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Commit 3970e425 authored by BESLON Guillaume's avatar BESLON Guillaume
Browse files

mutationalrobustness now computes the robustness of the ancestors

parent d7699f6e
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......@@ -40,142 +40,338 @@
using namespace aevol;
enum check_type
void print_help(char* prog_name);
void analyse_indiv(ExpManager* exp,
Individual* initial_indiv,
void analyze_indiv(Individual* initial_indiv,
FILE* output,
int32_t ndiv);
int32_t ndiv,
std::shared_ptr<JumpingMT> prng,
bool verbose);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Load parameters from command line
int32_t ndiv = 100000; // Default number of mutants per individual
int32_t gener = -1; // What generation to load
char* output_file_name = NULL;
bool best_only = false; // Treat only the best individual?
// TODO <> version
const char * options_list = "hn:r:o:b";
static struct option long_options_list[] = {
{ "help", 0, NULL, 'h' },
{ "number", 1, NULL, 'n' },
{ "generation", 1, NULL, 'r' },
{ "output", 1, NULL, 'o' },
{ "best", 0, NULL, 'b' },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
int32_t nb_indiv = 1000; // Default number of mutants per individual
int32_t begin = 0; // Default starting generation
int32_t end = -1; // Default ending generation (-1 for last generation stored in lineage file)
int32_t period = 1; // Period of analyze
char* output_file_name = NULL;
char* lineage_file_name = NULL;
bool verbose = false;
const char * short_options = "hVvn:b:e:p:f:o:l";
static struct option long_options[] =
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"number", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"begin", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"end", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"period", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"file", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
int option;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, options_list, long_options_list, NULL)) != -1)
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1)
switch (option) {
case 'h' : print_help(basename(argv[0])); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
case 'n' : ndiv = atol(optarg); break;
case 'r' : gener = atol(optarg); break;
case 'o' : {
output_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(output_file_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'h' :
case 'V' :
case 'v' :
verbose = true;
case 'n' :
nb_indiv = atol(optarg);
case 'b' :
begin = atol(optarg);
case 'e' :
end = atol(optarg);
case 'p' :
period = atol(optarg);
case 'o' : {
output_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(output_file_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'f' :
lineage_file_name = new char[strlen(optarg) + 1];
sprintf(lineage_file_name, "%s", optarg);
case 'b' : best_only = true; break;
// Load the population from the backup file
if (gener == -1) {
printf("You must specify a generation number. Please use the option -r or --generation.\n");
// =======================
// Open the lineage file
// =======================
gzFile lineage_file = gzopen(lineage_file_name, "r");
if (lineage_file == Z_NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : Could not read the lineage file %s\n", lineage_file_name);
// Open output file and write the header
FILE * output = fopen(output_file_name, "w");
if (output == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : Could not create the output file %s\n", output_file_name);
int64_t t0 = 0;
int64_t t_end = 0;
int32_t final_indiv_index = 0;
int32_t final_indiv_rank = 0;
gzread(lineage_file, &t0, sizeof(t0));
gzread(lineage_file, &t_end, sizeof(t_end));
gzread(lineage_file, &final_indiv_index, sizeof(final_indiv_index));
gzread(lineage_file, &final_indiv_rank, sizeof(final_indiv_rank));
if (verbose)
printf(" Robustness of the ancestors of indiv. %" PRId32
" (rank %" PRId32 ") from time %" PRId64 " to %" PRId64 "\n",
final_indiv_index, final_indiv_rank, t0, t_end);
// Load experiment
// =============================
// Open the experience manager
// =============================
ExpManager* exp_manager = new ExpManager();
exp_manager->load(gener, true, false);
// Positive impact means
"# #################################################################\n"
