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Commit e4f4b10d authored by Vincent Liard's avatar Vincent Liard
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Fix usage documentation

parent b031ec2e
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......@@ -330,14 +330,14 @@ void print_help(char* prog_name) {
For each mutant we record the phenotypic effect on metabolism.\n\n\
Usage: %s [-h] -i input_file_name -o output_file_name [-b start_at_generation] [-e end_at_generation] [-p period] [-n num_mutants] [-r] [-h bin_size] [-v verbose] [-s mutation_seed]\n\
\t-h: display this screen\n\
\t-i input_file_name: lineage file to be analyzed\n\
\t-f input_file_name: lineage file to be analyzed\n\
\t-o output_file_name: name of the output file (to be written in ./stats/ancstats). In case of histogram output (-h) one file will be produced for each histogram and output_file_name will be postfixed with the generation number\n\
\t-b start_at_generation: first generation of the lineage to be analyzed (default: 0)\n\
\t-e end_at_generation: last generation of the lineage to be analyzed (default: last generation stored in the input file)\n\
\t-p period: temporal resolution of the analyze (default: 1)\n\
\t-n nb_mutants : generate and analyse nb_mutants per individual (default: 1000)\n\
\t-r: raw output; store the difference of metabolic error for each mutant generated (warning: the output file may quickly grow)\n\
\t-h bin_size: store the histogram with a bin_size resolution. One output file is generated for each histogram (postfixed with the generation number)\n\
\t-s mutation_seed: specify the seed to be used for the mutation random generator\n\n\
Example:\n\t%s -i lineage_file -o toto.out -b 4000 -e 5000 -p 10 -n 100000 -s 19769\n",prog_name,prog_name,prog_name);
// \t-r: raw output; store the difference of metabolic error for each mutant generated (warning: the output file may quickly grow)\n\
// \t-h bin_size: store the histogram with a bin_size resolution. One output file is generated for each histogram (postfixed with the generation number)\n\
// \t-s mutation_seed: specify the seed to be used for the mutation random generator\n\n\
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