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  • morgane-fauvet's avatar
    [Scripts] Update windows-get-dependencies.ps1 in order to download files from... · ea1e754a
    morgane-fauvet authored
    [Scripts] Update windows-get-dependencies.ps1 in order to download files from extranet dependencies platform.
    * Remove `7zip_executable` from parameters and read it from register keys.
    * Add version build number to generated zip package.
    * Update to make unzip quiet.
    * Remove url column from manifest and replace it by a version item. Version is read when unzipping dependencies in order to only unzip dependencies whose versions are not up-to-date.
      Add base URL as first line of manifest.
    + Add new file windows-install-dependencies-auth.cmd-skeleton that can be copied to windows-install-dependencies-auth.cmd and updated with right credentials, to store more easily credentials.
    * Update file, to explain how to use the file `windows-install-dependencies-auth.cmd-skeleton` to install dependencies
    Tracker Reference: [CORE-604](
    [Scripts] Update windows-get-dependencies.ps1 in order to download files from...
    morgane-fauvet authored
    [Scripts] Update windows-get-dependencies.ps1 in order to download files from extranet dependencies platform.
    * Remove `7zip_executable` from parameters and read it from register keys.
    * Add version build number to generated zip package.
    * Update to make unzip quiet.
    * Remove url column from manifest and replace it by a version item. Version is read when unzipping dependencies in order to only unzip dependencies whose versions are not up-to-date.
      Add base URL as first line of manifest.
    + Add new file windows-install-dependencies-auth.cmd-skeleton that can be copied to windows-install-dependencies-auth.cmd and updated with right credentials, to store more easily credentials.
    * Update file, to explain how to use the file `windows-install-dependencies-auth.cmd-skeleton` to install dependencies
    Tracker Reference: [CORE-604](