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Commit a5ac7963 authored by CORNILLET Remi's avatar CORNILLET Remi
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Merge branch 'Jeremysversion' into 'main'

jeremy's vectorization

See merge request !3
parents 20a88f13 a4ca8bbb
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1 merge request!3jeremy's vectorization
......@@ -10,19 +10,20 @@ import torch as tn
import numpy as np
def log_mat(v):
n, m = v.shape
w = tn.zeros(n, m, dtype=tn.float64)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
w[i, j] = np.log(v[i, j])
return w
return tn.log(v)
#n, m = v.shape
#w = tn.zeros(n, m, dtype=tn.float64)
#for i in range(n):
#for j in range(m):
#w[i, j] = np.log(v[i, j])
#return w
def simplex_prox_mat(v, z=1):
For a given matrix V seen as a collection of vectors, return the matrix W
with all vectors being the L2 projection of V's on the simplex.
Warning : it does promote sparcity in each vector due to L2 projection,
Warning : it does promote sparsity in each vector due to L2 projection,
this may be problematic within the code to use that if not needed.
......@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ def simplex_prox_mat(v, z=1):
# Tu veux que ca marche en colonne pour la matrice v j'imagine?
# je propose de modifier comme ca, c'est pareil mais plus lisible je trouve
# TODO: POT is slow... consider using self-make implem
n, m = v.shape
w = tn.zeros(n, m, dtype=tn.float64)
for i in range(m):
......@@ -67,11 +69,12 @@ def simplex_norm(v) :
w = tn.zeros(n, m, dtype = tn.float64)
if not(tn.all(vprime == v)) :
print("\nWarning : The entry vector had a negative value. It has been removed but it may be an issue somehow, somewhen, somewhere. \n")
# Pourquoi faire ca? si on normalise on normalise, et puis c'est tout. Tu peux laisser le print mais normalise v pas vprime
for i in range(m):
w[:, i] = vprime[:,i] / sum(vprime[:,i])
return w
def e_vec(v):
def e_vec(v):
Non-negativity constraint, compute the Frobenius inner product of v with log(v), v being a vector
the log been calculated elementwise. This function is concave.
......@@ -88,12 +91,15 @@ def e_vec(v):
Result of \langle v, \log(v) \rangle
n = v.shape[0]
temp = 0
for i in range(n):
if v[i]!=0:
temp += v[i]*np.log(v[i])
return temp
# Useless function?
return tn.sum(v*tn.log(v))
#n = v.shape[0]
#temp = 0
#for i in range(n):
#if v[i]!=0:
#temp += v[i]*np.log(v[i])
#return temp
def e_mat(v):
......@@ -111,13 +117,14 @@ def e_mat(v):
Result of \langle v, \log(v) \rangle
n, m = v.shape
temp = 0
for j in range(m):
for i in range(n):
if v[i, j]!=0:
temp += v[i, j]*np.log(v[i, j])
return temp
#n, m = v.shape
#temp = 0
#for j in range(m):
#for i in range(n):
#if v[i, j]!=0:
#temp += v[i, j]*np.log(v[i, j])
#return temp
def e_dual(v):
......@@ -134,11 +141,14 @@ def e_dual(v):
The value of the dual of e for the given vector v
n = v.shape[0]
temp = 0
for i in range(n):
temp += np.exp(v[i])
return - np.log(temp)
# note: only for 1d input
return - tn.logsumexp(v, 0)
#return -tn.log(tn.sum(tn.exp(v)))
#n = v.shape[0]
#temp = 0
#for i in range(n):
#temp += np.exp(v[i])
#return - np.log(temp)
def grad_e_dual(v):
......@@ -155,11 +165,12 @@ def grad_e_dual(v):
softmax(v), nonnegative and sum to 1.
