<dt><ahref="http://moex.inria.fr/people/euzenat">Jérôme Euzenat</a></dt><dd>is the main architect and developer of the Alignment API and Server.</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://moex.inria.fr/people/euzenat">Jérôme Euzenat</a></dt><dd>is the main architect and developer of the Alignment API and Server.</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~valtchev/">Petko Valtchev</a></dt><dd>was instrumental in fixing many different parts of the code when working on other projects.</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.ai.univ-paris8.fr/~leduc/">Chan Le Duc</a></dt><dd>has developed the NeOn plug-in and improved the whole system.</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.inrialpes.fr/exmo/people/jdavid/">Jérôme David</a></dt><dd>developed the Ontology part of the API (ontowrap).</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.inrialpes.fr/exmo/people/jdavid/">Jérôme David</a></dt><dd>developed the Ontology part of the API (ontowrap).</dd>
<dt>Nicolas Guillouet</dt><dd>participated a lot in the development of SPARQL renderers for EDOAL, tested the implementation of EDOAL Link keys and introduced many tests.</dd>
<dt>Maria Roşoiu</dt><dd>developed the generator interface (gen).</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.inrialpes.fr/exmo/people/pierson/">Jérôme Pierson</a></dt><dd>initially developed the WordNet interface (now in <ahref="http://ontosim.gforge.inria.fr">OntoSim</a>) and the agent profile for the Alignment Server</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.inrialpes.fr/exmo/people/pierson/">Jérôme Pierson</a></dt><dd>initially developed the WordNet interface (now in <ahref="http://ontosim.gforge.inria.fr">OntoSim</a>) and the agent profile for the Alignment Server</dd>
<dt>Seunkeun Lee</dt><dd>developped the low-level storage layer and the web service profile for the Alignment Server</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.eurecom.fr/~troncy/">Raphaël Troncy</a></dt><dd>fixed the basic implementation of BasicAlignment for n:m alignments.</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.eurecom.fr/~troncy/">Raphaël Troncy</a></dt><dd>fixed the basic implementation of BasicAlignment for n:m alignments.</dd>
<dt>Arun Sharma</dt><dd>Developed the query interface</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.scharffe.fr/">François Scharffe</a></dt><dd>developed the initial version of EDOAL</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.scharffe.fr/">François Scharffe</a></dt><dd>developed the initial version of EDOAL</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/isg/people/giorgos.stoilos/">Giorgos Stoilos</a> and Georges Stamou</dt><dd>offered the code of their "SMOA" paper similarity (now in <ahref="http://ontosim.gforge.inria.fr">OntoSim</a>).</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~seanb/">Sean Bechhofer</a> and Raphael Voltz</dt><dd>provided some code snippets for using the OWL API</dd>
<dt><ahref="http://elonen.iki.fi/">Jarno Elonen</a></dt><dd>developped a small footprint HTTP server that was embedded in the Alignment Server (in version 2.5-3.0)</dd>
<ahref="http://pascalgillet31.free.fr/docs/research-internship/IC_QetR_2013.pdf">Réécriture de patrons de requêtes à l'aide d'alignements d'ontologies</a>,
Plate-forme AFIA, Ingénierie des Connaissances, Atelier Qualité et Robustesse dans le Web de Données, Lille (FR), 2013
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ In Workshop Proc. of Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW'07),
The alignment API has been used for negotiation of mappings between agents.
Cassiá Trojahn, Marcia Moraes, Paulo Quaresma, Renata Vieira,
Cássia Trojahn, Marcia Moraes, Paulo Quaresma, Renata Vieira,
<ahref="http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1194659">A negotiation model for ontology mapping</a>, Proc. IEEE/WIC/ACM international conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, pp762-768, 2006
The EDOAL format is used to express complex alignments in the OAEI complex matching track and the Alignment API is used to process the results of some of the tasks.
Élodie Thiéblin, Michelle Cheatham, Cassiá Trojahn, Ondřej Zamazal, Lu Zhou,
Élodie Thiéblin, Michelle Cheatham, Cássia Trojahn, Ondřej Zamazal, Lu Zhou,
<ahref="http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2180/paper-67.pdf">The First Version of the OAEI Complex Alignment Benchmark</a>,
Proc. ISWC Posters & Demonstrations, Industry and Blue Sky Ideas Tracks, Monterey (CA US), 2018
The EDOAL format is used to express complex alignments in a data set based on Ontofarm (Conference) and used the Alignment API to transfer such alignments in OWL.