Forked from
aevol / aevol
3384 commits behind, 93 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
David Parsons authoredDavid Parsons authored
create_eps.cpp 43.65 KiB
// ****************************************************************************
// Aevol - An in silico experimental evolution platform
// ****************************************************************************
// Copyright: See the AUTHORS file provided with the package or <>
// Web:
// E-mail: See <>
// Original Authors : Guillaume Beslon, Carole Knibbe, David Parsons
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// ****************************************************************************
// ============================================================================
// Includes
// ============================================================================
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <cerrno>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> // for the permission symbols used with mkdir
#include "aevol.h"
using namespace aevol;
// ========
// TO DO
// ========
// * option --color ?
// * Raevol-specific output (EPS file with the network) ?
// Command-line option variables
static int64_t timestep = -1;
static int32_t indiv_index = -1;
static int32_t indiv_rank = -1;
// Helper functions
void print_help(char* prog_path);
void interpret_cmd_line_options(int argc, char* argv[]);
// The height of each triangle is proportional to the product c*m,
// where c is the concentration of the protein and m its intrinsic efficacy
// (depending on its aminoacid sequence).
// In the case of Raevol, the concentration used here is the final one,
// i.e. the one reached after all the time steps of the lifetime.
// If a coding sequence has several promoters, only one triangle is drawn.
void draw_triangles(Individual* indiv, const PhenotypicTarget& target,
char* directoryName);
// In the case of Raevol, the profile is drawn using the final concentrations
// of the proteins, i.e. the ones reached after all the time steps of the
// lifetime.
void draw_pos_neg_profiles(Individual* indiv, const PhenotypicTarget& target,
char* directoryName);
// In the case of Raevol, the phenotype is drawn using the final concentrations
// of the proteins, i.e. the ones reached after all the time steps of the
// lifetime.
void draw_phenotype(Individual* indiv, const PhenotypicTarget& target,
char* directoryName);
// The chromosome is drawn as a circle. Coding sequences are represented by
// arcs starting at the start codon and ending at the stop codon.
// Coding sequences that are on the leading (resp. lagging) strand are
// drawn outside (resp. inside) the circle. If a coding sequence has several
// promoters, only one arc is drawn.
void draw_genetic_unit_with_CDS(GeneticUnit* gen_unit, char* directoryName);
// The chromosome is drawn as a circle. Transcribed sequences are represented
// by arcs starting at the first transcribed position and ending at the last
// transcribed position. mRNAs that are on the leading (resp. lagging) strand
// are drawn outside (resp. inside) the circle.
// mRNAs that include at least one coding sequence are black,
// the others are gray.
void draw_genetic_unit_with_mRNAs(GeneticUnit* gen_unit, char* directoryName);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
interpret_cmd_line_options(argc, argv);
printf("Creating eps files for generation %" PRId64 "...\n", timestep);
// =================================================================
// Read the backup file
// =================================================================
Individual* indiv;
// Load the simulation
ExpManager* exp_manager = new ExpManager();
exp_manager->load(timestep, true, false);
if (indiv_index == -1 && indiv_rank == -1) {
indiv = exp_manager->best_indiv();
else {
// TODO <> tmp disabled
// if (indiv_rank != -1) {
// indiv = new Individual(*exp_manager->indiv_by_rank(indiv_rank), false);
// }
// else {
// indiv = new Individual(*exp_manager->indiv_by_id(indiv_index), false);
// }
// The constructor of the exp_manager has read the genomes of the individuals
// and located their promoters, but has not performed the translation nor the
// phenotype computation. We must do it now.
