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Commit 7438d401 authored by Jérôme Euzenat's avatar Jérôme Euzenat
Browse files

- Implemented mavenize in build.xml

parent 12f17159
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<!-- $Id$ -->
<project name="align" default="compile" basedir=".">
<project name="align" default="compile" basedir="."
<!-- this is useful but introduces, Xlint:path warnings -->
<path id="classpath">
<fileset dir="./lib">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<!-- several useless (and may be harmful) things at the moment -->
<exclude name="seals/seals-omt-client.jar" />
<exclude name="log4j/slf4j-log4j.jar" />
<!-- tested -->
<target name="usage" depends="versionnumber">
<echo>ant _target_ _options_
......@@ -25,6 +29,7 @@
zip: creates a new zip file
javadoc: generates documentation
release: releases a new version
mavenize: creates a maven local repository
cover: check test coverage
analyse: perform static analysis
svnbranch: copy the version under svn
......@@ -45,7 +50,7 @@
<!-- tested -->
<target name="init" depends="bind">
<property name="jarclasspath" value="skosapi/skosapi.jar owlapi30/owlapi-bin.jar ontosim/ontosim.jar getopt/getopt.jar log4j/commons-logging.jar log4j/log4j.jar log4j/slf4j-api.jar log4j/slf4j-log4j.jar jwnl/jwnl.jar lucene/lucene-core.jar jena/jena.jar jena/iri.jar jena/icu4j.jar iddl/iddl.jar xerces/xercesImpl.jar xerces/resolver.jar xerces/xml-apis.jar hermit/HermiT.jar align.jar ontowrap.jar procalign.jar"/>
<property name="jarclasspath" value="skosapi/skosapi.jar owlapi30/owlapi-bin.jar ontosim/ontosim.jar getopt/getopt.jar log4j/commons-logging.jar log4j/log4j.jar log4j/slf4j-api.jar jwnl/jwnl.jar lucene/lucene-core.jar jena/jena.jar jena/iri.jar jena/icu4j.jar iddl/iddl.jar xerces/xercesImpl.jar xerces/resolver.jar xerces/xml-apis.jar hermit/HermiT.jar align.jar ontowrap.jar procalign.jar"/>
<target name="versionnumber" depends="init" description="Establishes the version number">
......@@ -110,17 +115,17 @@
<antcall target="compileall"/>
<!--target name="analyse" depends="jar" description="Perform static analysis of code">
// Use Checkstyle
<target name="analyse" depends="jar" description="Perform static analysis of code">
<!-- Checkstyle
<taskdef resource=""
// I must have a checks.xml
<checkstyle config="docs/sun_checks.xml">
<!-- // I must have a checks.xml -->
<!--checkstyle config="docs/sun_checks.xml">
<fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.java"/>
// let see if we can put a css
<formatter type="xml" toFile="test/html/checkstyle.xml"/>
// Use FindBugs
<!-- FindBugs
<taskdef name="findbugs" classpath="${tooldir}/findbugs/findbugs-ant.jar" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask"/>
<findbugs home="test/html/"
......@@ -128,8 +133,8 @@
//<auxClasspath path="${basedir}/lib/Regex.jar" />
<sourcePath path="src" />
<class location="lib/align.jar" />
// Use PMD
<!-- Use PMD
<taskdef name="pmd" classpath="${tooldir}/pmd/pmd-ant.jar" classname="net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.PMDTask"/>
<pmd shortFilenames="true">
......@@ -138,11 +143,15 @@
<fileset dir="/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_01/src/">
<include name="java/lang/*.java"/>
<!-- cover: emma seems really difficult
<taskdef resource="" classpathref="emma.lib" /-->
<!-- tattletale: very long -->
<taskdef name="tattletale-report"
<tattletale-report source="lib" destination="tattletale"/>
<!-- Emma (coverage) seems really difficult -->
<!--taskdef resource="" classpathref="emma.lib" /-->
<macrodef name="onejar" description="utility macro for JAR packaging">
<attribute name="group" description="Maven group ID" />
......@@ -156,7 +165,7 @@
<delete file="lib/@{file}.jar"/>
<!-- it may even be easier to generate the pom -->
<copy file="distrib/@{file}.pom" toFile="lib/@{file}.pom">
<copy file="distrib/@{file}.pom" toFile="lib/@{file}.pom" overwrite="true">
<filter token="GROUPID" value="@{group}"/>
<filter token="ARTID" value="@{file}"/>
......@@ -466,6 +475,70 @@
<!-- tested -->
<macrodef name="onepom" description="utility macro for maven exporting">
<attribute name="file" description="Artifact name" />
<artifact:install file="lib/@{file}.jar">
<pom file="lib/@{file}.pom" />
<localRepository path="mvn-repo" />
<!-- tested -->
<target name="mavenize" depends="init" description="Creates a Maven local repositry">
<echo message="Mavenizing..."/>
<path id="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" path="${tooldir}/maven/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar" />
<typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml"
classpathref="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" />
<delete dir="mvn-repo"/>
<mkdir dir="mvn-repo"/>
<!-- should be far better to iterate on -->
<!--fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.pom"/-->
<onepom file="getopt/getopt" />
<onepom file="google-translate/google-api-translate-java" />
<onepom file="google-translate/json" />
<onepom file="hermit/hermit" />
<onepom file="iddl/iddl" />
<onepom file="jade/jade-http" />
<onepom file="jade/iiop" />
<onepom file="jade/jade" />
<onepom file="jdbc/mysql-connector-java" />
<onepom file="jdbc/postgresql-jdbc4" />
