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z_spm_genrhs.c 11.6 KiB
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 * @file z_spm_genrhs.c
 *  PaStiX csc routines
 *  PaStiX is a software package provided by Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest,
 *  LaBRI, University of Bordeaux 1 and IPB.
 * @version 5.1.0
 * @author Mathieu Faverge
 * @author Theophile Terraz
 * @date 2015-01-01
 * @precisions normal z -> c s d
#include <lapacke.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "csc.h"
#include "z_spm.h"
#include "kernels/pastix_zcores.h"

#define Rnd64_A  6364136223846793005ULL
#define Rnd64_C  1ULL
#define RndF_Mul 5.4210108624275222e-20f
#define RndD_Mul 5.4210108624275222e-20

static inline unsigned long long int
Rnd64_jump(unsigned long long int n, unsigned long long int seed ) {
  unsigned long long int a_k, c_k, ran;
  int i;

  a_k = Rnd64_A;
  c_k = Rnd64_C;

  ran = seed;
  for (i = 0; n; n >>= 1, ++i) {
    if (n & 1)
      ran = a_k * ran + c_k;
    c_k *= (a_k + 1);
    a_k *= a_k;

  return ran;

#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
#define NBELEM   2
#define NBELEM   1

 * @ingroup pastix_csc
 *  z_spmRndVect generates a random vector for testing purpose.
 * @param[in] m
 *         The number of rows of the tile A. m >= 0.
 * @param[in] n
 *         The number of columns of the tile A. n >= 0.
 * @param[in,out] A
 *         On entry, the m-by-n tile to be initialized.
 *         On exit, the tile initialized in the mtxtype format.
 * @param[in] lda
 *         The leading dimension of the tile A. lda >= max(1,m).
 * @param[in] gM
 *         The global number of rows of the full matrix, A is belonging to. gM >= (m0+M).
 * @param[in] m0
 *         The index of the first row of tile A in the full matrix. m0 >= 0.
 * @param[in] n0
 *         The index of the first column of tile A in the full matrix. n0 >= 0.
 * @param[in] seed
 *         The seed used for random generation. Must be the same for
 *         all tiles initialized with this routine.
void z_spmRndVect( double scale, int m, int n, pastix_complex64_t *A, int lda,
                   int gM, int m0, int n0, unsigned long long int seed )
    pastix_complex64_t *tmp = A;
    int64_t i, j;
    unsigned long long int ran, jump;

    jump = (unsigned long long int)m0 + (unsigned long long int)n0 * (unsigned long long int)gM;

    for (j=0; j<n; ++j ) {
        ran = Rnd64_jump( NBELEM*jump, seed );
        for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
            *tmp = (0.5f - ran * RndF_Mul) * scale;
            ran  = Rnd64_A * ran + Rnd64_C;
#ifdef COMPLEX
            *tmp += (I*(0.5f - ran * RndF_Mul)) * scale;
            ran   = Rnd64_A * ran + Rnd64_C;
        tmp  += lda-i;
        jump += gM;

 * @ingroup pastix_csc
 * z_spmGenRHS - Generate nrhs right hand side vectors associated to a given
 * matrix to test a problem with a solver.
 * @param[in] type
 *          Defines how to compute the vector b.
 *          - PastixRhsOne:  b is computed such that x = 1 [ + I ]
 *          - PastixRhsI:    b is computed such that x = i [ + i * I ]
 *          - PastixRhsRndX: b is computed by matrix-vector product, such that
 *            is a random vector in the range [-0.5, 0.5]
 *          - PastixRhsRndB: b is computed randomly and x is not computed.
 * @param[in] nrhs
 *          Defines the number of right hand side that must be generated.
 * @param[in] spm
 *          The sparse matrix uses to generate the right hand side, and the
 *          solution of the full problem.
 * @param[out] x
 *          On exit, if x != NULL, then the x vector(s) generated to compute b
 *          is returned. Must be of size at least ldx * spm->n.
 * @param[in] ldx
 *          Defines the leading dimension of x when multiple right hand sides
 *          are available. ldx >= spm->n.
 * @param[in,out] b
 *          b must be an allocated matrix of size at least ldb * nrhs.
 *          On exit, b is initialized as defined by the type parameter.
 * @param[in] ldb
 *          Defines the leading dimension of b when multiple right hand sides
 *          are available. ldb >= spm->n.
 * @return
 *      \retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the b vector has been computed succesfully,
 *      \retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
z_spmGenRHS( int type, int nrhs,
             const pastix_csc_t  *spm,
             void                *x, int ldx,
             void                *b, int ldb )
    pastix_complex64_t *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)x;
    pastix_complex64_t *bptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)b;
    pastix_int_t i, j;
    int rc;

    if (( spm == NULL ) ||
        ( spm->values == NULL )) {

    /* Other format not supported for now */
    if( spm->fmttype != PastixCSC )

    if( spm->gN <= 0 )

    if( nrhs <= 0 )

    if( (nrhs > 1) && (ldx < spm->n) )

    if( (nrhs > 1) && (ldb < spm->n) )

    if (nrhs == 1) {
        ldb = spm->n;
        ldx = spm->n;

    /* We don't handle distributed spm for now */
    assert( spm->n == spm->gN );

