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Commit 7edc0812 authored by David Parsons's avatar David Parsons
Browse files

Update extract CLI options

parent 9dc4a7d0
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......@@ -24,114 +24,46 @@
// ****************************************************************************
// =================================================================
// Libraries
// =================================================================
// ============================================================================
// Includes
// ============================================================================
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
// =================================================================
// Project Files
// =================================================================
#include "aevol.h"
using namespace aevol;
// =================================================================
// Function declarations
// =================================================================
// Command-line option variables
static char* triangles_file_name = nullptr;
static char* sequence_file_name = nullptr;
static bool best_only = true;
static int16_t gu = -1;
static int32_t timestep = -1;
// Helper functions
void print_help(char* prog_path);
void interpret_cmd_line_options(int argc, char* argv[]);
void analyse_indiv(Individual* indiv, FILE* triangles_file, FILE* sequence_file,
int16_t gu, const PhenotypicTarget& phenotypicTarget);
void analyse_gu(GeneticUnit* gen_unit, int32_t gen_unit_number,
FILE* triangles_file, const PhenotypicTarget& phenotypicTarget);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Initialize command-line option variables with default values
char* pop_file_name = NULL;
char* triangles_file_name = NULL;
char* sequence_file_name = NULL;
bool best_only = false;
int16_t gu = -1;
int32_t num_gener = -1;
// Define allowed options
const char * options_list = "hVr:t:s:bg:";
static struct option long_options_list[] = {
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
{"resume", required_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"triangles", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"sequence", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"best", no_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"gu", required_argument, NULL, 'g'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
// Get actual values of the command-line options
int option;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, options_list, long_options_list, NULL)) != -1)
switch (option)
case 'h' :
case 'V' :
case 'r':
num_gener = atol(optarg);
case 't' :
triangles_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(triangles_file_name, "%s", optarg);
case 's' :
sequence_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(sequence_file_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'g' :
gu = atoi(optarg);
case 'b' :
best_only = true;
// If num_gener is not provided, assume last gener
if (num_gener == -1) {
num_gener = OutputManager::last_gener();
if (triangles_file_name == NULL && sequence_file_name == NULL) {
Utils::ExitWithDevMsg("Use option -s or -t (-h for more info)",
__FILE__, __LINE__);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
interpret_cmd_line_options(argc, argv);
// Open the files
FILE* triangles_file = NULL;
FILE* sequence_file = NULL;
FILE* triangles_file = nullptr;
FILE* sequence_file = nullptr;
if (triangles_file_name != NULL)
triangles_file = fopen(triangles_file_name,"w");
if (triangles_file_name != nullptr) {
triangles_file = fopen(triangles_file_name, "w");
// Write file headers
int key = 1;
......@@ -151,47 +83,44 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fprintf(triangles_file, "# %2.d RNA length (rna_len)\n", key++);
fprintf(triangles_file, "# %2.d basal level (basal_level)\n", key++);
fprintf(triangles_file, "\n");
fprintf(triangles_file, "id c_or_p strand pos len lpos sequence m w h c f prom_pos rna_len basal_level\n");
"id c_or_p strand pos len lpos sequence m w h c f "
"prom_pos rna_len basal_level\n");
if (sequence_file_name != NULL)
if (sequence_file_name != nullptr) {
sequence_file = fopen(sequence_file_name,"w");
auto exp_manager = new ExpManager();
exp_manager->load(num_gener, false, false);
exp_manager->load(timestep, false, false);
// The best individual is already known because it is the last in the list
// Thus we do not need to know anything about the environment and to evaluate the individuals
// Thus we do not need to know anything about the environment and to evaluate
// the individuals
// Parse the individuals
if (best_only)
if (best_only) {
Individual* best = exp_manager->best_indiv();
best->do_transcription_translation_folding(); // We need to recompute proteins if not already done (ie if using a population file and not a full backup)