// However, as the individuals in the backups are sorted, we don't need to
// evaluate all the individuals, only the one we are interested in
// =================================================================
// Create the EPS files
// =================================================================
char directory_name[64];
snprintf(directory_name, 63, "analysis-generation_" TIMESTEP_FORMAT,
// Check whether the directory already exists and is writable
if (access(directory_name, F_OK) == 0) {
// struct stat status;
// stat(directory_name, &status);
// if (status.st_mode & S_IFDIR) cout << "The directory exists." << endl;
// else cout << "This path is a file." << endl;
if (access(directory_name, X_OK | W_OK) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot enter or write in directory %s.\n", directory_name);
else {
// Create the directory with permissions : rwx r-x r-x
if (mkdir(directory_name,
fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot create directory %s.\n", directory_name);
// =================================================================
// Write the data in the EPS files
// =================================================================
GeneticUnit* indiv_main_genome = &indiv->genetic_unit_nonconst(0);
printf("Creating the EPS file with the triangles of the chosen individual... ");
draw_triangles(indiv, indiv->phenotypic_target(), directory_name);
printf("Creating the EPS file with the positive and negatives profiles of the chosen individual... ");
draw_pos_neg_profiles(indiv, indiv->phenotypic_target(), directory_name);
printf("Creating the EPS file with the phenotype of the chosen individual... ");
draw_phenotype(indiv, indiv->phenotypic_target(), directory_name);
printf("Creating the EPS file with the CDS of the chosen individual... ");
draw_genetic_unit_with_CDS(indiv_main_genome, directory_name);
printf("Creating the EPS file with the mRNAs of the chosen individual... ");
draw_genetic_unit_with_mRNAs(indiv_main_genome, directory_name);
delete exp_manager;
void draw_triangles(Individual* indiv, const PhenotypicTarget& target,
char* directoryName) {
const uint8_t bbsize = 200; // a4 paper: 595*842
double margin = 0.1;
double scalex = 0.8*(1 - 2*margin);
double scaley = 0.4*(1 - 2*margin);
char filename[128];
snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/best_triangles.eps", directoryName);
FILE * drawingfile = fopen(filename, "w");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d scale\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d 8 [100 0 0 -100 0 100]\n",bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "{currentfile 3 100 mul string readhexstring pop} bind\n");
// -----------------------------
// paint neutral zones in grey
// -----------------------------
if (target.nb_segments() > 1)
int16_t nb_segments = target.nb_segments();
PhenotypicSegment** segments = target.segments();
for (int16_t i = 0 ; i < nb_segments ; i++)
if (segments[i]->feature == NEUTRAL)
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 0 moveto\n", margin + scalex * segments[i]->start);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 1 lineto\n", margin + scalex * segments[i]->start);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 1 lineto\n", margin + scalex * segments[i]->stop);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 0 lineto\n", margin + scalex * segments[i]->stop);
fprintf(drawingfile, "closepath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.8 setgray\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "fill\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0 setgray\n");
// -----------
// draw axis
// -----------
double arrowsize = 0.03;
double arrowangle = 3.14/6;
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.001 setlinewidth\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n");
// axis X + arrow
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin/2, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 1-margin, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin-arrowsize*cos(arrowangle), 0.5 + arrowsize*sin(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 1-margin, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin-arrowsize*cos(arrowangle), 0.5 - arrowsize*sin(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// axis Y + arrow
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, margin/2);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin-arrowsize*sin(arrowangle), 1 - margin - arrowsize*cos(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin+arrowsize*sin(arrowangle), 1 - margin - arrowsize*cos(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// max degree = 1
fprintf(drawingfile, "[0.02 0.02] 0 setdash\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 0.5 + 1.0*scaley);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin, 0.5 + 1.0*scaley);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// ----------------
// draw triangles
// ----------------
fprintf(drawingfile,"[ ] 0 setdash\n");
double h;
for (auto& gu: indiv->genetic_unit_list_nonconst()) { // should use const version
for (const auto& prot: gu.protein_list(LEADING)) {
h = prot.height() * prot.concentration();
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scalex*(prot.mean() - prot.width()), 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scalex*(prot.mean()), 0.5 + scaley*(h));
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scalex*(prot.mean() + prot.width()), 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin + scalex*(1), 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
for (const auto& prot: gu.protein_list(LAGGING)) {
h = prot.height() * prot.concentration();