    /* If random b, we do it and exit */
    if ( type == PastixRhsRndB ) {
        /* Compute the spm norm to scale the b vector */
        double norm = z_spmNorm( PastixFrobeniusNorm, spm );

        z_spmRndVect( norm, spm->n, nrhs, bptr, ldb,
                      spm->gN, 0, 0, 24356 );
        return PASTIX_SUCCESS;

    if ( (type == PastixRhsOne  ) ||
         (type == PastixRhsI    ) ||
         (type == PastixRhsRndX ) )
        if ( xptr == NULL ) {
            MALLOC_INTERN( xptr, ldx * nrhs, pastix_complex64_t );

        switch( type ) {
        case PastixRhsOne:
            for( j=0; j<nrhs; j++ )
                for( i=0; i<spm->n; i++, xptr++ )
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                    *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t)(1.+1.*I);
                    *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t)1.;
                xptr += ldx-i;
            xptr -= nrhs * ldx;

        case PastixRhsI:
            for( j=0; j<nrhs; j++ )
                for( i=0; i<spm->n; i++, xptr++ )
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                    *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t)(i + i * I);
                    *xptr = (pastix_complex64_t)i;
                xptr += ldx-i;
            xptr -= nrhs * ldx;

        case PastixRhsRndX:
            z_spmRndVect( 1., spm->n, nrhs, xptr, ldx,
                          spm->gN, 0, 0, 24356 );

        switch ( spm->mtxtype ) {
#if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
        case PastixHermitian:
            rc = z_spmHeCSCv( 1., spm, xptr, 0., bptr );
        case PastixSymmetric:
            rc = z_spmSyCSCv( 1., spm, xptr, 0., bptr );
        case PastixGeneral:
            rc = z_spmGeCSCv( PastixNoTrans, 1., spm, xptr, 0., bptr );

        if ( x == NULL ) {
        return rc;

    fprintf(stderr, "z_spmGenRHS: Generator not implemented yet\n");

    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;

 * @ingroup pastix_csc
 * z_spmCheckAxb - Check the backward error, and the forward error if x0 is
 * provided.
 * @param[in] nrhs
 *          Defines the number of right hand side that must be generated.
 * @param[in] spm
 *          The sparse matrix uses to generate the right hand side, and the
 *          solution of the full problem.
 * @param[in,out] x0
 *          If x0 != NULL, the forward error is computed.
 *          On exit, x0 stores (x0-x)
 * @param[in] ldx0
 *          Defines the leading dimension of x0 when multiple right hand sides
 *          are available. ldx0 >= spm->n.
 * @param[in,out] b
 *          b is a matrix of size at least ldb * nrhs.
 *          On exit, b stores Ax-b.
 * @param[in] ldb
 *          Defines the leading dimension of b when multiple right hand sides
 *          are available. ldb >= spm->n.
 * @param[in] x
 *          Contains the solution computed by the solver.
 * @param[in] ldx
 *          Defines the leading dimension of x when multiple right hand sides
 *          are available. ldx >= spm->n.
 * @return
 *      \retval PASTIX_SUCCESS if the b vector has been computed succesfully,
 *      \retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER otherwise.
z_spmCheckAxb( int nrhs,
               const pastix_csc_t  *spm,
                     void *x0, int ldx0,
                     void *b,  int ldb,
               const void *x,  int ldx )
    static pastix_complex64_t mzone = (pastix_complex64_t)-1.;
    static pastix_complex64_t zone  = (pastix_complex64_t) 1.;
    double normA, normB, normX, normX0, normR;
    double backward, forward, eps;
    int failure = 0;

    eps = LAPACKE_dlamch('e');

     * Compute the starting norms
    normA = spmNorm( PastixFrobeniusNorm, spm );
    normX = LAPACKE_zlange( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'I', spm->n, nrhs, x, ldx );
    normB = LAPACKE_zlange( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'I', spm->n, nrhs, b, ldb );

    printf( "   || A ||_oo                                   %e\n"
            "   || b ||_oo                                   %e\n"
            "   || x ||_oo                                   %e\n",
            normA, normB, normX );

     * Compute r = A * x - b
    spmMatVec( PastixNoTrans, &mzone, spm, x, &zone, b );
    normR = LAPACKE_zlange( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'I', spm->n, nrhs, b, ldb );

    backward = normR / ( normA * normX + normB );
    failure = isnan(normX) || isinf(normX) || isnan(backward) || isinf(backward) || ((backward / eps) > 1.e3);

    printf( "   ||b-Ax||_oo                                  %e\n"
            "   ||b-Ax||_oo / (||A||_oo ||x||_oo + ||b||_oo) %e (%s)\n",
            normR, backward,
            failure ? "FAILED" : "SUCCESS" );

     * Compute r = x0 - x
    if ( x0 != NULL ) {
        normX0 = LAPACKE_zlange( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'I', spm->n, nrhs, x0, ldx0 );
        core_zgeadd( PastixNoTrans, spm->n, nrhs, -1., x, ldx, x0, ldx0 );
        normR = LAPACKE_zlange( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'I', spm->n, nrhs, x0, ldx0 );

        forward = normR / normX0;
        failure = isnan(normX) || isinf(normX) || isnan(forward) || isinf(forward) || ((forward / eps) > 1.e3);

        printf( "   ||x_0||_oo                                   %e\n"
                "   ||x_0-x||_oo                                 %e\n"
                "   ||x_0-x||_oo / ||x_0||_oo                    %e (%s)\n",
                normX0, normR, forward,
                failure ? "FAILED" : "SUCCESS" );

    return PASTIX_SUCCESS;