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Commit 29eca5d1 authored by SIMONIN Matthieu's avatar SIMONIN Matthieu
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examples/tcpdump: add a dummy scapy usage

parent 64875a8d
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import logging
import time
import tarfile
from pathlib import Path
import enoslib as en
from scapy.all import rdpcap
......@@ -31,10 +33,31 @@ roles = en.sync_info(roles, networks)
# - we dump icmp traffic only
# - for the duration of the commands (here a client is pigging the server)
with en.TCPDump(
hosts=roles["control"], networks=networks["my_network"], options="icmp"
hosts=roles["control"], networks=networks["my_network"], options="-U icmp"
_ ="ping -c10 {roles['server'][0].address}", roles["client"])
# pcap files are retrieved in the __enoslib__tcpdump__ directory
# - can be loaded in wireshark
# - manipulated with scappy ...
# Examples:
# create a dictionnary of (alias, if) -> list of decoded packets by scapy
base_dir = Path("__enoslib_tcpdump__")
decoded_pcaps = dict()
for host in roles["control"]:
host_dir = base_dir / host.alias
t = / "tcpdump.tar.gz")
t.extractall(host_dir / "extracted")
# get all extracted pcap for this host
pcaps = (host_dir / "extracted").rglob("*.pcap")
for pcap in pcaps:
decoded_pcaps.setdefault((host.alias, pcap.with_suffix("").name),
# Displaying some packets
for (host, ifs), packets in decoded_pcaps.items():
print(host, ifs)
\ No newline at end of file
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