016-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
 *                      Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @author Mathieu Faverge
 * @author Pierre Ramet
 * @author Xavier Lacoste
 * @author Theophile Terraz
 * @date 2011-11-11
#include "common.h"
#include "spm.h"
#include "spm_drivers.h"
#if defined(HAVE_SCOTCH)
#include <scotch.h>

 * @ingroup pastix_spm
 * @brief Import a matrix file into a spm structure.
 * This function read or generate a sparse matrix from a file to store it into a
 * spm structure. The different formats accepted by this driver are described by
 * the driver field.
 * @param[in] driver
 *          This defines the driver to use to create the spm structure:
 *          - PastixDriverRSA
 *          - PastixDriverHB
 *          - PastixDriverIJV
 *          - PastixDriverMM
 *          - PastixDriverLaplacian
 *          - PastixDriverXLaplacian
 *          - PastixDriverGraph
 * @param[in] filename
 *          The name of the file that stores the matrix (see driver).
 * @param[inout] spm
 *          On entry, an allocated sparse matrix structure.
 *          On exit, the filled sparse matrix structure with the matrix from the
 *          file.
 * @param[in] comm
 *          The MPI communicator on which to distribute the sparse matrix. This
 *          is also used in case of distributed formats.
 * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the file reading happened successfully,
 * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one the parameter is incorrect.
spmReadDriver( pastix_driver_t  driver,
               const char      *filename,
               pastix_spm_t    *spm,
               MPI_Comm         comm )
    int mpirank = 0;
    int mpiinit;


    MPI_Initialized( &mpiinit );
    if (mpiinit) {
        MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &mpirank );

    if ( mpirank == 0 )
        case PastixDriverRSA:
            readRSA( filename, spm );

        case PastixDriverHB:
            /* TODO: Possible to read the RHS, the solution or a guess of the solution */
            readHB( filename, spm );

        case PastixDriverIJV:
            readIJV( filename, spm );

        case PastixDriverMM:
            readMM( filename, spm );

        case PastixDriverLaplacian:
            genLaplacian( filename, spm );

        case PastixDriverXLaplacian:
            genExtendedLaplacian( filename, spm );

        case PastixDriverGraph:
#if defined(HAVE_SCOTCH)
            SCOTCH_Graph sgraph;
            FILE *file;

            PASTIX_FOPEN( file, filename, "r" );

            /* Check integer compatibility */
            if (sizeof(pastix_int_t) != sizeof(SCOTCH_Num)) {
                pastix_error_print("Inconsistent integer type\n");
                return PASTIX_ERR_INTEGER_TYPE;

            SCOTCH_graphLoad( &sgraph, file, 1, 0 );
            SCOTCH_graphData( &sgraph, NULL, &(spm->n), &(spm->colptr), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &(spm->rowptr), NULL );

            spm->flttype = PastixPattern;
            spm->gN   = spm->n;
            spm->gnnz = spm->colptr[ spm->n ];
            spm->nnz  = spm->gnnz;
            fprintf(stderr, "Scotch driver to read graph file unavailable.\n"
                    "Compile with Scotch support to provide it\n");
            return PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER;

            fprintf(stderr, "spmReadDriver: Driver not implemented\n");

    if ( mpiinit )
        pastix_int_t nnz = spm->nnz;

        MPI_Bcast( spm, sizeof(pastix_spm_t), MPI_CHAR, 0, comm );
        MPI_Bcast( &nnz, 1, PASTIX_MPI_INT, 0, comm );

        if ( mpirank != 0 )
            spm->colptr = (pastix_int_t *) malloc((spm->gN+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
            spm->rowptr = (pastix_int_t *) malloc(nnz * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
            spm->values = (void *)         malloc(nnz * pastix_size_of( spm->flttype ));
            spm->loc2glob = NULL;
            spm->loc2glob = NULL;

        MPI_Bcast( spm->colptr, spm->gN+1, PASTIX_MPI_INT, 0, comm );
        MPI_Bcast( spm->rowptr, nnz,       PASTIX_MPI_INT, 0, comm );
        MPI_Bcast( spm->values, nnz * pastix_size_of( spm->flttype ), MPI_CHAR, 0, comm );

    spmUpdateComputedFields( spm );

    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;