<onepom file="jena/arq" />
<onepom file="jena/icu4j" />
<onepom file="jena/iri" />
<onepom file="jena/jena" />
<onepom file="jetty/jetty-util" />
<onepom file="jetty/jetty" />
<onepom file="jwnl/jwnl" />
<onepom file="log4j/commons-logging" />
<onepom file="log4j/log4j" />
<onepom file="log4j/slf4j-api" />
<onepom file="lucene/lucene-core" />
<onepom file="ontosim/ontosim" />
<onepom file="owlapi10/api" />
<onepom file="owlapi10/impl" />
<onepom file="owlapi10/io" />
<onepom file="owlapi10/rdfapi" />
<onepom file="owlapi10/rdfparser" />
<onepom file="owlapi30/owlapi-bin" />
<onepom file="oyster/oyster" />
<onepom file="servlet/servlet-api" />
<onepom file="skosapi/skosapi" />
<onepom file="xerces/resolver" />
<onepom file="xerces/xercesImpl" />
<onepom file="xerces/xml-apis" />
<onepom file="xsdlib/relaxngDatatype" />
<onepom file="xsdlib/xsdlib" />
<onepom file="align" />
<onepom file="ontowrap" />
<onepom file="procalign" />
<onepom file="alignsvc" />
<!-- tested -->
<target name="clean" description="Clean up the whole directory">
<echo message="Cleaning..."/>
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<name>GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999</name>
<name>CeCILL-C Licence française de logiciel libre</name>
......@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
<name>GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999</name>
<name>CeCILL-C Licence française de logiciel libre</name>
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<name>GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999</name>
<name>CeCILL-C Licence française de logiciel libre</name>
......@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
<name>GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999</name>
<name>CeCILL-C Licence française de logiciel libre</name>
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@

372 KiB

......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<p>The Alignment API uses a number of external libraries. These libraries
are shipped (in the lib directory) with the Alignment API. Each
subdirectory of the lib directory
contains <a href="">Project Object
contains <a href="maven.html#pom">Project Object
Models (POM)</a> which provide information about the version,
license and dependencies for these libraries.
......@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ Here is a picture of the various dependencies involved:
<img src="img/depend.png"/>
This is a simplified view: <a href="img/dependencies.png">click here
for the full graph generated by Tattletale</a>.
<h2>Required for the API implementation (procalign)</h2>
<title>Alignment API: Maven</title>
<!--style type="text/css">@import url(style.css);</style-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="base.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<center><h1>Alignment API: To our Maven users</h1></center>
The Alignment API is not a native Maven project.
It is built using Ant.
There are reason for that: we think that maven is putting too much
hassle to developpers with respect to delivered benefits.
However, we have no reason to not help our Maven users as long as
this is not too difficult.
<h2>Generating a local repository</h2>
You can generate a local maven repository by simply applying:
<div class="terminal">
$ ant mavenize
Buildfile: /Java/alignapi/build.xml
[echo] Mavenizing...
[delete] Deleting directory /Java/alignapi/mvn-repo
[mkdir] Created dir: /Java/alignapi/mvn-repo
[artifact:install] [INFO] Installing /Java/alignapi/lib/align.jar to /Java/alignapi/mvn-repo/org/semanticweb/owl/align/4.4/align-4.4.jar
Total time: 1 second
This will generate a directory <tt>mvn-repo</tt> which is a local maven repository.
It can be used in your project <!--tt>settings.xml</tt> by including:
<div class="rdfxml">
or in you project--> POM, by including:
<div class="rdfxml">
&lt;name>local maven repository&lt;/name>
This is obtained by using maven-ant-tasks ant plug-ins, but it could
have been achieved from the command line by using maven directly:
<div class="terminal">
$ mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=mvn-repo install:install-file -Dfile=lib/align.jar -DpomFile=lib/align.pom -Dpackaging=jar
<h2>About POM files</h2><a name="pom"></a>
We are using the <a href="">POM format</a>, not exactly as Maven but as a practical
way to record information about shipped libraries. We ship
<a href="lib.html">external libraries</a> because we want users to be
ready to work right away.
Included libraries and associated POM files are maintained by hand.
They do not contain dependency information because we think that the
way Maven maintains dependency information both in the POM file, in
the directory structure and in the JAR name is too much. Moreover, we
think that maintaining this information at the exact version level
defeats the purpose of modular software.
The Alignment API POM files themselves are generated on the fly from
ant from the templates found in the <tt>distrib</tt> repository.
<h2>We need your help</h2>
Any constructive feedback for improving the process, improving the
content of our POM files (especially if it is for allowing you to do
better things) is welcome.
