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RELEASE 2020.07

RIOT-2020.07 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.

RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).

RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.

About this release:

The 2020.07 release puts a focus on the improvement of automated testing. In
that vein, various new CI integrations such as CircleCI for documentation
building and online presentation, and Github Actions to check the tooling of
RIOT when merged. The `riotctrl_shell` python module allows to abstract shell
commands as python methods for testing using the newly created `riotctrl`
python package [1]. Kconfig migration reached phase 2 with various board
features being exposed to Kconfig. New network protocols were ported for RIOT
such as MQTT (in form of the `paho-mqtt` package) and the lookup client
component for CoRE RD `cord_lc`. The OpenWSN network stack with 6TiSCH support
was reintegrated into RIOT. Support for several new boards and new sensors was
added. Additionally, this release contains a number of bug fixes and test

546 pull requests, composed of 10452 commits, have been merged since the
last release, and 84 issues have been solved. 64 people contributed with
code in 106 days. 2371 files have been touched with 822149 (+) insertions and
700313 deletions (-).


Notations used below:

    + means new feature/item
    * means modified feature/item
    - means removed feature/item

New features and changes

* core: make idle thread optional
+ macros/units: add unit conversion helper macros
+ msg: add message bus
* panic: launch USB bootloader on crash for easy recovery

System libraries
* auto_init: automatically determine auto_init_*.c
* base64: Clean up / improve implementation
+ hashes: add sha224 and reuse sha256 code
+ luid: provide luid_get_lb()
+ phydat: added phydat to JSON converter
+ posix: initial import of select() function (only support sockets for now)
* ps: show free stack space in addition to used and total
* shell:
  + add optional hooks for shell commands
  * native: stop RIOT when the shell reads EOF
  * refactor readline function
  * refactor tokenizer code
+ shell_commands:
  * alias ping=ping6
  + provide command to reboot to bootloader
+ stdio_semihosting: Initial include of Semihosting-based STDIO
+ touch_dev: add generic API for touch device
+ trace: add trace module
+ pm: Add pm_get_blocker()
* random:
  + add option to use HWRNG as source of randomness
  * optimize sha1prng
* usb:
  * allow for boards to define default custom VID/PID
  * warn on test-ID usage in a unified location
+ xtimer: xtimer_rmutex_lock_timeout
* ztimer:
  + add power management for ztimer clocks

+ cord: add CoRE RD lookup client implementation
+ gcoap: add CoAP ping request
* gnrc:
  + gnrc_ipv6_ext_opt: initial import of hop-by-hop and destination option
  * gnrc_netif:
    + add IPv6 event bus
    + add option for non-std 6lo MTU
    + add support for internal event loop
    * use gnrc_netif-submodules to pull in upper-layer struct members
  * gnrc_nettype: indirect NETTYPE definition via pseudo-modules
  * gnrc_pktdump: fix dependencies
  * gnrc_tcp:
    + add retransmission timer
    * rewrite API internal messaging
    * rewrite recv buffer allocation/returning
  * use exponent to configure message queue sizes
* nanocoap: allow coap_opt_add_string() for non-zero-terminated strings
+ netif: add functions to get and get by identifier
+ sock_dtls: provide getter function for UDP sock
* sock_util: add interface descriptor parsing to str2ep

* pkg: rework checkout process
  * avoid copying Makefiles in package source when possible
  * store packages sources in a global package directory
* pkg: cleanup build system integration for
  - cryptoauthlib, openthread, semtech-loramac, tinydtls, wakaama, u8g2,
    ucglib, wolfssl
* pkg: tools: ensure cmake based packages/tools are built out-of-source
+ cryptoauthlib: wake pulse implementation for CPUs supporting
+ emlearn: add support to RIOT
* gecko_sdk: update to v2.7.6
* lwip:
  * add IPv4 support for `netdev_tap`
  * add support for nrf802154
  * enable IPv4/IPv6 dual stack mode
  + lwip_sock: provide implementation for `sock_*_recv_buf()`
- lua: remove unnecessary patch
+ paho-mqtt: add package and example
* nimble:
  + add static connection manager `statconn`
  * netif:
    * set host thread prio to 1
    * simplify mbuf pool initialization
  * update NimBLE ver (cd7d7aa286) + timing param cleanup
+ openwsn: re-integrate the network stack as a package
* tinydtls:
  + add `sock_async` support for `sock_dtls`
  + use latest development version (eda63f000c)
* ucglib: refactoring and fixes

