"git@gitlab.inria.fr:solverstack/chameleon.git" did not exist on "747c7935567f2c953a39b224cb116c9a924544eb"
Guillaume Sylvand
This routine, available in MKL, does a product in 6n^3 ops instead of 8n^3 but is interesting only for "large enough" matrices (to be tested...) Potentially, we gain 25 % in all complex computations. It could be interesting to look for it / implement it in cuda. !!! Note that the flop counters are not updated !!! !!! In C/Z accuracy, most flops counter should be x0.75 !!! IT is OFF by default It is activated with MORSE_Enable(MORSE_GEMM3M) In the timing routines, it is activated with --gemm3m