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Resolve "Continuous integration setup"

RAVERDY Pierre-Guillaume requested to merge 9-ci-setup into master
name: Feature
about: New features or wider changes, 

Closes #9


Adds a very preliminary CI workflow to launch unit and end2end testing of the Web app, as well a a python unittest job

Both CI workflows (backend and frontend) are just composed of one single task/job, with all the instructions. It should be split in install/build/test at some point.

Additionaly, two slaves have been created on the CI portal, one using the shell executor and another one using the docker executor. The testing job just runs on the shell executor for now as some issues with dependencies/ci need to be cleared first.


  • Added unit and e2e setup for Angular
  • Added initial CI job

How to test

  • restart the successfull job on this branch in the pipeliens
  • pull the branch, install Python and npm dependencies
  • install chromium/chromium driver and setup the CHROME_BIN env var
  • in the frontend folder, ng testlaunches the unit tests locally (browser will appear)
  • in the frontend folder, ng e2elaunches the e2e tests locally (browser will not appear unless changing the config in protractor.cfg)
  • In the backend folder, launch the unittests with python3 -m unittest
Edited by RAVERDY Pierre-Guillaume

Merge request reports