+ cc1352p-launchpad: add support
* common/blxxxpill:
  + provide periph_rtt
  * improve adc
+ dwm1001: add support to Decawave DWM1001 dev board
+ mcb2388: misc enhancements
+ nrf52840-dongle: add support
+ nrf52840dk: Add MTD configuration
+ nucleo-g474re: add support
* pic32-clicker: rename to 6lowpan-clicker
+ samr30-xpro: add SPI dev for ext pin header
+ samr3x-xpro: add riotboot feature
+ serpente: add support
+ sltb001a: enable CCS811 sensor
+ sodaq-sff: add support for SODAQ SFF
+ stm32f429i-disco: add support
+ weact-f411ce: add support
+ wemos-zero: add support

* arm7_common: Update to inlineable IRQ API
* atmega_common: Update to inlineable IRQ API
* cortexm:
  + allow to define reserved fields in CortexM vector table
  * "free" SVC
* cc26x2_cc13x2:
  * add oscillator switching functions
  * add periph_i2c implementation
  * trim device registers on `cpu_init`
* esp32:
  * support of multiple heaps for newlib malloc
  * replace RTC implementation by RTT implementation
* fe310: migrate to inlined IRQ API
+ kinetis: implement power modes for pm_layered
* lpc2387:
  * pm: enable SLEEP & POWERDOWN mode
  * timer: use lpc2387_pclk_scale()
+ mips_pic32_common: Implement GPIO IRQ
+ native:
  + add periph_eeprom driver implementation
  * rename trace -> backtrace
+ nrf52:
  + add black magic probe config
  + add missing vendor files
  + implement EasyDMA-based SPI peripheral implementation
+ nrf52811: initial support
* nrf5x_common:
  * add configurable RTT_FREQUENCY
  * enable bias correction in hwrng
* sam0_common:
  + add DMA peripheral driver
  + add PWM support for saml21, samd5x
  + implement periph/dac
  * make SPI peripheral DMA compatible
  * move PWM to common code
  * spi: move clk pin muxing into spi_acquire / spi_release
  + UART: implement inverted RX & TX
* samd21: PWM don't hard-code number of channels to 3
* samd5x: allow to use XOSC as clock source
* saml1x: pm: set deep flag
+ stm32:
  + add QDEC support for CPU_FAM_STM32F1
  + add non-blocking UART
  * decrease latency in SPI DMA path
  + implement reset to bootloader
  * filter availability of RNG by CPU not by board
  * stm32_common: make RTT_FREQUENCY configurable
  + stm32f4: Add DMA config for SPI
  + stm32g4: add support

Device Drivers
+ atwinc15x0: add WiFi netdev driver
+ at: Add at_urc_isr module to process URCs upon arrival
+ at24cxxx: MTD wrapper for at24cxxx
+ at86rf215:
  + implement MR-O-QPSK
  + implement MR-OFDM
+ at86rf2xx: add support for high data rates
+ dfplayer: New driver for the DFPlayer Mini MP3 player
* ethos: use luid_get_eui48()
+ edbg_eui: add driver to get MAC address from Atmel EDBG
+ mhz19: initial support
+ mrf24j40: add Turbo Mode
+ mtd_spi_eeprom: add MTD wrapper for AT25XXX EEPROMs
+ pca9633: add new driver
+ periph/timer: add timer_set_periodic()
+ periph/i2c: add periph_i2c_reconfigure feature & implementation for sam0
+ periph/rtt: introduce RTT_MIN_OFFSET
+ periph/spi: add periph_spi_reconfigure feature & implementation for sam0
* pulse_counter: Use C11 atomics & bugfix
+ sdp3x : Add driver for sdp3x sensor

