sudo apt install
If there is no id_rsa file, create it with the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Then copy the .pub file to the $HOME/.ssh/authorized_hosts of all the nodes that will be managed by the deployment container
cat $HOME/.ssh/
To build the deployment container:
docker build -t deployment_node -f Dockerfile .
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/blueprint -v ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa:/private_key deployment_node
We recommand to encryp the secrets file, for that, we use Ansible vault. To
create the file and vault it, use the following command:
EDITOR=nano ansible-vault edit secrets.yaml
prometheus_basic_auth_password: REDACTED
grafana_password: REDACTED
This will create the encrypted file `secrets.yaml` that we can use later to
access to critical data.
## deploy the monitoring collector
ansible-playbook -i inventories/staging --extra-vars "@params.yaml" --extra-vars "@secrets.yaml" --ask-vault-pass lpg.yaml
> If you don't want to type the vault password, you can write you vault
> password in a file (e.g., `a_password_file`) and get it from there by
> replacing `--ask-vault-pass` by `--vault-id dev@a_password_file`.
## deploy the cluster
ansible-playbook -i inventories/staging --extra-vars "@params.yaml" --extra-vars "@secrets.yaml" --ask-vault-pass k8s-cluster.yaml
## Deploy 5G network
ansible-playbook -i inventories/staging --extra-vars "@params.yaml" --extra-vars "@params.5g.yaml" --extra-vars "@secrets.yaml" --ask-vault-pass 5g.yaml