Mentions légales du service

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## Utilities

- Bug #1621: StrongType::Addable didn't work if one of theargument was constant.
- Support #1622: StrongType: introduce a facility to determinate whether a class is a strong type or not.
- Support #1623: StrongType: extend Comparable to encompass all the operators.
- Support #1627: Numeric: extend IsZero to also work in integral types (for metaprogramming purposes).

## ThirdParty

- Support #1626: MatrixPattern: add a functionality to visualize it.

## Geometry

- Design #1628: Interface: decommission GetVertexCoordsIndexList().
- Support #1629: Interface: make OrderCoordsList a free function.

## FiniteElement

- Support #1620: Use StrongType for NodeBearer program-wise index.

## Operators

- Feature #1577: Refactor FromVertexMatching interpolator, so that it works with the Dof initialized after the reduction (it was broken in v20.52).

## Test / CI

- Bug #1614: LuaOptionFile: redundancy test was working for wrong reasons...
- Support #1616: create sa new stage for IWYU and clang-format.

## PostProcessing

- Bug #1618: Post processing bug when more than one unknown solution is written.