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scalex*(prot.mean() - prot.width()), 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scalex*(prot.mean()), 0.5 + scaley*(h));
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scalex*(prot.mean() + prot.width()), 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin + scalex*(1), 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
void draw_pos_neg_profiles(Individual* indiv, const PhenotypicTarget& target,
char* directoryName) {
const uint8_t bbsize = 200; // a4 paper: 595*842
double margin = 0.1;
double scale = 0.8*(1 - 2*margin);
char filename[128];
snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/best_pos_neg_profiles.eps", directoryName);
FILE * drawingfile = fopen(filename, "w");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d scale\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d 8 [100 0 0 -100 0 100]\n",bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "{currentfile 3 100 mul string readhexstring pop} bind\n");
// -----------------------------
// paint neutral zones in grey
// -----------------------------
if (target.nb_segments() > 1)
int16_t nb_segments = target.nb_segments();
PhenotypicSegment** segments = target.segments();
for (int16_t i = 0 ; i < nb_segments ; i++)
if (segments[i]->feature == NEUTRAL)
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 0 moveto\n", margin + scale * segments[i]->start);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 1 lineto\n", margin + scale * segments[i]->start);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 1 lineto\n", margin + scale * segments[i]->stop);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 0 lineto\n", margin + scale * segments[i]->stop);
fprintf(drawingfile, "closepath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.8 setgray\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "fill\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0 setgray\n");
// -----------
// draw axis
// -----------
double arrowsize = 0.03;
double arrowangle = 3.14/6;
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.001 setlinewidth\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n");
// axis X + arrow
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin/2, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 1-margin, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin-arrowsize*cos(arrowangle), 0.5 + arrowsize*sin(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 1-margin, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin-arrowsize*cos(arrowangle), 0.5 - arrowsize*sin(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// axis Y + arrow
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, margin/2);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin-arrowsize*sin(arrowangle), 1 - margin - arrowsize*cos(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin+arrowsize*sin(arrowangle), 1 - margin - arrowsize*cos(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// -----------------------
// draw positive profile
// -----------------------
fprintf(drawingfile,"[ ] 0 setdash\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.002 setlinewidth\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 0.5);
if (indiv->exp_m()->exp_s()->get_fuzzy_flavor() == 0)
for (const auto& p: ((Fuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_activ())->points())
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scale * p.x, 0.5 + scale * p.y);
for (int i=0; i < ((HybridFuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_activ())->get_pheno_size(); i++) {
int xi = (int) ( i / ((HybridFuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_activ())->get_pheno_size());
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin +
scale * xi, 0.5 + scale *
((HybridFuzzy*) indiv->phenotype_activ())->points()[i]);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n" );
// -----------------------
// draw negative profile
// -----------------------
fprintf(drawingfile,"[ ] 0 setdash\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.002 setlinewidth\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 0.5);
if (indiv->exp_m()->exp_s()->get_fuzzy_flavor() == 0)
for (const auto& p: ((Fuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_inhib())->points())
fprintf( drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scale * p.x, 0.5 + scale * p.y);
for (int i=0; i < ((HybridFuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_inhib())->get_pheno_size(); i++) {
int xi = (int) ( i / ((HybridFuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_inhib())->get_pheno_size());
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin +
scale * xi, 0.5 + scale *
((HybridFuzzy*) indiv->phenotype_inhib())->points()[i]);
fprintf( drawingfile, "stroke\n" );
void draw_phenotype(Individual* indiv, const PhenotypicTarget& target,
char* directoryName) {
const uint8_t bbsize = 200; // a4 paper: 595*842
double margin = 0.1;
double scale = 0.8*(1 - 2*margin);
char filename[128];
snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/best_phenotype.eps", directoryName);
FILE * drawingfile = fopen(filename, "w");
if (drawingfile == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create the file %s\n", filename);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d scale\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d 8 [100 0 0 -100 0 100]\n",bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "{currentfile 3 100 mul string readhexstring pop} bind\n");
// -----------------------------
// paint neutral zones in grey
// -----------------------------
if (target.nb_segments() > 1)
int16_t nb_segments = target.nb_segments();
PhenotypicSegment** segments = target.segments();
for (int16_t i = 0 ; i < nb_segments ; i++)
