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Resolve "Fix backend user account with bcrypt"

RAVERDY Pierre-Guillaume requested to merge 33-bcrypt into development
name: Feature
about: New features or wider changes, 

Closes #33


To be done after merge of !10 (merged) thats adds sqllite3

This MR adds password hashing (not encyrption) in the database, adding an essential security practice. Plain passwords are neither stored nor displayed.

For references


  • Added password hashing in database

How to test

  • Generate salt as explained in the documentation and export as envvar
  • make sure there is no db in the resources folder
  • create the initial db with `python3'. This is a bit long, did put maybe too many rounds with the salt.
  • Start the backend and frontend (python3 wsgi.pyand ng serve)
  • Connect using the default account superdsi/superdsi and check connected


More could be done to improve the design and flexibility of password updates, hashing, security... A good reference could be :

Edited by RAVERDY Pierre-Guillaume

Merge request reports