bug: Quick Fix ASR Trainer
IN ubuntu 18 (not 20) and in windows x86 Output isn't created.... So comparison must be removed quickly to restore CI next we investigate
Edited by MONSEIGNE Thibaut
La vérification des quotas de chaque projet est mise en place en mode non bloquant. Plus d'information sur : https://doc-si.inria.fr/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=146834656
Quota verification is enabled for projects in non-blocking mode. More information: https://doc-si.inria.fr/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=146834656
Mise à jour GitLab terminée. Nous sommes désormais en version 17.6.1 : https://about.gitlab.com/releases/2024/11/21/gitlab-17-6-released/
IN ubuntu 18 (not 20) and in windows x86 Output isn't created.... So comparison must be removed quickly to restore CI next we investigate