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- documented the algebraic operations

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<title>Alignment API: Implementation</title>
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<h1>Alignment API: Algebraic operations</h1>
<p>Algebraic <!-- later: (and order related)--> operations are possible on networks
of ontologies, alignments, relations and confidence measures.
<p>They are increasingly supported by using Algebras of relations.
We present below the algebraic interface offered by each class of the API.</p>
<h2>Operations on Networks of ontologies</h2>
The <tt>OntologyNetwork</tt> interface of the API defines the following operators:
<dd>returns the network of ontologies with all alignments inverted.</dd>
In addition, our <tt>BasicOntologyNetwork</tt> implementation offers:
<dt>close(boolean reflexive, boolean symmetric, boolean transitive)</dt>
<dd>computes the reflexive-symmetric-transitive closure of a network
of ontologies by adding to it the reflexive, symmetric, or
composition of alignments found in the network.</dd>
<!-- sure ??? -->
<dd>Returns the ontology network made of all ontologies and alignment
from any of the networks
<!--i>A&oplus;A'={&lang; e,e',n,r&rang;; &lang; e,e',n,r&rang;&isin; A &or; &lang; e,e',n',r&rang;&isin; A'}</i-->;</dd>
<dd>Returns the ontology network made of all ontologies and alignment
present in both networks. The alignments are computed through the
join operation
<!--i>A&otimes; A'={&lang; e,e',min(n,n'),r&rang;; &lang; e,e',n,r&rang;&isin; A &and; &lang; e,e',n',r&rang;&isin; A'}</i-->.</dd>
<h2>Operations on Alignments</h2>
The <tt>Alignment</tt> interface of the API defines the following operators:
<dd>From an alignment between <i>o<sub>1</sub></i>
and <i>o<sub>2</sub></i>, returns an alignment
between <i>o<sub>2</sub></i> and <i>o<sub>1</sub></i> based on
the converse of relations (<tt>Relation.inverse()</tt>).
<i>A<sup>-1</sup>={c<sup>-1</sup>; c&isin; A}</i> such that <i>c</i><sup>-1</sup> is the converse of cell <i>c</i>;</dd>
<dd>Returns an alignment which contains all correspondences which are
in any of the alignments.
<i>A&oplus;A'={c; c&isin; A &or; c&isin; A'}</i>;</dd>
<dd>Returns an alignment which contains all correspondences which are
in both alignments. In order to be correct, such operation requires to
decide when two correspondences have an intersection.
<i>A&otimes; A'={c; c&isin; A &and; c&isin; A'}</i>.</dd>
<dd>Returns an alignment which contains all correspondences which are
in the first alignment but not in the second. As for join, such operation requires to
decide what part of a correspondence is part of another.
<i>A&ominus;A'={c; c&isin; A &and; c&notin; A'}</i>;</dd>
<i>A&odot;A'={c&odot;c'; c&isin; A &and; c'&isin; A'}</i> in which <i>c&odot; c'</i> is the composition of cells;</dd>
In addition, our <tt>BasicAlignment</tt> implementation offers:
<dt>aggregate(modality, Alignment...)</dt>
<dd>Computes an alignment containing all correspondences of the
alignments provided as input, with a confidence aggregated according
to the modality (min/max/avg/pool).</dd>
<dt>cut(modality, threshold)</dt>
<dd>Suppresses from the alignment all correspondences whose confidence
is below a threshold intepreted according to the modality (perc/best/hardgap/propgap/hard/span/prop).
<h2>Operations on Cells</h2>
The <tt>Cell</tt> interface of the API the following
<i>&lang; e,e',n,r&rang;&odot;&lang; e',e'',n',r'&rang;=&lang;
e,e'',n&otimes; n',r&odot; r'&rang;</i> in which <i>r&odot; r'</i>
is the composition of relations and <i>n&otimes; n'</i> the conjunction of confidences;</dd>
<dd>&lang;<i>e,e',n,r</i>&rang;<sup>-1</sup>=&lang;<i>e',e,n,r</i><sup>-1</sup>&rang; such that <i>r</i><sup>-1</sup> is the converse of relation <i>r</i>;</dd>
Strictly speaking, if one considers the semantics of relations and
confidence measures, the composition of two cells should provide a set
(conjunction of cells).
<h2>Operations on Relations</h2>
The <tt>Relation</tt> interface of the API offers the following
(<i>r</i>&odot;<i>r'</i>) Provides the composition of two relations and null if it does not exists.</dd>
(<i>r</i><sup>-1</sup>) Provide the converse of a relation and null if it does not exist.</dd>
In addition, the <tt>DisjunctiveRelation</tt> interface of the
implentation offers:
<dd>(<i>r</i>&oplus;<i>r'</i>...) Returns the disjunction of relations appearing in any of the relations.</dd>
<dd>(<i>r</i>&otimes;<i>r'</i>...) Returns the disjunction of relations appearing in all the relations.</dd>
Various relation languages may be used in the Alignment API. They have
to be declared through <tt>BasicAlignment.setRelationType( className )</tt>
such that classname is the name of a class implementing
the <tt>Relation</tt> interface.