if (segments[i]->feature == NEUTRAL)
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 0 moveto\n", margin + scale * segments[i]->start);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 1 lineto\n", margin + scale * segments[i]->start);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 1 lineto\n", margin + scale * segments[i]->stop);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf 0 lineto\n", margin + scale * segments[i]->stop);
fprintf(drawingfile, "closepath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.8 setgray\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "fill\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0 setgray\n");
// -----------
// draw axis
// -----------
double arrowsize = 0.03;
double arrowangle = 3.14/6;
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.001 setlinewidth\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n");
// axis X + arrow
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin/2, margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin, margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 1-margin, margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin-arrowsize*cos(arrowangle), margin + arrowsize*sin(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 1-margin, margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin-arrowsize*cos(arrowangle), margin - arrowsize*sin(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// axis Y + arrow
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, margin/2);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin-arrowsize*sin(arrowangle), 1 - margin - arrowsize*cos(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, 1-margin);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin+arrowsize*sin(arrowangle), 1 - margin - arrowsize*cos(arrowangle));
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// max degree = 1
fprintf(drawingfile, "[0.02 0.02] 0 setdash\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, margin + 1*scale);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 1-margin, margin + 1*scale);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// ----------------
// draw phenotype
// ----------------
fprintf( drawingfile,"[ ] 0 setdash\n" );
fprintf( drawingfile, "0.002 setlinewidth\n" );
fprintf( drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, margin);
if (indiv->exp_m()->exp_s()->get_fuzzy_flavor() == 0)
for (const auto& p: ((Fuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_activ())->points())
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scale * p.x, margin + scale * p.y);
for (int i=0; i < ((HybridFuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_activ())->get_pheno_size(); i++) {
int xi = (int) ( i / ((HybridFuzzy*)indiv->phenotype_activ())->get_pheno_size());
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin +
scale * xi, margin + scale *
((HybridFuzzy*) indiv->phenotype_activ())->points()[i]);
fprintf( drawingfile, "stroke\n" );
// ------------------
// draw environment
// ------------------
fprintf( drawingfile,"[ ] 0 setdash\n" );
fprintf( drawingfile, "0.001 setlinewidth\n" );
fprintf( drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", margin, margin);
if (indiv->exp_m()->exp_s()->get_fuzzy_flavor() == 0)
for (const auto& p: ((Fuzzy*)target.fuzzy())->points())
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin + scale * p.x, margin + scale * p.y);
for (int i=0; i < ((HybridFuzzy*)target.fuzzy())->get_pheno_size(); i++) {
int xi = (int) ( i / ((HybridFuzzy*)target.fuzzy())->get_pheno_size());
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", margin +
scale * xi, margin + scale *
((HybridFuzzy*) target.fuzzy())->points()[i]);
fprintf( drawingfile, "stroke\n" );
void draw_genetic_unit_with_CDS(GeneticUnit* gen_unit, char* directoryName) {
const uint8_t bbsize = 200; // a4 paper: 595*842
int32_t gen_length = (gen_unit->dna())->length();
double r = 0.35;
double scale = 2*M_PI*r/gen_length;
char filename[128];
snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/best_genome_with_CDS.eps", directoryName);
FILE * drawingfile = fopen(filename, "w");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d scale\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d 8 [100 0 0 -100 0 100]\n",bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "{currentfile 3 100 mul string readhexstring pop} bind\n");
// -----------
// chromosome
// -----------
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.001 setlinewidth\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf 0 360 arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r); // arcn = clockwise arc
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// -----------
// scale
// -----------
double scalesize = 0.15;
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 0.5-scalesize/2, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 0.5+scalesize/2, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "/Helvetica findfont\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.035 scalefont\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "setfont\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 0.5-scalesize/3, 0.52);
fprintf(drawingfile, "(scale : %.0lf bp) show\n", scalesize/scale);
// -----------
// genes
// -----------
int32_t first;
int32_t last;
int8_t layer = 0;
int8_t outmost_layer = 1;
int16_t nb_sect;
int16_t rho;
int16_t angle;
bool sectors_free;
int16_t alpha_first;
int16_t alpha_last;
int16_t theta_first;
int16_t theta_last;
// To handle gene overlaps, we remember where we have aldready drawn
// something, with a precision of 1 degree. We handle up to 100 layers:
// - 50 layers inside the circle (lagging strand),
// - 50 layers outside the cricle (leading strand).