analyse_indiv(best, triangles_file, sequence_file, gu, best->habitat().phenotypic_target());
analyse_indiv(best, triangles_file, sequence_file, gu,
else {
for (const auto& indiv: exp_manager->indivs()) {
indiv->do_transcription_translation_folding(); // We need to recompute proteins if not already done (ie if using a population file and not a full backup)
analyse_indiv(indiv, triangles_file, sequence_file, gu, indiv->habitat().phenotypic_target());
analyse_indiv(indiv, triangles_file, sequence_file, gu,
if (sequence_file_name != NULL)
if (sequence_file_name != nullptr) {
if (triangles_file_name != NULL)
if (triangles_file_name != nullptr) {
if (pop_file_name != NULL) {delete [] pop_file_name;}
if (triangles_file_name != NULL) {delete [] triangles_file_name;}
if (sequence_file_name != NULL) {delete [] sequence_file_name;}
delete [] triangles_file_name;
delete [] sequence_file_name;
delete exp_manager;
......@@ -201,57 +130,51 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Parsing an individual
inline void analyse_indiv(Individual* indiv, FILE* triangles_file,
FILE* sequence_file, int16_t gu,
const PhenotypicTarget & phenotypicTarget)
if (gu == -1) // We want to treat all genetic units
const PhenotypicTarget & phenotypicTarget) {
if (gu == -1) { // We want to treat all genetic units
int32_t gen_unit_number = 0;
for (auto& gen_unit: indiv->genetic_unit_list_nonconst()) {
if (triangles_file != NULL)
analyse_gu(&gen_unit, gen_unit_number, triangles_file, phenotypicTarget); // We call the triangle parser for each GU successively
if (triangles_file != nullptr) {
analyse_gu(&gen_unit, gen_unit_number, triangles_file,
if (sequence_file != NULL)
if (sequence_file != nullptr) {
// The sequences of different GUs are separated by a space
if (gen_unit_number > 0) fprintf(sequence_file, " ");
const char* dna = gen_unit.dna()->data();
int32_t length = gen_unit.dna()->length();
fprintf(sequence_file,"%.*s ",length,dna); // We output the sequences of each GU separated by a space
fprintf(sequence_file, "%.*s", length, dna);
else // User specified a genetic unit
else { // User has specified a genetic unit
GeneticUnit* gen_unit = &indiv->genetic_unit_nonconst(gu);
if (triangles_file != NULL)
analyse_gu(gen_unit, gu, triangles_file, phenotypicTarget); // We call the triangle parser
if (triangles_file != nullptr) {
analyse_gu(gen_unit, gu, triangles_file, phenotypicTarget);
if (sequence_file != NULL)
if (sequence_file != nullptr) {
const char* dna = gen_unit->dna()->data();
int32_t length = gen_unit->dna()->length();
fprintf(sequence_file,"%.*s",length,dna); // We output the sequence
fprintf(sequence_file, "%.*s", length, dna);
// We go to next line in each file
if (triangles_file != NULL)
if (triangles_file != nullptr) {
fprintf(triangles_file, "\n");
if (sequence_file != NULL)
if (sequence_file != nullptr) {
fprintf(sequence_file, "\n");
// Parsing a GU
inline void analyse_gu(GeneticUnit* gen_unit, int32_t gen_unit_number,
FILE* triangles_file,
const PhenotypicTarget& phenotypicTarget)
const PhenotypicTarget& phenotypicTarget) {
// Construct the list of all rnas
auto llrnas = gen_unit->rna_list();
auto lrnas = llrnas[LEADING];
......@@ -264,13 +187,15 @@ inline void analyse_gu(GeneticUnit* gen_unit, int32_t gen_unit_number,
double mean = protein->mean();
int nfeat = -1;
// Retrieving the feature of the protein also necessitates the an environment file.
for (size_t i = 0; i <= static_cast<size_t>(phenotypicTarget.nb_segments()) - 1; ++i)
if ((mean > phenotypicTarget.segments()[i]->start) and (mean < phenotypicTarget.segments()[i]->stop)) {
for (size_t i = 0 ;
i <= static_cast<size_t>(phenotypicTarget.nb_segments()) - 1 ;
++i) {
if ((mean > phenotypicTarget.segments()[i]->start) and
(mean < phenotypicTarget.segments()[i]->stop)) {
nfeat = phenotypicTarget.segments()[i]->feature;
char *dummy;
......@@ -300,8 +225,7 @@ inline void analyse_gu(GeneticUnit* gen_unit, int32_t gen_unit_number,
void print_help(char* prog_path)
void print_help(char* prog_path) {
// Get the program file-name in prog_name (strip prog_path of the path)
char* prog_name; // No new, it will point to somewhere inside prog_path
if ((prog_name = strrchr(prog_path, '/'))) prog_name++;
......@@ -318,25 +242,28 @@ void print_help(char* prog_path)
printf("* *\n");
printf("%s: extracts the genotype and/or data about the phenotype of individuals in the provided population and write them into text files easy to parse with e.g. matlab.\n", prog_name);
printf("%s:\n", prog_name);
printf("\tExtracts the genotype and/or data about the phenotype of individuals\n");
printf("\tin the provided population and write them into text files easy to parse\n");
printf("\twith e.g. matlab.\n");
printf("Usage : %s -h\n", prog_name);
