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Commit b9e1dfa0 authored by Vincent Liard's avatar Vincent Liard
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add details to packaging howto

parent d7e5a57e
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......@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ RELEASE HowTo
-> in all the manpages (update date too)
-> in the user guide (if needed)
2) Write an entry in the NEWS file
2) Write an entry in the NEWS file for users
and in ChangeLog for developers.
3) [TEMPORAIRE tant que les tests sont quasi inexistants]
-> Virer les tests
-> Virer les tests (répertoires et références dans, src/
3') Nettoyer les exemples : supprimer résultats
4) Run the following commands (from aevol root dir)
-> autoreconf
......@@ -17,7 +20,6 @@ RELEASE HowTo
This will generate a file called aevol-X.Y.tar.gz in aevol root dir
5) Add a version in the "files" section of the forge
-> In the "files" section click on the link to "create a new version"
-> Fill in the form with
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