// At first, only one layer is created, we create new layers when we
// need them.
bool* occupied_sectors[2][50];
occupied_sectors[LEADING][0] = new bool[360];
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][0] = new bool[360];
for (int16_t angle = 0 ; angle < 360 ; angle++)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][0][angle] = false;
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][0][angle] = false;
// printf("LEADING\n");
for (const auto& prot: gen_unit->protein_list(LEADING)) {
first = prot.first_translated_pos();
last = prot.last_translated_pos();
// h = prot.height() * prot.concentration();
alpha_first = (int16_t) round((double)(360 * first) / (double)gen_length); // == sect1 == alphaB
alpha_last = (int16_t) round((double)(360 * last) / (double)gen_length); // == sect2 == alphaA
theta_first = Utils::mod(90 - alpha_first, 360); // == tetaB
theta_last = Utils::mod(90 - alpha_last, 360); // == tetaA
if (theta_first == theta_last) theta_first = Utils::mod(theta_first + 1, 360);
nb_sect = Utils::mod(theta_first - theta_last + 1, 360);
// Outside the circle, look for the inmost layer that has all the sectors between
// theta_first and theta_last free
layer = 0;
sectors_free = false;
while (! sectors_free)
sectors_free = true;
for (rho = 0 ; rho < nb_sect ; rho++)
if (occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first - rho, 360)])
sectors_free = false;
if (sectors_free)
break; // All the needed sectors are free on the current layer
if ((layer >= outmost_layer) && (layer < 49))
// Add a new layer (actually, 2 layers, to maintain the symmetry)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][outmost_layer] = new bool[360];
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][outmost_layer] = new bool[360];
for (int16_t angle = 0 ; angle < 360 ; angle++)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][outmost_layer][angle] = false;
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][outmost_layer][angle] = false;
break; // A new layer is necessarily free, no need to look further
if (layer == 49)
// We shall not create a 51th layer, the CDS will be drawn on the
// layer, probably over another CDS
// printf("f %d, l %d, af %d, al %d, tf %d, tl %d, nbsect %d, layer %d\n", first, last, alpha_first, alpha_last, theta_first, theta_last, nb_sect, layer);
// Mark sectors to be drawn as occupied
for (rho = 0 ; rho < nb_sect ; rho++)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first - rho, 360)] = true;
// Mark flanking sectors as occupied
occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first + 1, 360)] = true;
occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first - nb_sect, 360)] = true;
// draw !