It is also recorded in the <a href="format.html">Alignment format</a>
through the <tt>relationClass</tt> attribute.
By default, the implementation
is <tt>fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.BasicRelation</tt>.
The <tt>BasicRelation</tt> implementation only has two inverse
relations (&sube; and &supe;) the other being self-inverse.
It implements the following composition table:
<center border="1">
Other such classes have been implemented in the Alignment API in order
to support an increasing number of operations. These are (supported
operations in parenthesis):
<dd>Which allows for dealing with simple independent relations.</dd>
<dt><tt>DisjunctiveRelation</tt> (meet,join)</dt>
<dd>In which each relation is in fact a disjunction of base relations.</dd>
<dt><tt>AlgebraRelation</tt> (inverse,composition)</dt>
<dd>Which implements relations from an algebras of relation, i.e.,
supporting join, meet, complement, inverse, and composition.</dd>
These classes are abstract by nature, if not by implementation and
have to be refined to implement concrete algebras.
Only the <tt>AlgebraRelation</tt> interface offers the formally
defined operations of algebras of relations.
The current implementation of the API offers several algebras of
<dd>for relations between instances,</dd>
<dd> for relations between classes,</dd>
<dd>for relations between classes including empty classes,
instances and across them.</dd>
<h2>Operations on Confidences</h2>
There is no Confidence component in the API. However, the
implementation of the API has such a generic component, even if all
their values are implemented as double.
The confidence measures should implement a triangular co-norm
The <tt>BasicConfidence</tt> class offers the two operations:
<dt>conjunction(double confidence)</dt>
<dd>(<i>n</i>&otimes;<i>n'</i>) Returns the confidence associated to the conjunction of two
statements with attached confidence (it is implemented by the min operation);</dd>
<dt>disjunction(double confidence)</dt>
<dd>(<i>n</i>&oplus;<i>n'</i>) Returns the confidence associated to the disjunction of two
statements with attached confidence (it is implemented by the max operation).</dd>
<dd>Returns the highest confidence (implemented as 1.0).</dd>
<dd>Returns the lowest confidence, the one which corresponds to
ignoring the correspondence (implemented as 0.0).</dd>
<h2>Using algebras of relations with the Alignment format and EDOAL</h2>
Such relations algebra may be used from the <a href="format.html">Alignment format</a>
(including <a href="edoal.html">EDOAL alignments</a>), through the use
of the <a href="labels.html"><tt>relationClass</tt> extension</a> in the alignment header:
<h2>Defining a new algebra of relations</h2>
In principle, defining a new algebra of relations amounts to provide:
<li>The list of base relations;</li>
<li>The identity relation;</li>
<li>The relation inverse function;</li>
<li>The relation composition function.</li>
We have dreamed to provide a framework in which implementing just this
would be sufficient.
However, due to Java limitations, we have not been able to do so.
The best solution that we found amounts to duplicate an existing
algebra such as <tt>A5RelationAlgebra</tt> and <tt>A5BaseRelation</tt>
and to modify only the parts above.
More precisely, in <tt>A5BaseRelation</tt>, declare the set of base
relations with its label:
EQUIV ( "=" ),
SUBSUMED( "<" ),
SUBSUME( ">" ),
OVERLAP( ")(" ),
DISJOINT( "%" );
Then, in <tt>A5RelationAlgebra</tt>, declare all these relations and
their inverse (the identity relation comes first):
declareRelation( A5BaseRelation.EQUIV, A5BaseRelation.EQUIV );
declareRelation( A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME, A5BaseRelation.SUBSUMED );
declareRelation( A5BaseRelation.SUBSUMED, A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME );
declareRelation( A5BaseRelation.OVERLAP, A5BaseRelation.OVERLAP );
declareRelation( A5BaseRelation.DISJOINT, A5BaseRelation.DISJOINT );
and the composition table:
// ---- EQUIV
o( A5BaseRelation.EQUIV, A5BaseRelation.EQUIV,
A5BaseRelation.EQUIV );
o( A5BaseRelation.EQUIV, A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME,
A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME );
o( A5BaseRelation.EQUIV, A5BaseRelation.SUBSUMED,
A5BaseRelation.SUBSUMED );
o( A5BaseRelation.EQUIV, A5BaseRelation.OVERLAP,
A5BaseRelation.OVERLAP );
o( A5BaseRelation.EQUIV, A5BaseRelation.DISJOINT,
A5BaseRelation.DISJOINT );
// ---- SUBSUME
o( A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME, A5BaseRelation.EQUIV,
A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME );
o( A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME, A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME,
A5BaseRelation.SUBSUME );
Alternatively the composition table can be described through a set of
consistent triples (example from the A2 algebra):
t( A2BaseRelation.EQUIV, A2BaseRelation.EQUIV, A2BaseRelation.EQUIV );
t( A2BaseRelation.EQUIV, A2BaseRelation.DIFF, A2BaseRelation.DIFF );
t( A2BaseRelation.DIFF, A2BaseRelation.DIFF, A2BaseRelation.DIFF );
Finally, in the two Java classes, the names <tt>A5BaseRelation</tt>
and <tt>A5RelationAlgebra</tt> should be globally replaced by their
new names.
