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Commit ad0165e5 authored by SIMONIN Matthieu's avatar SIMONIN Matthieu
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svc/locust: updates

parent 73cc0569
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from pathlib import Path
import time
from locust import User, task, between, events
class QuickstartUser(User):
wait_time = between(1, 2.5)
def sleep1(self):
# faking a 1 second request
\ No newline at end of file
from enoslib import *
import enoslib as en
provider_conf = {
"backend": "libvirt",
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ provider_conf = {
"roles": ["master"],
"flavour": "tiny",
"number": 1,
}, {
"roles": ["agent"],
"flavour": "tiny",
"number": 1,
......@@ -16,14 +16,15 @@ provider_conf = {
conf = VagrantConf.from_dictionnary(provider_conf)
provider = Vagrant(conf)
conf = en.VagrantConf.from_dictionnary(provider_conf)
provider = en.Vagrant(conf)
roles, networks = provider.init()
roles = sync_info(roles, networks)
roles = en.sync_info(roles, networks)
l = Locust(master=roles["master"],
locust = en.Locust(master=roles["master"][0],
locust.run_headless("expe", density=5, users=10, spawn_rate=1, run_time=20)
from pathlib import Path
import os
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from enoslib.api import actions, __python3__
from enoslib.objects import Host, Roles
from enoslib.api import __python3__, actions
from enoslib.objects import Host, Network, Roles
from enoslib.utils import get_address
from ..service import Service
from ..utils import _set_dir
CURRENT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR = Path("__enoslib_locust__")
class Locust(Service):
def __init__(
master: Optional[List[Host]] = None,
master: Optional[Host] = None,
agents: Optional[List[Host]] = None,
networks: Optional[List[Network]] = None,
remote_working_dir: str = "/builds/locust",
backup_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
priors: List[actions] = [__python3__],
extra_vars: Dict = None,
......@@ -25,14 +34,15 @@ class Locust(Service):
Please note that this module assume that `discover_network` has been run before
master: list of :py:class:`enoslib.Host` where the
master: :py:class:`~enoslib.objects.Host` where the
master will be installed
agents: list of :py:class:`enoslib.Host` where the slave will
agents: list of :py:class:`~enoslib.objects.Host` where the workers will
be installed
network: network role on which master, agents and targeted hosts
networks: network role on which master, agents and targeted hosts
are deployed
remote_working_dir: path to a remote location that will be used as working
backup_dir: local directory where the backup will be performed
......@@ -40,20 +50,35 @@ class Locust(Service):
:language: python
self.master = master if master is not None else []
self.master = master
assert self.master is not None
self.agents = agents if agents is not None else []
self.remote_working_dir = remote_working_dir
# create a separated working dir for each instance of the service
self.remote_working_dir = os.path.join(remote_working_dir,
self.priors = priors
self.roles = Roles()
self.roles.update(master=self.master, agent=self.agents)
# TODO: manage alternative networks
self.master_ip = self.master[0].address
self.roles.update(master=[self.master], agent=self.agents)
self.master_ip = get_address(self.master, networks=networks)
# handle backup_dir
self.backup_dir = _set_dir(backup_dir, LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR)
# We force python3
extra_vars = extra_vars if extra_vars is not None else {}
self.extra_vars = {"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python3"}
def _repr_html_(self):
from enoslib.html import html_from_dict
return html_from_dict(str(self.__class__),
def deploy(self):
"""Install Locust on master and agent hosts"""
with actions(
......@@ -72,6 +97,17 @@ class Locust(Service):
) as p:"if pgrep locust; then pkill locust; fi")
def backup(self, backup_dir: Optional[Path] = None):
"""Backup the locust files.
We backup the remote working dir of the master.
_backup_dir = _set_dir(backup_dir, self.backup_dir)
local_archive = f"{int(time.time())}.tar.gz"
with actions(roles=self.master) as a:
a.archive(path=self.remote_working_dir, dest=f"/tmp/{local_archive}")
a.fetch(src=f"/tmp/{local_archive}", dest=str(_backup_dir))
def run_with_ui(
expe_dir: str,
......@@ -84,7 +120,7 @@ class Locust(Service):
expe_dir: path (relative or absolute) to the experiment directory
file_name: path (relative or absolute) to the main locustfile
density: number of locust slave to run per agent node
density: number of locust workers to run per agent node
environment: environment to pass to the execution
......@@ -100,6 +136,7 @@ class Locust(Service):
f"-f {locustpath} "
"--master "
f"--host={self.master_ip} "
"--csv enoslib "
f"--logfile={self.remote_working_dir}/locust-master.log &"
......@@ -116,9 +153,10 @@ class Locust(Service):
f"-f {locustpath} "
"--worker "
f"--master-host={self.master_ip} "
f"--logfile={self.remote_working_dir}/locust-slave-{i}.log &"
f"--logfile={self.remote_working_dir}/locust-worker-{i}.log &"
f"Running({locustpath}) on agents"
f"(master at {self.master_ip})..."