"# Mutations produced by mutationalrobustness\n"
"# #################################################################\n"
"# Number of replicate per individual : %" PRId32 "\n"
"# Impact on metabolism SPACE impact on secretion\n"
"#\n", ndiv);
// Parse and treat the individuals
if (!best_only) {
for (Individual* indiv: exp_manager->world()->indivs()) {
analyse_indiv(exp_manager, indiv, output, ndiv);
exp_manager->load(t0, true, false);
// The current version doesn't allow for phenotypic variation nor for
// different phenotypic targets among the grid
if (not exp_manager->world()->phenotypic_target_shared())
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg("sorry, ancestor stats has not yet been implemented "
"for per grid-cell phenotypic target");
auto phenotypicTargetHandler =
if (not (phenotypicTargetHandler->var_method() == NO_VAR))
Utils::ExitWithUsrMsg("sorry, ancestor stats has not yet been implemented "
"for variable phenotypic targets");
int64_t backup_step = exp_manager->backup_step();
// =========================
// Open the output file(s)
// =========================
// Create missing directories
/* int status;
status = mkdir("stats/ancstats/", 0755);
if ((status == -1) && (errno != EEXIST))
err(EXIT_FAILURE, "stats/ancstats/");
FILE * output_summary = fopen(output_file_name, "w");
std::shared_ptr<JumpingMT> prng = std::make_shared<JumpingMT>(9695);
// ==============================
// Prepare the initial ancestor
// ==============================
GridCell* grid_cell = new GridCell(lineage_file, exp_manager, nullptr);
auto* indiv = grid_cell->individual();
// indiv->compute_statistical_data();
// indiv->compute_non_coding();
// ==============================
// Compute robustness of the initial ancestor
// ==============================
if (begin == 0)
else {
Individual* indiv = exp_manager->world()->best_indiv();
analyse_indiv(exp_manager, indiv, output, ndiv);
// ==========================================================================
// Replay the mutations to get the successive ancestors and analyze them
// ==========================================================================
ReplicationReport* rep = nullptr;
int32_t index;
ExpManager* exp_manager_backup = nullptr;
Habitat *backup_habitat = nullptr;
while ((time() <= t_end) && (((time() < end)||(end == -1))))
rep = new ReplicationReport(lineage_file, indiv);
index = rep->id(); // who we are building...
if (verbose) printf("Ancestor at generation %" PRId64
" has index %" PRId32 "\n", time(), index);
// 2) Replay replication (create current individual's child)
GeneticUnit& gen_unit = indiv->genetic_unit_nonconst(0);
GeneticUnit* stored_gen_unit = nullptr;
Individual* stored_indiv = nullptr;
// For each genetic unit, replay the replication (undergo all mutations)
// TODO <> disabled for multiple GUs
const auto& dnarep = rep->dna_replic_report();
for (const auto& mut: dnarep.HT())
for (const auto& mut: dnarep.rearrangements())
for (const auto& mut: dnarep.mutations())
// 3) All the mutations have been replayed, we can now evaluate the new individual
// if we are between "begin" and "end" and at the correct period, compute robustness
if ((time() >= begin)&&((time() < end)||(end == -1)))
if (((time() - begin) % period) == 0)
delete rep;
// Clean memory and exit
delete exp_manager;
delete [] output_file_name;
// delete mystats;
delete indiv;
// Treatment of one individual
void analyse_indiv(ExpManager* exp,
Individual* initial_indiv,
FILE* output,
int32_t ndiv) {
double initial_metabolic_error = initial_indiv->
double initial_secretion_error = initial_indiv->
double final_metabolic_error = 0.0;
double impact_on_metabolic_error = 0.0;
double final_secretion_error = 0.0;
double impact_on_secretion_error = 0.0;
const Habitat& habitat = initial_indiv->habitat();
Individual* indiv = nullptr;
int32_t i;
// Perform ndiv reproductions with mutations
for (i = 0; i < ndiv; i++) {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {
void analyze_indiv(Individual* indiv,
FILE* output_summary,
int32_t nb_indiv,
std::shared_ptr<JumpingMT> prng,
bool verbose)
double fracplus = 0;
double meanplus = 0;
double fracminus = 0;
double meanminus = 0;
double maxplus = 0;
double maxminus = 0;
double fracnull = 0;
int32_t nb_events = 0;
double indiv_metabolic_error = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM); const Habitat& habitat = indiv->habitat();
