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Mathieu Faverge authoredMathieu Faverge authored
spm.h 8.63 KiB
* @file spm.h
* SParse Matrix package header.
* @copyright 2016-2017 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
* Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Xavier Lacoste
* @author Pierre Ramet
* @author Mathieu Faverge
* @date 2013-06-24
* @addtogroup pastix_spm
* @{
* @brief Describe all the internals routines of the SParse Matrix package.
* This library provides a set of subroutines to manipulate sparse matrices in
* different format such as compressed sparse column (CSC), compressed sparse
* row (CSR), or coordinate (IJV) with single or multiple degrees of freedom
* per unknown. It provides basic BLAS 1 and BLAS 2 functions for those
* matrices, as well as norms computations and converter tools.
#ifndef _SPM_H_
#define _SPM_H_
#include "pastix/api.h"
* @brief The list of matrix driver readers and generators
typedef enum pastix_driver_e {
PastixDriverRSA, /**< RSA driver */
PastixDriverHB, /**< Harwell Boeing driver */
PastixDriverIJV, /**< IJV Coordinate driver */
PastixDriverMM, /**< Matrix Market driver */
PastixDriverLaplacian, /**< 3, 5, or 7 points Lapalacian stencil generator */
PastixDriverXLaplacian, /**< 15-points Laplacian stencil generator */
PastixDriverGraph, /**< Scotch Graph driver */
/* PastixDriverDMM, /\**< Distributed Matrix Market driver *\/ */
/* PastixDriverCSCD, /\**< CSC distributed driver *\/ */
/* PastixDriverPetscS, /\**< Petsc Symmetric driver *\/ */
/* PastixDriverPetscU, /\**< Pestc Unssymmetric driver *\/ */
/* PastixDriverPetscH, /\**< Pestc Hermitian driver *\/ */
/* PastixDriverCCC, /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
/* PastixDriverRCC, /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
/* PastixDriverOlaf, /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
/* PastixDriverPeer, /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
/* PastixDriverBRGM, /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
/* PastixDriverBRGMD, /\**< Not supported yet *\/ */
} pastix_driver_t;
* @brief The sparse matrix data structure
* This structure describes matrices with different characteristics that can be useful to any solver:
* - the storage format (PastixCSC, PastixCSR or PastixIJV)
* - the properties (PastixGeneral, PastixHermitian, PastixSymmetric)
* - the base value (0 in C or 1 in Fortran)
* It is also possible to describe a matrix with constant or variable degrees of freedom.
typedef struct pastix_spm_s {
int mtxtype; /**< Matrix structure: PastixGeneral, PastixSymmetric
or PastixHermitian. */
pastix_coeftype_t flttype; /**< avals datatype: PastixPattern, PastixFloat, PastixDouble,
PastixComplex32 or PastixComplex64 */
pastix_fmttype_t fmttype; /**< Matrix storage format: PastixCSC, PastixCSR, PastixIJV */
pastix_int_t gN; /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed) */
pastix_int_t n; /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph */
pastix_int_t gnnz; /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
pastix_int_t nnz; /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph */
pastix_int_t gNexp; /**< Global number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed) */
pastix_int_t nexp; /**< Local number of vertices in the compressed graph (Computed) */
pastix_int_t gnnzexp; /**< Global number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
pastix_int_t nnzexp; /**< Local number of non zeroes in the compressed graph (Computed) */
pastix_int_t dof; /**< Number of degrees of freedom per unknown,
if > 0, constant degree of freedom
otherwise, irregular degree of freedom (refer to dofs) */