printf(" or : %s -V or --version\n", prog_name);
printf(" or : %s [-r GENER] [-t PHEN_FILE] [-s SEQ_FILE] [-g NUM_GU] [-b]\n", prog_name);
printf(" or : %s [-t TIMESTEP] [-U NUM_GU] [-T TRIANGLE_FILE] [-S SEQ_FILE] [-a]\n",
printf(" -h, --help\n\tprint this help, then exit\n\n");
printf(" -V, --version\n\tprint version number, then exit\n\n");
printf(" -r GENER :\n");
printf("\tread generation GENER from a full aevol backup\n\t(default: reads from last_gener.txt)\n");
printf(" -t PHEN_FILE:\n");
printf("\textract and save some infos about the phenotypes of the individuals to file PHEN_FILE\n");
printf(" -s SEQ_FILE:\n");
printf("\textract and save the sequences of the individuals to file SEQ_FILE\n");
printf(" -g NUM_GU:\n");
printf("\tonly treat this genetic unit (by default: treat all genetic units)\n");
printf(" -b:\n");
printf("\tonly treat the best individual\n");
printf(" -t TIMESTEP\n");
printf("\tspecify timestep of the individual(s) of interest\n");
printf(" -S SEQ_FILE\n");
printf("\textract sequences into file SEQ_FILE\n");
printf(" -T TRIANGLE_FILE\n");
printf("\textract phenotypic data into file TRIANGLE_FILE\n");
printf(" -U NUM_GU\n");
printf("\tonly treat genetic unit #NUM_GU (by default: treat all genetic units)\n");
printf(" -a\n");
printf("\ttreat all the individuals (by default: treat only the best)\n");
This program extracts some data about the individuals and write\n\
......@@ -344,7 +271,7 @@ them into text files easy to parse with e.g. matlab.\n\
Two kinds of data can be extracted :\n\
* data about the phenotype (option -t) : write information about\n\
* data about the phenotype (option -T) : write information about\n\
the proteins in a text file. A space delimits two proteins, a\n\
new line delimits two individuals. For each protein, the output\n\
is \"m_h_w_c_r_s_f_l_z_g\" where :\n\
......@@ -356,29 +283,86 @@ Two kinds of data can be extracted :\n\
* z indicates the feature (at the center of the protein)\n\
* g indicates the genetic unit to which the protein belongs (0=chromosome, 1=plasmid)\n\
* sequences of the individuals (option -s) : write the sequences\n\
* sequences of the individuals (option -S) : write the sequences\n\
in a text file. A new line delimits two individuals. In case\n\
there are several GU, they are separated by whitespaces.\n\
With option -b, only the best individual is treated.\n\
The input can be either a generation number, in which case we\n\
will attempt to load a full backup tree, or a population file,\n\
in which case features of the proteins won't be outputed as we\n\
need to know the environment to infer them.\n\
there are several GUs, they are separated with whitespaces.\n\
Examples :\n\
For generation 20000, write infos about the phenotypes of all the\n\
For timestep 20000, write infos about the phenotypes of all the\n\
individuals in phe_020000 and the sequences of all the\n\
individuals in seq_020000 :\n\
extract -r 20000 -t phe_020000 -s seq_020000\n\
extract -a -t 20000 -T phe_020000 -S seq_020000\n\
For generation 20000, write the best individual's sequence in\n\
For timestep 20000, write the best individual's sequence in\n\
seq_020000_best :\n\
extract -b -r 20000 -s seq_020000_best\n\
or extract -b -p populations/ -s seq_020000_best\n");
extract -t 20000 -S seq_020000_best\n");
void interpret_cmd_line_options(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Define allowed options
const char * options_list = "hVt:aU:S:T:";
static struct option long_options_list[] = {
{"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, nullptr, 'V'},
{"timestep", required_argument, nullptr, 't'},
{"all", no_argument, nullptr, 'a'},
{"gu", required_argument, nullptr, 'U'},
{"sequence", required_argument, nullptr, 'S'},
{"triangles", required_argument, nullptr, 'T'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
// Get actual values of the command-line options
int option;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, options_list,
long_options_list, nullptr)) != -1) {
switch (option) {
case 'h' : {
case 'V' : {
case 't' : {
timestep = atol(optarg);
case 'a' : {
best_only = false;
case 'U' : {
gu = atoi(optarg);
case 'S' : {
sequence_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(sequence_file_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'T' : {
triangles_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(triangles_file_name, "%s", optarg);
// If timestep wasn't provided, use default
if (timestep < 0) {
timestep = OutputManager::last_gener();
// If neither the sequence_file_name nor the triangles_file_name was provided,
// we will output only the sequence in a default-named file
if (sequence_file_name == nullptr && triangles_file_name == nullptr) {
sequence_file_name = new char[255];
strcpy(sequence_file_name, "sequence");
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