Build System / Tooling
+ make:
  + add code generator targets
  + add JLink support for stm32
  * add and use generic docker_run_make
  + allow multiple external board dirs
  + add info-boards-features-blacklisted
  * resolve dependencies before Makefile.include
+ riotctrl_shell:
  + initial import of shell interaction spawn
  + provide ipv6_nib interactions and parsers
  + provide netif interactions and parsers
+ tools:
  + add script to run radvd on a tun interface
  + provide tool to parse `pktbuf` output
  * kconfiglib:
    * add riot_kconfig to override default behaviours
    * kconfiglib: bump to v14.1.0

+ fuzzing framework:
  + add AFL-based fuzzing setup for network modules
  + add fuzzing application for gcoap
+ ci: setup github actions
+ sys/test_utils/dummy_thread: initial commit
+ tests/irq_disable_restore: Add test for irq_disable() / irq_restore()
+ tests/periph_spi: add benchmark for acquire / release
+ tests/periph_spi_dma: Add test for SPI with DMA
+ uncrustify: add auto uncrustify with blacklist

Kconfig migration
+ armv7_m/cortexm: declare CPU_ARCH and CPU_CORE
+ boards: Model features in Kconfig
  + arduino-leonardo, arduino-mega2560, atmega128x-based, atmega256rfr2-based,
    atmega328p-based, cc2538-based, cc26xx_cc13xx-based, efm32-based, esp-based,
    fe310-based, kinetis-based, msp430-based, samr21-xpro, slwstk6220a
* kconfig: Declare common feature symbols
+ drivers: Expose Configurations to Kconfig
  + ads101x, at, at86rf215, bmx055, cc110x, dose.h, fxos8700, hdc1000, isl29020,
    l3g4200d, lpsxxx, mag3110, mma8x5x, motor_driver, mtd_sdcard, opt3001,
    pn532, rn2xx3, slipdev, sps30, tcs37727, tmp00x
+ networking: Expose configurations to Kconfig
  + asymcute, coap, csma
  + gnrc:
    + gomach, lwmac, mac, pktdump, pktbuf, rpl, tcp
+ usbus/cdc/ecm: Expose configurations to Kconfig

API Changes
- cpu/sam0_common: drop prescaler from timer config
- cpu/sam0_common: PWM config now requires GCLK source
- drivers/mtd: Change API to return 0 on success
- drivers/mtd_mapper: count offset in sectors
- net/sock_dtls: provide getter function for UDP sock
- net/sock_dtls: add timeout to sock_dtls_send and add sock_dtls_session_init

    diff --git a/sys/include/net/sock/dtls.h b/sys/include/net/sock/dtls.h
    index 96569723fc..6e66048bd4 100644
    --- a/sys/include/net/sock/dtls.h
    +++ b/sys/include/net/sock/dtls.h
    @@ -476,6 +485,13 @@
     extern "C" {

    +#define DTLS_HANDSHAKE_BUFSIZE  (256)   /**< Size buffer used in handshake to
    +                                             hold credentials */
    +#define SOCK_DTLS_HANDSHAKE     (EXDEV) /**< Return value for a successful
    +                                             handshake */
      * @brief DTLS version number
    @@ -546,26 +564,26 @@ void sock_dtls_init(void);
     int sock_dtls_create(sock_dtls_t *sock, sock_udp_t *udp_sock,
                          credman_tag_t tag, unsigned version, unsigned role);