pastix_int_t *dofs; /**< Array of the first column of each element in the
expanded matrix [+baseval] */
pastix_order_t layout; /**< PastixColMajor, or PastixRowMajor */
pastix_int_t *colptr; /**< List of indirections to rows for each vertex [+baseval] */
pastix_int_t *rowptr; /**< List of edges for each vertex [+baseval] */
pastix_int_t *loc2glob;/**< Corresponding numbering from local to global [+baseval] */
void *values; /**< Values stored in the matrix */
} pastix_spm_t;
* @name SPM basic subroutines
* @{
void spmInit( pastix_spm_t *spm );
void spmExit( pastix_spm_t *spm );
pastix_spm_t *spmCopy( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
void spmBase( pastix_spm_t *spm, int baseval );
pastix_int_t spmFindBase( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
int spmConvert( int ofmttype, pastix_spm_t *ospm );
void spmUpdateComputedFields( pastix_spm_t *spm );
* @}
* @name SPM BLAS subroutines
* @{
double spmNorm( pastix_normtype_t ntype, const pastix_spm_t *spm );
int spmMatVec(const pastix_trans_t trans, const void *alpha, const pastix_spm_t *spm, const void *x, const void *beta, void *y );
void spmScal( const pastix_complex64_t alpha, pastix_spm_t* spm );
* @}
* @name SPM subroutines to check format
* @{
int spmSort( pastix_spm_t *spm );
pastix_int_t spmMergeDuplicate( pastix_spm_t *spm );
pastix_int_t spmSymmetrize( pastix_spm_t *spm );
pastix_spm_t *spmCheckAndCorrect( pastix_spm_t *spm );
* @}
* @name SPM subroutines to check factorization/solve
* @{
int spmGenRHS( int type, int nrhs, const pastix_spm_t *spm, void *x, int ldx, void *b, int ldb );
int spmCheckAxb( int nrhs, const pastix_spm_t *spm, void *x0, int ldx0, void *b, int ldb, const void *x, int ldx );
* @}
* @name SPM subroutines to manipulate integers arrays
* @{
pastix_int_t *spmIntConvert( pastix_int_t n, int *input );
void spmIntSort1Asc1( void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n );
void spmIntSort2Asc1( void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n );
void spmIntSort2Asc2( void * const pbase, const pastix_int_t n );
* @}
* @name SPM IO subroutines
* @{
int spmLoad( pastix_spm_t *spm, FILE *infile );
int spmSave( pastix_spm_t *spm, FILE *outfile );
* @}
* @name SPM driver
* @{
int spmReadDriver( pastix_driver_t driver,
char *filename,
pastix_spm_t *spm,
MPI_Comm pastix_comm );
* @}
* @name SPM debug subroutines
* @{
void * spm2Dense ( const pastix_spm_t *spm );
void spmPrint ( const pastix_spm_t *spm, FILE *f );
pastix_spm_t *spmExpand ( const pastix_spm_t* spm );
pastix_spm_t *spmDofExtend( const pastix_spm_t *spm, const int type, const int dof );
* @}
* @}
* @name SPM dev printing subroutines
* @{
* @ingroup spm_dev_print
* @brief Subroutines to print one element of an spm structure
* @param[in] f Pointer to the file
* @param[in] i Row index of the element
* @param[in] j Column index of the element
* @param[in] A Value of the element A|i,j]
* Double complex case
static inline void z_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, pastix_complex64_t A ){
fprintf( f, "%ld %ld %e %e\n", (long)i, (long)j, creal(A), cimag(A) );
* @copydoc z_spmPrintElt
* @details Single complex case
static inline void c_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, pastix_complex32_t A ){
fprintf( f, "%ld %ld %e %e\n", (long)i, (long)j, crealf(A), cimagf(A) );
* @copydoc z_spmPrintElt
* @details Double real case
static inline void d_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, double A ){
fprintf( f, "%ld %ld %e\n", (long)i, (long)j, A );
* @copydoc z_spmPrintElt
* @details Single real case
static inline void s_spmPrintElt( FILE *f, pastix_int_t i, pastix_int_t j, float A ){
fprintf( f, "%ld %ld %e\n", (long)i, (long)j, A );
* @}
#endif /* _SPM_H_ */