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.018 setlinewidth\n");
// fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf setrgbcolor\n", 1-(0.8*h/max_height + 0.2), 1-(0.8*h/max_height + 0.2),1-(0.8*h/max_height + 0.2));
layer++; // index starting at 0 but needed to start at 1
if (theta_last > theta_first)
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r + layer*0.02, theta_last, 360);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r + layer*0.02, 0, theta_first);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r + layer*0.02, theta_last, theta_first);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// printf("LAGGING\n");
for (const auto& prot: gen_unit->protein_list(LAGGING)) {
first = prot.first_translated_pos();
last = prot.last_translated_pos();
// h = prot.height() * prot.concentration();
alpha_first = (int16_t) round((double)(360 * first) / (double)gen_length);
alpha_last = (int16_t) round((double)(360 * last) / (double)gen_length);
theta_first = Utils::mod(90 - alpha_first, 360);
theta_last = Utils::mod(90 - alpha_last, 360);
if (theta_first == theta_last) theta_last = Utils::mod(theta_last + 1, 360);
nb_sect = Utils::mod(theta_last - theta_first + 1, 360);
// Inside the circle, look for the inmost layer that has all the sectors between
// theta_first and theta_last free
layer = 0;
sectors_free = false;
while (! sectors_free)
sectors_free = true;
for (rho = 0 ; rho < nb_sect ; rho++)
if (occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first + rho, 360)])
sectors_free = false;
if (sectors_free)
break; // All the needed sectors are free on the current layer
if ((layer >= outmost_layer) && (layer < 49))
// Add a new layer (actually, 2 layers, to maintain the symmetry)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][outmost_layer] = new bool[360];
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][outmost_layer] = new bool[360];
for (angle = 0 ; angle < 360 ; angle++)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][outmost_layer][angle] = false;
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][outmost_layer][angle] = false;
break; // A new layer is necessarily free, no need to look further
if (layer == 49)
// We shall not create a 51th layer, the CDS will be drawn on the
// layer, probably over another CDS
// printf("f %d, l %d, af %d, al %d, tf %d, tl %d, nbsect %d, layer %d\n", first, last, alpha_first, alpha_last, theta_first, theta_last, nb_sect, layer);
// Mark sectors to be drawn as occupied
for (rho = 0 ; rho < nb_sect ; rho++)
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first + rho, 360)] = true;
// Mark flanking sectors as occupied
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first - 1, 360)] = true;
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first + nb_sect, 360)] = true;
// draw !
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.018 setlinewidth\n");
// fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf setrgbcolor\n", 1-(0.8*h/max_height + 0.2), 1-(0.8*h/max_height + 0.2),1-(0.8*h/max_height + 0.2));
layer++; // index starting at 0 but needed to start at 1
if (theta_first > theta_last)
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r - layer*0.02, theta_first, 360);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r - layer*0.02, 0, theta_last);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r - layer*0.02, theta_first, theta_last);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
for (layer = 0 ; layer < outmost_layer ; layer++)
delete occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer];
delete occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer];
void draw_genetic_unit_with_mRNAs(GeneticUnit* gen_unit, char* directoryName) {
const uint8_t bbsize = 200; // a4 paper: 595*842
int32_t gen_length = (gen_unit->dna())->length();
double r = 0.35;
double scale = 2*M_PI*r/gen_length;
char filename[128];
snprintf(filename, 127, "%s/best_genome_with_mRNAs.eps", directoryName);
FILE * drawingfile = fopen(filename, "w");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d scale\n", bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%d %d 8 [100 0 0 -100 0 100]\n",bbsize, bbsize);
fprintf(drawingfile, "{currentfile 3 100 mul string readhexstring pop} bind\n");
// -----------
// chromosome
// -----------
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.001 setlinewidth\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf 0 360 arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r); // arcn = clockwise arc
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
// -----------
// scale
// -----------
double scalesize = 0.15;
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 0.5-scalesize/2, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf lineto\n", 0.5+scalesize/2, 0.5);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "/Helvetica findfont\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.035 scalefont\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "setfont\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf moveto\n", 0.5-scalesize/3, 0.52);
fprintf(drawingfile, "(scale : %.0lf bp) show\n", scalesize/scale);
// -----------
// mRNAs
// -----------
int32_t first;
int32_t last;
int8_t layer = 0;
int8_t outmost_layer = 1;
int16_t nb_sect;
int16_t rho;
int16_t angle;
bool sectors_free;
int16_t alpha_first;
int16_t alpha_last;
int16_t theta_first;
int16_t theta_last;
// To handle gene overlaps, we remember where we have aldready drawn
// something, with a precision of 1 degree. We handle up to 100 layers:
// - 50 layers inside the circle (lagging strand),
// - 50 layers outside the cricle (leading strand).
