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  • Laurent Bonnet's avatar
    ---------------------------------- · 651164b0
    Laurent Bonnet authored
    ==== 0.12.0 CHANGELOG ====
    Released 12th October 2011
      * ovILogListener : added log(time64) function to log listener interface.
      * ov_types.h : added the structure time64 to basic openvibe types. The
    structure only has one member : the uint64 value.
    openvibe-kernel :
      * fixed random crash on Ogre GTK widget initialization (the code was
    actually marked as deprecated so I updated to newer Glib API)
      * openvibe.conf : added tokens for the optional hexa output and time
    in seconds/precision for the log listeners.
      * ovkCLogListenerFile, ovkCLogListenerNull, ovkCLogListenerConsole :
    Added the log(time64) function to print time in seconds if
    ${Kernel_ConsoleLogTimeInSeconds} is set (default true for the console,
    false for the file); precision taken from
    ${Kernel_ConsoleLogTimePrecision} (default 3 digits). Modified the
    hexadecimal output to be optional with ${Kernel_ConsoleLogWithHexa}
    (default false for console, true for file).
      * ovkCLogManager : Added the log(time64) function.
      * ovkCAlgorithmContext; ovkCKernelContext; ovkCObjectVisitorContext;
    ovkCPluginModule;ovkCBoxListenerContext : added bridge function for
      * ovkCPlayerContext : added bridge function for log(time64), print log
    message prefix with time64 ("at time ...").
    openvibe-toolkit :
      * updated OpenViBEToolkit::Tools::String::split behavior so that it
    uses a callback object to store splitted tokens instead of a
    preallocated string array
      * ovtkTTrainingBoxAlgorithm : log all times and dates with time64
    typed values.
    === APPLICATIONS ===
      * ovdCLogListenerDesigner : Added the log(time64) function to print
    time in seconds if ${Designer_ConsoleLogTimeInSeconds} is set (default
    true); precision taken from ${Designer_ConsoleLogTimePrecision} (default
    3 digits). Modified the hexadecimal output to be optional with
    ${Designer_ConsoleLogWithHexa} (default false).
      * interface-Emotiv-EPOC.ui : added a folder selection to the local
    Emotiv SDK
      * ovasCConfigurationEmotivEPOC : added the Emotiv sdk path
      * ovasCDriverEmotivEPOC.cpp : delayload safe guard for first call to
      * ovasCAcquisitionServerGUI : added a token to save the path to emotiv
    SDK in the application config file.
      * interface-GTec-GUSBamp.ui : added a configuration dialog for common
    ground and ref selection among the 4 amp blocks. Added a configuration
    dialog for filter selection (notch and band pass).
      * ovasCConfigurationGTecGUSBamp : added gtk callbacks and references
    to save the new settings (common gnd & ref; filters)
      * ovasCDriverGTecGUSBamp : now uses the amplifier integrated filters
    and common ref and gnd  as requested by the user.
      * fixed a bug causing SSVEP_ShipAngularSpeed to be ignored
      - deleted the branch wip-goyat, since it will not be integrated
    === PLUGINS ===
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmSignalConcatenation.cpp : using time64 to log time
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmLuaStimulator.cpp : using time64 to log time values.
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmClassifierAccuracyMeasure.cpp : using time64 to log
    time values.
      - removed the branch wip-gionescu which was deprecated and will be
    integrated from another version of the code
      + ovpCBoxAlgorithmSynchro : Added an input synchronization box written
    by Gelu Ionescu & Matthieu Goyat modified by Nicolas Tarrin
      - doc/Doc_BoxAlgorithm_Synchro.dox-part : box renamed to Stream
      + Doc_BoxAlgorithm_StreamSynchronization.dox-part : box renamed
      + SimpleDSP : optionnaly allowed to have date mismatch while
    processing multiple inputs - this is usefull to contrast different ERPs
    (as for instance target vs non target) but should be used with care as
    the output is only produced when 1 chunk is available on each input
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmSynchro.h : changed box name to Stream
    Synchronization and category to Basic.
