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Add support for generic parameters in the three DB classes.

RAVERDY Pierre-Guillaume requested to merge 68-generic-params into dev
name: Feature
about: New features or wider changes

Closes #68


This MR adds a new class for MutableDisct support in SQLAlchemy, and adds a few method to use this dictionnary to store generic parameters as typles <name, category, value>.

  • The name of the parameter is used as key in the dictionnary. Names are thus unique in the context of an object.
  • The category field is primarily used to store param data type information in case marshalling/unmarshalling is required, but is left to the application to define.

The code for the mutable dictionary, and how SQLAlchemy gets notified when an element inside the dictionnary is updated (and thus the session can commity/save the update in the DB) is based on the official doc


  • Add generic parameters support in User, Instance and Request models

How to test

Launch backend tests, anll the new methods are exercised on the User model


Merge request reports