A simple [VNC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Network_Computing) client for the [reMarkable tablet](https://remarkable.com).
VNC is a desktop-sharing system that enables a client to see the screen of another computer and act on it remotely.
It is a well-established protocol supporting multiple platforms including Windows, Linux and Android.
The reMarkable is a writer tablet featuring an E-Ink display, Wacom pen digitizer and a touchscreen, that can be used for reading, sketching or note-taking.
Itruns Linux and is open to hacking.
rmvncclient brings both worlds together by allowing the tablet to connect to a remote VNC server, show the computer’s screen on the E-Ink display and interact with it through the touchscreen.
This effectively **turns the tablet into an external screen for your computer.**
Applications include reading web-based documents, writing inside an editor or previewing your [LaTeX documents](https://www.latex-project.org/) as you compose them.