n = v.shape[0]
w = tn.zeros(n, dtype=tn.float64)
for i in range(n):
w[i] = np.exp(v[i])
return -w/sum(w)
return -tn.softmax(v,0)
#n = v.shape[0]
#w = tn.zeros(n, dtype=tn.float64)
#for i in range(n):
#w[i] = np.exp(v[i])
#return -w/sum(w)
def f_vec(source, aim, cost, ent, method = 'sinkhorn', numItermax = 1000, thr = 1e-9, verbose = False):
......@@ -236,6 +247,7 @@ def f_mat(source, aim, cost, ent, method = 'sinkhorn', numItermax = 1000, thr =
Sum of the distances between the source's and aim's vectors
# TODO: merge with vec version? annoying to have two different functions for mat and vec.
temp = 0
n, m = source.shape
for j in range(m):
......@@ -327,29 +339,33 @@ def matK(cost, ent):
$K = e^{-Cost/ent}$
n, m = cost.shape
w = tn.zeros(n, m, dtype=tn.float64)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
w[i, j] = np.exp(-cost[n, m]/ent)
return w
return tn.exp(-cost/ent)
#n, m = cost.shape
#w = tn.zeros(n, m, dtype=tn.float64)
#for i in range(n):
#for j in range(m):
#w[i, j] = np.exp(-cost[n, m]/ent)
#return w
def vecA(g, ent):
n = g.shape[0]
w = tn.zeros(n, dtype=tn.float64)
for i in range(n):
w[i] = np.exp(g[i]/ent)
return w
# nom pas clair
return tn.exp(g/ent)
#n = g.shape[0]
#w = tn.zeros(n, dtype=tn.float64)
#for i in range(n):
#w[i] = np.exp(g[i]/ent)
#return w
def f_dual(g, aim, ent, matK):
alpha = vecA(g, ent)
s = 0
n = aim.shape[0]
matKalpha = log_mat(tn.matmul(matK, alpha))
for i in range(n):
s += aim[i]*matKalpha[i]
a = e_vec(aim) + s
return ent * a
#alpha = vecA(g, ent)
#s = 0
#n = aim.shape[0]
matKalpha = log_mat(tn.matmul(matK, vecA(g, ent)))
return ent*(e_vec(aim) + tn.sum(aim*matKalpha))
#for i in range(n):
#s += aim[i]*matKalpha[i]
#a = e_vec(aim) + s
#return ent * a
def grad_f_dual(g, aim, ent, matK):
......@@ -375,6 +391,6 @@ def grad_f_dual(g, aim, ent, matK):
matKT = tn.transpose(matK, 0, 1)
alpha = vecA(g, ent)
a = tn.mul(matKT, tn.div(aim, tn.matmul(matK, alpha)))
b = tn.mul(alpha, a)
return b
a = matKT*(aim/tn.matmul(matK, alpha))
return alpha*a
#return b
......@@ -54,10 +54,8 @@ def pb(w, h, sigma, data, dictionary, reg, ent, rho1, rho2, cost,
Total cost of the primal problem.