    - * @brief Creates a new DTLS session
    + * @brief Initialize session handshake.
    - * Initializes handshake process with a DTLS server  at @p ep.
    - *
    - * @param[in]  sock     DLTS sock to use
    - * @param[in]  ep       Remote endpoint of the session
    - * @param[out] remote   The created session, cannot be NULL
    + * Sends a ClientHello message to initialize the handshake. Call
    + * @ref sock_dtls_recv() to finish the handshake.
    - * @return  0 on success
    - * @return  -EAGAIN, if DTLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT is `0` and no data is available.
    - * @return  -EADDRNOTAVAIL, if the local endpoint of @p sock is not set.
    - * @return  -EINVAL, if @p remote is invalid or @p sock is not properly
    - *          initialized (or closed while sock_udp_recv() blocks).
    - * @return  -ENOBUFS, if buffer space is not large enough to store received
    - *          credentials.
    - * @return  -ETIMEDOUT, if timed out when trying to create session.
    + * @param[in] sock      DTLS sock to use
    + * @param[in] ep        Remote endpoint to start a handshake with
    + * @param[out] remote   Resulting session
    + *
    + * @return 1, if new handshake is started
    + * @return 0, if there is an existing session
    + * @return -ENOMEM, not enough memory to allocate for new peer
    + * @return -EADDRNOTAVAIL, if the local endpoint of @p sock is not set.
    + * @return -EINVAL, if @p remote is invalid or @p sock is not properly
    + *         initialized (or closed while sock_udp_recv() blocks).
    -int sock_dtls_session_create(sock_dtls_t *sock, const sock_udp_ep_t *ep,
    -                             sock_dtls_session_t *remote);
    +int sock_dtls_session_init(sock_dtls_t *sock, const sock_udp_ep_t *ep,
    +                           sock_dtls_session_t *remote);

      * @brief Destroys an existing DTLS session
    @@ -578,7 +596,7 @@ int sock_dtls_session_create(sock_dtls_t *sock, const sock_udp_ep_t *ep,
     void sock_dtls_session_destroy(sock_dtls_t *sock, sock_dtls_session_t *remote);

    - * @brief Decrypts and reads a message from a remote peer.
    + * @brief Receive handshake messages and application data from remote peer.
      * @param[in] sock      DTLS sock to use.
      * @param[out] remote   Remote DTLS session of the received data.
    @@ -593,7 +611,8 @@ void sock_dtls_session_destroy(sock_dtls_t *sock, sock_dtls_session_t *remote);
      * @note Function may block if data is not available and @p timeout != 0
    - * @return The number of bytes received on success
    + * @return  The number of bytes received on success
    + * @return  -SOCK_DTLS_HANDSHAKE when new handshake is completed
      * @return  -EADDRNOTAVAIL, if the local endpoint of @p sock is not set.
      * @return  -EAGAIN, if @p timeout is `0` and no data is available.
      * @return  -EINVAL, if @p remote is invalid or @p sock is not properly
    @@ -657,28 +676,32 @@ ssize_t sock_dtls_recv_buf(sock_dtls_t *sock, sock_dtls_session_t *remote,
      *                      if no session exist between client and server.
      * @param[in] data      Pointer where the data to be send are stored
      * @param[in] len       Length of @p data to be send
    + * @param[in] timeout   Handshake timeout in microseconds.
    + *                      If `timeout > 0`, will start a new handshake if no
    + *                      session exists yet. The function will block until
    + *                      handshake completed or timed out.
    + *                      May be SOCK_NO_TIMEOUT to block indefinitely until
    + *                      handshake complete.
    - * @note Function may block until a session is created if there is no
    - *       existing session with @p remote.
    - *
    - * @note Initiating a session through this function will require
    - * @ref sock_dtls_recv() called from another thread to receive the handshake
    - * messages.
    + * @note    When blocking, we will need an extra thread to call
    + *          @ref sock_dtls_recv() function to handle the incoming handshake
    + *          messages.
      * @return The number of bytes sent on success
    + * @return  -ENOTCONN, if `timeout == 0` and no existing session exists with
    + *          @p remote
      * @return  -EADDRINUSE, if sock_dtls_t::udp_sock has no local end-point.
      * @return  -EAFNOSUPPORT, if `remote->ep != NULL` and
      *          sock_dtls_session_t::ep::family of @p remote is != AF_UNSPEC and
      *          not supported.
    - * @return  -EHOSTUNREACH, if sock_dtls_session_t::ep of @p remote is not
    - *          reachable.
      * @return  -EINVAL, if sock_udp_ep_t::addr of @p remote->ep is an
      *          invalid address.
      * @return  -EINVAL, if sock_udp_ep_t::port of @p remote->ep is 0.
      * @return  -ENOMEM, if no memory was available to send @p data.
    + * @return  -ETIMEDOUT, `0 < timeout < SOCK_NO_TIMEOUT` and timed out.
     ssize_t sock_dtls_send(sock_dtls_t *sock, sock_dtls_session_t *remote,
    -                       const void *data, size_t len);
    +                       const void *data, size_t len, uint32_t timeout);

