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Commit 5706ca58 authored by SIMONIN Matthieu's avatar SIMONIN Matthieu
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docs/run_play fix kwds

parent 697a4f70
No related merge requests found
......@@ -24,30 +24,30 @@ conf = en.VagrantConf.from_dictionnary(provider_conf)
provider = en.Vagrant(conf)
roles, networks = provider.init()
with en.play_on(roles=roles) as p:
with en.actions(roles=roles) as p:
p.debug(msg="{{ inventory_hostname }}")
with en.play_on(pattern_hosts="client", roles=roles) as p:
with en.actions(pattern_hosts="client", roles=roles) as p:
p.debug(msg="{{ inventory_hostname }}")
# this fails
# p.debug(msg="{{ hostvars[groups['control'][0]].ansible_fqdn }}")
with en.play_on(pattern_hosts="control", roles=roles) as p:
with en.actions(pattern_hosts="control", roles=roles) as p:
p.debug(msg="{{ inventory_hostname }}")
with en.play_on(pattern_hosts="client", roles=roles, gather_facts="control") as p:
with en.actions(pattern_hosts="client", roles=roles, gather_facts="control") as p:
p.debug(msg="{{ inventory_hostname }}")
# This doesn't fail because we gather facts on the control host
p.debug(msg="{{ hostvars[groups['control'][0]].ansible_fqdn }}")
with en.play_on(pattern_hosts="client", roles=roles, gather_facts="all") as p:
with en.actions(pattern_hosts="client", roles=roles, gather_facts="all") as p:
p.debug(msg="{{ inventory_hostname }}")
# This doesn't fail because we gather facts on all hosts
p.debug(msg="{{ hostvars[groups['control'][0]].ansible_fqdn }}")
# Using the actions wrapper allows for using a list of hosts instead of a Roles object
with en.actions(hosts=roles["client"]) as p:
with en.actions(roles=roles["client"]) as p:
p.debug(msg="{{ inventory_hostname }}")
with en.actions(hosts=roles["client"], gather_facts=True) as p:
with en.actions(roles=roles["client"], gather_facts=True) as p:
p.debug(msg="{{ inventory_hostname }}")
\ No newline at end of file
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