......@@ -129,11 +167,12 @@ class Locust(Service):
expe_dir: str,
locustfile: str = "",
nb_clients: int = 1,
hatch_rate: int = 1,
run_time: str = "60s",
users: int = 1,
spawn_rate: int = 1,
run_time: int = 60,
density: int = 1,
environment: Optional[Dict] = None,
blocking: bool = True
"""Run locust headless
......@@ -143,46 +182,53 @@ class Locust(Service):
locustfile: path (relative or absolute) to the main locustfile
nb_clients: total number of clients to spawn
hatch_rate: number of clients to spawn per second
run_time: time of the experiment. e.g 300s, 20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc.
density: number of locust slave to run per agent node
run_time: time (in second) of the experiment
density: number of locust worker to run per agent node
environment: environment to pass to the execution
blocking: whether the function block for the duration of the benchmark
if environment is None:
environment = {}
locustpath = self.__copy_experiment(expe_dir, locustfile)
slaves = len(self.roles["agent"]) * density
workers = len(self.roles["agent"]) * density
with actions(
pattern_hosts="master", roles=self.roles, extra_vars=self.extra_vars
) as p:
"nohup locust "
f"-f {locustpath} "
"--master "
"--logfile=/tmp/locust.log "
"--headless "
f"--expect-slaves {slaves} "
f"--client {nb_clients} "
f"--hatch-rate {hatch_rate} "
f"--run-time {run_time} "
f"--logfile={self.remote_working_dir}/locust-master.log &"
cmd = (
"nohup locust "
f"-f {locustpath} "
"--master "
"--logfile=/tmp/locust.log "
"--headless "
f"--expect-workers {workers} "
f"--users {users} "
f"--spawn-rate {spawn_rate} "
f"--run-time {str(run_time)}s "
"--csv enoslib "
f"--logfile={self.remote_working_dir}/locust-master.log &"
display_name="Running locust (%s) on master..." % (locustfile),
# record the exact master command
p.copy(dest=f"{self.remote_working_dir}/cmd", content=cmd)
with actions(
pattern_hosts="agent", roles=self.roles, extra_vars=self.extra_vars
) as p:
for i in range(density):
worker_local_id = f"locust-worker-{i}"
"nohup locust "
f"-f {locustpath} "
"--slave "
"--worker "
f"--master-host={self.master_ip} "
f"--logfile={self.remote_working_dir}/locust-slave-{i}.log &"
f"--logfile={self.remote_working_dir}/{worker_local_id}.log &"
......@@ -190,6 +236,8 @@ class Locust(Service):
f"on agents (master at {self.master_ip})..."
if blocking:
time.sleep(1.5 * int(run_time))
def __copy_experiment(self, expe_dir: str, locustfile: str):
src_dir = os.path.abspath(expe_dir)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional
from enoslib.objects import Host, RolesLike, Roles
from typing import List, Optional
from enoslib.objects import Host, Network, RolesLike, Roles
import os
from enoslib.errors import EnosFilePathError
......@@ -54,4 +54,30 @@ def _hostslike_to_roles(input: Optional[RolesLike]) -> Optional[Roles]:
return input
if isinstance(input, Host):
return Roles(all=[input])
return Roles(all=input)
\ No newline at end of file
return Roles(all=input)
def get_address(host: Host, networks: Optional[List[Network]] = None) -> str:
"""Auxiliary function to get the IP address for the Host
host: Host information
networks: List of networks
str: IP address from host
if networks is None:
return host.address
address = host.filter_addresses(networks, include_unknown=False)
if not address or not address[0].ip:
raise ValueError(f"IP address not found. Host: {host}, Networks: {networks}")
if len(address) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot determine single IP address."
f"Options: {address} Host: {host}, Networks: {networks}"
return str(address[0].ip.ip)
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