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Commit 8808d32d authored by SIMONIN Matthieu's avatar SIMONIN Matthieu
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doc: add a tuto about sync_info

parent a4eae22e
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6.0.0 (the IPv6 release !)
6.0.0 (the IPv6 release and plenty other stuffs)
- Beware this versions has breaking changes in various places
- Networks from the various providers deserved a true abstraction: it's done.
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ Patterns for the experimenters
Syncing Hosts' informations
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Currently syncing the hosts' informations will update all of the Host
datastructures with some specific data about them (e.g network IPs, processor
information). This let's the user code to take decisions based on those
.. note::
The synchronisation is based on Ansible facts gathering and it somehow
makes the Ansible facts available to the experimenter's python code. It comes
at the cost of making a connection to every single host (which can be
heavy when managing thousands of hosts).
Also, in the future, we expect some providers to fill an initial version of
the updated attribute to avoid a full sync. For instance, on Grid'5000
many informations can be retrieved from the REST API.
.. literalinclude:: sync-info/
:language: python
from pathlib import Path
import enoslib as en
job_name = Path(__file__).name
# claim the resources
network = en.G5kNetworkConf(
id="n1", type="prod", roles=["my_network"], site="rennes"
conf = (
job_type="allow_classic_ssh", job_name=job_name
roles=["control"], cluster="paravance", nodes=1, primary_network=network
provider = en.G5k(conf)
roles, networks = provider.init()
roles_synced = en.sync_info(roles, networks)
# some info has been populated
h = roles_synced["control"][0]
assert len(h.net_devices) > 0
assert h.processor is not None
# we can filter addresses based on a given network (one ipv4 address here)
assert len(h.filter_addresses(networks["my_network"])) >= 1
# add an ipv6 (if not already there)
en.run_command("dhclient -6 br0", roles=roles)
# resync
roles_synced = en.sync_info(roles, networks)
h = roles_synced["control"][0]
# we now have two addresses in the network my_network (one ipv4, one ipv6)
assert len(h.filter_addresses(networks["my_network"])) == 2
......@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ def run_ansible(
def sync_info(roles: Roles, networks: Networks, **kwargs) -> Roles:
"""Sync each host network information with their actual configuration
If the command is successful each host extra_devices attribute will be
If the command is successful some of the host attributes will be
populated. This allows to resync the enoslib Host representation with the
remote configuration.
......@@ -844,8 +844,9 @@ def sync_info(roles: Roles, networks: Networks, **kwargs) -> Roles:
kwargs: keyword arguments passed to :py:fun:`enoslib.api.run_ansible`
A copy of the original roles where each hosts.extra_addresses has
been modified."""
A copy of the original roles where some new attributes have been
wait_for(roles, **kwargs)
tmpdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), TMP_DIRNAME)
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