// At first, only one layer is created, we create new layers when we
// need them.
bool* occupied_sectors[2][50];
occupied_sectors[LEADING][0] = new bool[360];
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][0] = new bool[360];
for (int16_t angle = 0 ; angle < 360 ; angle++)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][0][angle] = false;
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][0][angle] = false;
for (const auto& rna: gen_unit->rna_list()[LEADING]) {
first = rna.first_transcribed_pos();
last = rna.last_transcribed_pos();
alpha_first = (int16_t) round((double)(360 * first) / (double)gen_length); // == sect1 == alphaB
alpha_last = (int16_t) round((double)(360 * last) / (double)gen_length); // == sect2 == alphaA
theta_first = Utils::mod(90 - alpha_first, 360); // == tetaB
theta_last = Utils::mod(90 - alpha_last, 360); // == tetaA
if (theta_first == theta_last) theta_first = Utils::mod(theta_first + 1, 360);
nb_sect = Utils::mod(theta_first - theta_last + 1, 360);
// Outside the circle, look for the inmost layer that has all the sectors between
// theta_first and theta_last free
layer = 0;
sectors_free = false;
while (! sectors_free)
sectors_free = true;
for (rho = 0 ; rho < nb_sect ; rho++)
if (occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first - rho, 360)])
sectors_free = false;
if (sectors_free)
break; // All the needed sectors are free on the current layer
if ((layer >= outmost_layer) && (layer < 49))
// Add a new layer (actually, 2 layers, to maintain the symmetry)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][outmost_layer] = new bool[360];
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][outmost_layer] = new bool[360];
for (int16_t angle = 0 ; angle < 360 ; angle++)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][outmost_layer][angle] = false;
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][outmost_layer][angle] = false;
break; // A new layer is necessarily free, no need to look further
if (layer == 49)
// We shall not create a 51th layer, the CDS will be drawn on the
// layer, probably over another CDS
// Mark sectors to be drawn as occupied
for (rho = 0 ; rho < nb_sect ; rho++)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first - rho, 360)] = true;
// Mark flanking sectors as occupied
occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first + 1, 360)] = true;
occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first - nb_sect, 360)] = true;
// draw !
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.018 setlinewidth\n");
if (rna.is_coding()) fprintf(drawingfile, "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n");
else fprintf(drawingfile, "0.7 0.7 0.7 setrgbcolor\n");
layer++; // index starting at 0 but needed to start at 1
if (theta_last > theta_first)
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r + layer*0.02, theta_last, 360);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r + layer*0.02, 0, theta_first);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r + layer*0.02, theta_last, theta_first);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
for (const auto& rna: gen_unit->rna_list()[LAGGING]) {
first = rna.first_transcribed_pos();
last = rna.last_transcribed_pos();
alpha_first = (int16_t) round((double)(360 * first) / (double)gen_length);
alpha_last = (int16_t) round((double)(360 * last) / (double)gen_length);
theta_first = Utils::mod(90 - alpha_first, 360);
theta_last = Utils::mod(90 - alpha_last, 360);
nb_sect = Utils::mod(alpha_first - alpha_last + 1, 360);
// Inside the circle, look for the inmost layer that has all the sectors between
// theta_first and theta_last free
layer = 0;
sectors_free = false;
while (! sectors_free)
sectors_free = true;
for (rho = 0 ; rho < nb_sect ; rho++)
if (occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first + rho, 360)])
sectors_free = false;
if (sectors_free)
break; // All the needed sectors are free on the current layer
if ((layer >= outmost_layer) && (layer < 49))
// Add a new layer (actually, 2 layers, to maintain the symmetry)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][outmost_layer] = new bool[360];
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][outmost_layer] = new bool[360];
for (angle = 0 ; angle < 360 ; angle++)
occupied_sectors[LEADING][outmost_layer][angle] = false;
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][outmost_layer][angle] = false;
break; // A new layer is necessarily free, no need to look further
if (layer == 49)
// We shall not create a 51th layer, the CDS will be drawn on the
// layer, probably over another CDS
// Mark sectors to be drawn as occupied
for (rho = 0 ; rho < nb_sect ; rho++)
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first + rho, 360)] = true;
// Mark flanking sectors as occupied
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first - 1, 360)] = true;
occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer][Utils::mod(theta_first + nb_sect, 360)] = true;
// draw !
