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Disney's principled BRDF

MURRAY David requested to merge dmu_disney_cleanup into master

Implement Disney's BRDF, with all parameters from the paper from 2012. This is based on Leo's branch after doing some cleanup and improvments. Sum-up:

  • Working in both RGB & spectral.
  • Working with componentwise importance sampling.
  • Not working with textures.
  • Blender export is functionnal (limited to parameters from the 2012 paper).
  • Doc is up to date.

There is still a doubt about anisotropy. I get unexpected result with a sphere and a directionnal light. However, I am not sure if the problem is with wrongly computed tangents (which I am pretty sure is occurring), an error with how directionnal lights are handled (I already found some errors there, need further checking), or with how the BRDF is implemented on our side. Never the less, the rest of the branch is ready to be merged, and I will open issues related to the remaining problem: one to investigate each potential cause.

Edited by MURRAY David

Merge request reports