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nb_indiv; i++)
Individual* new_indiv = new Individual(indiv, 0, prng, prng);
// Perform transfer, rearrangements and mutations
if (not new_indiv->allow_plasmids()) {
const GeneticUnit* chromosome = &new_indiv->genetic_unit_list().front();
nb_events = chromosome->dna()->perform_mutations(indiv->id());
else {
printf("WARNING: Mutational Robustness does not handle multiple Genetic Units\n");
if (nb_events == 0)
double new_metabolic_error = new_indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
if (new_metabolic_error == indiv_metabolic_error)
if (new_metabolic_error > indiv_metabolic_error)
if ((new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error) > maxminus) maxminus = new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error;
meanminus += new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error;
if (new_metabolic_error < indiv_metabolic_error)
if ((new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error) < maxplus) maxplus = new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error;
meanplus += new_metabolic_error - indiv_metabolic_error;
delete new_indiv;
indiv = exp->sel()->do_replication(initial_indiv);
final_metabolic_error = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(METABOLISM);
impact_on_metabolic_error = final_metabolic_error - initial_metabolic_error;
final_secretion_error = indiv->dist_to_target_by_feature(SECRETION);
impact_on_secretion_error = final_secretion_error - initial_secretion_error;
fprintf(output, "%+.15f %+.15f \n",
delete indiv;
if (verbose) printf("f+: %f f0: %f f-:%f\n",fracplus,fracnull,fracminus);
if ( output_summary == NULL ){
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR : Could not create robustness_summary.txt\n");
fprintf(output, "\n");
fprintf(output_summary, "%lld %.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f %.15f\n",time(),fracplus/nb_indiv,fracnull/nb_indiv,fracminus/nb_indiv, meanplus/fracplus,meanminus/fracminus,maxplus,maxminus);
// Print help
void print_help(char* prog_name) {
%s is a post-treatment that generates and analyses a large quantity of mutants for all individuals in a backup.\
For each mutant we record the phenotypic effect on metabolism and on secretion.\n\n\
Usage: %s [-h] -r num_generation -o output_file_name -n num_mutants [-b] \n\
\t-h : display this screen\n\
\t-r num_generation : read the generation num_generation from a full aevol backup\n\
\t-o output_file_name : write the results in file output_file_name\n\
\t-n nb_mutants : generate and analyse nb_mutants per individual\n\
\t-b : only treat the best individual\n\n\
Example:\n\t%s -r 20000 -n 1000 -o toto.out\n",prog_name,prog_name,prog_name);
%s is a post-treatment that generates and analyses a large quantity of mutants for a lineage of ancestors.\
For each mutant we record the phenotypic effect on metabolism.\n\n\
Usage: %s [-h] -i input_file_name -o output_file_name [-b start_at_generation] [-e end_at_generation] [-p period] [-n num_mutants] [-r] [-h bin_size] [-v verbose] [-s mutation_seed]\n\
\t-h: display this screen\n\
\t-i input_file_name: lineage file to be analyzed\n\
\t-o output_file_name: name of the output file (to be written in ./stats/ancstats). In case of histogram output (-h) one file will be produced for each histogram and output_file_name will be postfixed with the generation number\n\
\t-b start_at_generation: first generation of the lineage to be analyzed (default: 0)\n\
\t-e end_at_generation: last generation of the lineage to be analyzed (default: last generation stored in the input file)\n\
\t-p period: temporal resolution of the analyze (default: 1)\n\
\t-n nb_mutants : generate and analyse nb_mutants per individual (default: 1000)\n\
\t-r: raw output; store the difference of metabolic error for each mutant generated (warning: the output file may quickly grow)\n\
\t-h bin_size: store the histogram with a bin_size resolution. One output file is generated for each histogram (postfixed with the generation number)\n\
\t-s mutation_seed: specify the seed to be used for the mutation random generator\n\n\
Example:\n\t%s -i lineage_file -o toto.out -b 4000 -e 5000 -p 10 -n 100000 -s 19769\n",prog_name,prog_name,prog_name);
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