      * updated channel selector and channel rename to use the new split
    callback design
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmChannelSelector: inlined a function that is called
    quite often
      * ovpCBoxStimulationBasedEpoching : log all times and dates with
    time64 typed values.
      * ovpCSignalConcat.h : updated description to tell user to use the
    Signal concatenation box in file-io instead of this deprecated one.
      - Doc_BoxAlgorithm_SignalStreamConcatenation.dox-part : box renamed to
    Signal Concatenation
      + Doc_BoxAlgorithm_SignalConcatenation.dox-part : real doc page for
    the box.
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmSignalConcatenation : added a stim output that sends
    OVTK_StimulationId_EndOfFile upon successful concatenation. Fixed a bug
    when removing inputs resulting in bad reallocation and links of other
      * Doc_BoxAlgorithm_SignalConcatenation.dox-part : update for the new
      * electrode_set_standard_* : added the coordinates for electrode
    placements T7;T8;P7;P8 (same coordinates as T3, T4, T5, T6) -
      * CSV file writer : disabled trace message
    openvibe-plugins-streaming :
      * fixed bug in stream switch that caused header to be sent each time a
    new buffer is sent (it was not deprecated after being processed)
      * safely guard first call to matlab engine for delay-load library on
      * fixed the default settings for cross platform coherency
      * renamed inaccurate setting.
      * now user must specify the path to matlab. It is added on windows in
    the environment PATH. Settings are now properly saved at initialization
      * added the version of matlab to be installed in the error message
    (32bits). Fixed typo.
      * fix compilation problem on Linux.
      * Doc_BoxAlgorithm_MatlabFilter.dox-part : minor updates + added a
    note about matlab 64 bits uncompatibility
      * doc : images updated
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmStimulationListener : log all times and dates with
    time64 typed values.
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmClock : log all times and dates with time64 typed
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmOpenALSoundPlayer.cpp : resync stimulation date
      * ovpCBoxAlgorithmOpenALSoundPlayer.cpp : fixed a bug with "play"
    output stimulation not being sent under certain conditions.
      * Doc_BoxAlgorithm_XDAWNSpatialFilterTrainer.dox-part : updated
    "outputs" section of the documentation page.
    === RESOURCES ===
      + motor-imagery-replay.png : image for the MI-CSP documentation page
      * openvibe.dox : added reference to the motor-imagery-CSP scenarios
      * ExistingScenarios.dox : minor fix
      * faq.dox : fixed color in the compatibility table
      * faq.dox : updated the supported platform (added win7 64b official
    support --> lbonnet) and last built time. Added 0.11.0 functionalities +
      * header.html : updated the contacts on the left sidebar
    openvibe-website :
      * index.php : updated the news and download sections for the 0.11.0
      * build scripts : the matlab box is now in the default build order.
      * win32-openvibe-x.x.x-setup.nsi : added a warning about possible
    firewall problem when downloading DirectX (MantisId#0000058)
       * win32-build.cmd : added optional flags to customize the build
    process (use win32-build.cmd --help for usage)
       Usage: win32-build.cmd [Build Type] [Init-env Script]
         -- Build Type option can be : --release (-r) or --debug (-d).
    Default is release.
         -- Default Init-env script is: win32-init_env_command.cmd
      * win32-openvibe-x.x.x-setup.nsi : added AccessControl plugin call to
    give full r/w rights on the installation directory (problem on win7 32b)
      * FindThirdPartyUSBFirstAmpAPI.cmake : added the path to default
    install directory of the API on windows 7 (suffix "x86").
      * FindThirdPartyEmotivAPI.cmake : added the /DELAYLOAD flag in the
    link properties.
      * FindThirdPartyEmotivAPI.cmake : added a compilation option to delay
    the load of Edk.dll. removed the dll copy at post-build.
      * FindThirdPartyGUSBampCAPI.cmake : now search into the right path,
    for compatibility with the latest gtec API version (3.11). Added path
    for windows 7 64b edition (suffix "(x86)" in path).
      * FindThirdPartyMatlab.cmake : delay-load matlab dlls.
    git-svn-id: svn:// c330d7e9-fc0c-0410-a5b3-fd85c6f5aa8f