temp = 0
n, m = data.shape
approx = tn.matmul(w, h)
temp += dg.f_mat(source = approx, aim = data, cost = cost, ent = ent,
temp = dg.f_mat(source = approx, aim = data, cost = cost, ent = ent,
method = method, numItermax= numItermax, thr = thr,
verbose = False, log = False, warn = False)
temp -= rho1 * dg.e_mat(w) + rho2 * dg.e_mat(h)
......@@ -98,18 +96,31 @@ def pb_dual(g1, g2, rho1, h, data, sigma, dictionary, reg, ent, matK):
n1, m1 = g1.shape
_, m1 = g1.shape
_, m2 = g2.shape
temp = 0
for j in range(m2):
temp += rho1 * dg.e_dual( (tn.matmul(g1, tn.transpose(h, 0, 1))[:,j] + g2[:,j])/rho1 )
for j in range(m1):
temp -= dg.f_dual(g1[:,j], data[:,j], ent, matK)
for j in range(m2):
temp -= reg * dg.f_dual(g2[:,j]/reg, dictionary[:,sigma[j]], ent, matK)
# j'ai utilisé directement les fonctions natives de pytroch -> pas de boucle
temp = -rho1 * tn.sum(tn.logsumexp(tn.matmul(g1, tn.transpose(h, 0, 1)) + g2/rho1, 0))
#for j in range(m2):
#temp2 += rho1 * dg.e_dual( (tn.matmul(g1, tn.transpose(h, 0, 1))[:,j] + g2[:,j])/rho1 )
temp2 = 0
matKT = tn.transpose(matK, 0, 1)
#alpha = vecA(g, ent)
#a = matKT*(aim/tn.matmul(matK, alpha))
#return alpha*a
# TODO: correct bug in dimensions
temp += (g1/ent)*matKT*data/tn.matmul(matKT, tn.exp(g1/ent))
#for j in range(m1):
#temp2 += dg.f_dual(g1[:,j], data[:,j], ent, matK)
# restrict dictionary to sigma
# TODO: idem dimensions problem
dic_sigma = dictionary[:,sigma]
temp += -reg*(g2/reg/ent)*matKT*dic_sigma/tn.matmul(matKT, tn.exp(g2/ent/reg))
#for j in range(m2):
#temp3 -= reg * dg.f_dual(g2[:,j]/reg, dictionary[:,sigma[j]], ent, matK)
return temp
def grad1_pb_dual(g1, g2, rho1, h, data, ent, matK):
......@@ -145,12 +156,20 @@ def grad1_pb_dual(g1, g2, rho1, h, data, ent, matK):
hT = tn.transpose(h,0,1)
for j in range(m2):
temp += tn.matmul(dg.grad_e_dual((tn.matmul(g1,hT)[:,j] + g2[:,j])/rho1), hT)
for j in range(m1):
temp -= dg.grad_f_dual(g1[:,j], data[:,j], ent, matK)
# pas de boucle stp!!
a = -tn.softmax((tn.matmul(g1,hT) + g2)/rho1, 0)
temp += tn.sum(tn.matmul(a, h), 1) # not ht ??
#for j in range(m2):
#temp += tn.matmul(dg.grad_e_dual((tn.matmul(g1,hT)[:,j] + g2[:,j])/rho1), hT) ##??
toto = -dg.grad_f_dual(g1, data, ent, matK) # should work out of the box
#for j in range(m1):
# temp -= dg.grad_f_dual(g1[:,j], data[:,j], ent, matK)
return temp
def grad2_pb_dual(g1, g2, rho1, h, sigma, dictionary, reg, ent, matK):
......@@ -190,6 +209,7 @@ def grad2_pb_dual(g1, g2, rho1, h, sigma, dictionary, reg, ent, matK):
hT = tn.transpose(h, 0, 1)
# TODO: comme au dessus
for j in range(m2):
temp += dg.grad_e_dual((tn.matmul(g1,hT)[:,j] + g2[:,j])/rho1)
temp += dg.grad_f_dual(g2[:,j]/reg, dictionary[:,sigma[j]], ent, matK)
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ class TestClass:
v = tn.zeros(2, 3, dtype=tn.float64)
x[1, 1] = 2
v[1, 1] = np.log(2)
assert tn.all(x == log_mat(v))
# changed x to v
assert tn.all(v == log_mat(x))
def test_simplex_prox_mat_projection():
x = tn.ones(2, 3, dtype=tn.float64)
import wdnmf_dual as wd
import torch as tn
from wdnmf_dual.methods.grad_pb_dual import pb_dual, grad1_pb_dual
n = 3
m = 4
r = 2
rho1 = 1
g1 = tn.randn(n,m)
W = tn.rand(n,r)
h = tn.rand(r,m)
data = W@h
sigma = [0,1]
reg = 1
ent = 1
matK = tn.rand(n,m) #??
dictionary = tn.rand(n,2)
out = pb_dual(g1, W, rho1, h, data, sigma, dictionary, reg, ent, matK)
out2 = grad1_pb_dual(g1, W, rho1, h, data, ent, matK)
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