fprintf(drawingfile, "0.018 setlinewidth\n");
if (rna.is_coding()) fprintf(drawingfile, "0 0 0 setrgbcolor\n");
else fprintf(drawingfile, "0.7 0.7 0.7 setrgbcolor\n");
layer++; // index starting at 0 but needed to start at 1
if (theta_first > theta_last)
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r - layer*0.02, theta_first, 360);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r - layer*0.02, 0, theta_last);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "newpath\n");
fprintf(drawingfile, "%lf %lf %lf %d %d arc\n", 0.5, 0.5, r - layer*0.02, theta_first, theta_last);
fprintf(drawingfile, "stroke\n");
for (layer = 0 ; layer < outmost_layer ; layer++)
delete occupied_sectors[LEADING][layer];
delete occupied_sectors[LAGGING][layer];
* \brief print help and exist
void print_help(char* prog_path) {
// Get the program file-name in prog_name (strip prog_path of the path)
char* prog_name; // No new, it will point to somewhere inside prog_path
if ((prog_name = strrchr(prog_path, '/'))) {
else {
prog_name = prog_path;
printf("* *\n");
printf("* aevol - Artificial Evolution *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* Aevol is a simulation platform that allows one to let populations of *\n");
printf("* digital organisms evolve in different conditions and study experimentally *\n");
printf("* the mechanisms responsible for the structuration of the genome and the *\n");
printf("* transcriptome. *\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("%s:\n", prog_name);
printf("\tCreates EPS files with the triangles, the positive and negative\n");
printf("\tprofiles, the phenotype, the CDS and the mRNAs of the\n");
printf("\tindividual of interest.\n");
printf("Usage : %s -h or --help\n", prog_name);
printf(" or : %s -V or --version\n", prog_name);
printf(" or : %s [-t TIMESTEP] [-I INDEX | -R RANK]\n",
printf(" -h, --help\n\tprint this help, then exit\n");
printf(" -V, --version\n\tprint version number, then exit\n");
printf(" -t, --timestep TIMESTEP\n");
printf("\tspecify timestep of the individual of interest\n");
printf(" -I, --index INDEX\n");
printf("\tspecify the index of the individual of interest\n");
printf(" -R, --rank RANK\n");
printf("\tspecify the rank of the individual of interest\n");
void interpret_cmd_line_options(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Define allowed options
const char * options_list = "hVI:R:t:";
static struct option long_options_list[] = {
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' },
{"index", required_argument, NULL, 'I'},
{"rank", required_argument, NULL, 'R'},
{"timestep", required_argument, NULL, 't' },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
// Get actual values of the command-line options
int option;
while ((option = getopt_long(argc, argv, options_list,
long_options_list, NULL)) != -1) {
switch (option) {
case 'h' : {
case 'V' : {
case 'I' : {
indiv_index = atol(optarg);
case 'R' : {
indiv_rank = atol(optarg);
case 't' : {
if (strcmp(optarg, "") == 0) {
printf("%s: error: Option -t or --timestep: missing argument.\n",
timestep = atol(optarg);
// If timestep wasn't provided, use default
if (timestep < 0) {
timestep = OutputManager::last_gener();
// If neither the rank nor the index were provided, the individual of interest
// will be the best individual at the provided timestep