The new algebra can be used as the others predefined ones.
In fact, it is not even necessary to define <tt>A5BaseRelation</tt> as
public it may be kept private to the Algebra file.
<h2>Combining algebras of relations</h2>
Alignments may express relations from different standpoints or
consider different types of entities (concepts, properties,
Algebras of relations for such situations (such as A16) may be
obtained by combining simpler algebras of relations.
This is ongoing work which will come in due time to the Alignement API
either through an offline algebra generator (generating Java classes
implementing the combined algebra) or through an online combinator
(able to interpret the combination of algebras on the fly).
<h2>Composing matching algorithms</h2><a name="pipe"></a>
Besides the composition of alignments, it is possible to compose
matching methods.
One of the claimed advantages of providing a format for alignments is the ability to improve alignments by
composing matching algorithms.
This allows iterative matching: starting with
a first alignment, followed by user feedback, subsequent alignment rectification, and so on.
A previous alignment can, indeed, be passed to
the <tt>align</tt> method as an argument.
The correspondences of this alignment can
be incorporated in those of the alignment to be processed.</p>
<p>For instance, it is possible to implement the <tt>StrucSubsDistNameAlignment</tt>,
by first providing a simple substring distance on
the property names and then applying a structural distance on classes.
The new modular implementation of the algorithm yields the same results.</p>
<p>Moreover, modularizing these matching algorithms offers the opportunity to manipulate
the alignment in the middle, for instance, by triming resulting alignments.
As an example, the algorithm used above can be obtained by:
<li>matching the properties;</li>
<li>triming those under <tt>threshold</tt>;</li>
<li>matching the classes with regard to this partial alignment;</li>
<li>generating axioms (see below);</li>
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...@@ -73,8 +73,15 @@ The <a href="edoal.html">EDOAL language</a> is implemented as an extension of th ...@@ -73,8 +73,15 @@ The <a href="edoal.html">EDOAL language</a> is implemented as an extension of th
<h2>Trimming</h2> <h2>Trimming</h2>
<p>In general, alignment structures can be manipuled
algebraically. This is described in more details in
the <a href="algebra.html">dedicated page</a>. We only discuss
trimming here.</p>
<p>If neither ontology needs to be completely covered by the alignment, a threshold-based filtering <p>If neither ontology needs to be completely covered by the alignment, a threshold-based filtering
would allows for retaining only the highest confidence entity pairs. Triming, for most of its actions, requires that the set <i>M</i> be a totally ordered set. would allows for retaining only the highest confidence entity
pairs. Triming, for most of its actions, requires that the
set <i>M</i> supporting confidence measures be a totally ordered set.
Without the injectivity constraint, the pairs scoring above the threshold Without the injectivity constraint, the pairs scoring above the threshold
represent a sensible alignment.</p> represent a sensible alignment.</p>
...@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ cannot find such a paper about the Alignment API or one of its sample matcher). ...@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ cannot find such a paper about the Alignment API or one of its sample matcher).
<dt><a href="format.html">Alignment format</a> and <dt><a href="format.html">Alignment format</a> and
the <a href="edoal.html">Expressive and Declarative Ontology Alignment Language (EDOAL)</a></dt> the <a href="edoal.html">Expressive and Declarative Ontology Alignment Language (EDOAL)</a></dt>
<dd>How to express alignments that the API can input or output.</dd> <dd>How to express alignments that the API can input or output.</dd>
<dt><a href="api.html">API structure</a>, <a href="builtin.html">our <dt><a href="api.html">API
structure</a>, <a href="algebra.html">algebraic operations</a>, <a href="builtin.html">our
implementation</a>, and its <a href="cli.html">command-line interface</a></dt> implementation</a>, and its <a href="cli.html">command-line interface</a></dt>
<dd>Getting around the API</dd> <dd>Getting around the API</dd>
<dt><a href="server.html">Alignment server architecture</a> and <a href="rest.html">message specification</a> (REST and SOAP)</dt> <dt><a href="server.html">Alignment server architecture</a> and <a href="rest.html">message specification</a> (REST and SOAP)</dt>
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