      * @brief Closes a DTLS sock
    @@ -694,6 +717,47 @@ ssize_t sock_dtls_send(sock_dtls_t *sock, sock_dtls_session_t *remote,
     void sock_dtls_close(sock_dtls_t *sock);

    + * @brief Creates a new DTLS session
    + *
    + *  Initiates a handshake with a DTLS server at @p ep and wait until it
    + * completes or timed out.
    + *
    + * @deprecated Will not be available after the 2020.10 release.
    + *             Please use @ref sock_dtls_session_init() and
    + *             @ref sock_dtls_recv() instead.
    + *
    + * @param[in]  sock     DLTS sock to use
    + * @param[in]  ep       Remote endpoint of the session
    + * @param[out] remote   The created session, cannot be NULL
    + * @param[in]  timeout  Timeout to wait for handshake to finish.
    + *                      Returns immediately if 0.
    + *                      May be SOCK_NO_TIMEOUT to wait indefinitely until
    + *                      handshake complete.
    + *
    + * @return  0 on success
    + * @return  -ENOMEM, if no memory to allocate for new peer
    + * @return  -EADDRNOTAVAIL, if the local endpoint of @p sock is not set.
    + * @return  -EINVAL, if @p remote is invalid or @p sock is not properly
    + *          initialized (or closed while sock_udp_recv() blocks).
    + */
    +static inline int sock_dtls_session_create(sock_dtls_t *sock, const sock_udp_ep_t *ep,
    +                                    sock_dtls_session_t *remote, unsigned timeout)
    +    int res;
    +    uint8_t buf[DTLS_HANDSHAKE_BUFSIZE];
    +    assert(sock);
    +    assert(remote);
    +    res = sock_dtls_session_init(sock, ep, remote);
    +    if (res <= 0) {
    +        return res;
    +    }
    +    return sock_dtls_recv(sock, remote, buf, sizeof(buf), timeout);
     #include "sock_dtls_types.h"

     #ifdef __cplusplus


- GNRC_MAC_ENABLE_DUTYCYCLE_RECORD: Will be removed after 2021.01 release. Use
- saul_reg_rm(): will be removed at a future date
- sock_dtls_session_create(): will be removed after 2020.10 release. Please
  use sock_dtls_session_init() and sock_dtls_recv() instead
- pkg/nordic_softdevice_ble: will be removed after the 2020.10 release

- netdev: remove NETOPT_IPV6_IID support for network devices

Known issues

Networking related issues (44)
        after debug break
        packet buffer
       assertion or completely without error

Timer related issues (17)
       _xtimer_now()  and irq_disable()

Drivers related issues (13)
        clock cycles

Native related issues (3)

Other platforms related issues (19)
        (not previous)

Build system related issues (13)

Other issues (41)
        shell after flashing with J-Link
       static_asserts in the same scope

There are 150 known issues in this release

Fixed Issues since the last release (2020.04)

        current page
        on Nucleo-f401re
       configured prefix

42 fixed issues since last release (2020.04)

We would like to thank all companies that provided us with hardware for porting
and testing RIOT-OS. Further thanks go to companies and institutions that
directly sponsored development time. And finally, big thanks to all of you
contributing in so many different ways to make RIOT worthwhile!

More information

Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list (
* RIOT OS users list (
* RIOT commits (
* Github notifications (

* Join the RIOT IRC channel at:, #riot-os

* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser
  General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Some external sources and packages are published under a separate license.

All code files contain licensing information.