If you know of a good way to replace some component of our local
repository by officially well maintained versions of global repository
we want to hear you. If you know how to generate better Alignment API
POM files, we want to hear you.
The best for us is if you can just do it (particularly in ant or
shell, but even maven command lines should be OK) and send us the procedure.
If you want to publish the Alignment API in a repository, then you are
welcome, but in the current state of Maven and its repositories, do
not count on us to maintain it.
<hr />
<hr />
......@@ -38,14 +38,19 @@ The development of 4 versions continues.
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Make URIs dependent on a urlprefix (server [4.5])</li>
<li>Provide several URIs for the same alignment (server [4.5])</li>
<li>Adding <tt>ontowrap</tt> support in database store (server)</li>
<li>Adding Silk renderer (impl)</li>
<li>Modifying evaluators needing <tt>ObjectAlignment</tt> to convert them (impl)</li>
<li>All evaluators work in server (server)</li>
<li>Make URIs dependent on a urlprefix (server [4.6])</li>
<li>Provide several URIs for the same alignment (server [4.6])</li>
<li>Adopt, overall, slf4j (impl/server [4.6])</li>
<li>Implement database store for EDOAL (server [4.6])</li>
<li>Add simple "harder" test generator (gen [4.6])</li>
<li>Add simple "hidden" test generator (gen [4.6])</li>
<li>Add a <tt>dependsOn</tt> alignment property (api [4.6])</li>
<li>Consolidate alignment based on <tt>dependsOn</tt> (loop checking, cell ingestion) (impl [4.6])</li>
<li>Use the OWLReasoner interface and HermiT for adding inference to Ontowrap (ontowrap [4.6])</li>
<li>Add a JSON interface (server)</li>
<li>Integrate tests from generator (test)</li>
......@@ -77,16 +82,16 @@ with a warning:
<!--h2>Version 4.8 (1xxx): ??/??/201x - Al pesto</h2-->
<!--h2>Version 4.7 (1xxx): ??/??/201x - Letraset</h2-->
<!--h2>Version 4.6 (1xxx): ??/??/201X - Da lec'h all</h2-->
<!--h2>Version 4.5 (18xx): ??/??/2013 - Building 16</h2-->
<!--h2>Version 4.5 (18xx): ??/03/2013 - Building 16</h2-->
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Upgraded to <span style="color: green">OWL API</span> to 3.4.2 (lib)</li>
<li>Upgraded to <span style="color: green">IDDL</span> to 1.4 (lib)</li>
<li>Upgraded to <span style="color: green">OWL API</span> to 3.4.2 (lib)</li>
<li>Replaced Pellet by <span style="color: green">HermiT</span> as default reasonner (lib)</li>
<li>Added <tt>ontowrap</tt> support in database store (server)</li>
<li>Added several EDOAL-SPARQL renderers (impl)</li>
<li>Added alignment selection per ontologies in list alignment interface (server)</li>
<li>Added relation sensitiveness to evaluators (impl)</li>
<li>Implemented transactions in database store (server)</li>
<li>Added generation of local <a href="maven.html">maven repository</a> in build.xml</li>
<li>Bug in weighted (can be more than 1.) (impl)</li>
<li>Fixed strong bug in the implementation of relaxed precision and recall (impl)</li>
<li>Fixed a (non manifested) bug in cache management (server)</li>
......@@ -94,9 +99,10 @@ with a warning:
<li>Fixed a bug with subsumption statements in <tt>OWLAxiomsRendererVisitor</tt> (impl)</li>
<li>Simplified and rewritten <tt>SemPRecEvaluator</tt> (impl)</li>
<li>Fixed all issues but IDDL in tutorial4 (impl)</li>
<li>Suppressed inclusion of slf4j-log4j (impl)</li>
<h2>Version 4.4 (1754): 17/07/2012 - Casa Cirilo</h2>
<a name="4.4"></a><h2>Version 4.4 (1754): 17/07/2012 - Casa Cirilo</h2>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li><span style="color: red;">Deprecated</span> <tt>BasicParameters</tt>,
......@@ -121,7 +127,7 @@ with a warning:
<li>Added minimal pom.xml for generated jar files (lib)</li>
<h2>Version 4.3 (1690): 22/02/2012 - Zimt</h2>
<a name="4.3"></a><h2>Version 4.3 (1690): 22/02/2012 - Zimt</h2>
<p><span style="color: red;">BEWARE:</span> All command-line utilities
are now found in the <span style="color: red;">cli</span> package
......@@ -156,7 +162,7 @@ with a warning:
<li>Used more systematically <tt>finally</tt></li>
<h2>Version 4.2 (1618): 31/05/2011 - Tring</h2>
<a name="4.2"></a><h2>Version 4.2 (1618): 31/05/2011 - Tring</h2>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Added minimal API implementation for embedded devices (android)</li>
......@@ -180,7 +186,7 @@ with a warning:
<li>Suppressed <tt>PreAlignment</tt> (impl)</li>
<h2>Version 4.1 (1534): 13/10/2010 - Napjakmandu</h2>
<a name="4.1"></a><h2>Version 4.1 (1534): 13/10/2010 - Napjakmandu</h2>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Integration of skoslite (home made SKOS API) (ontowrap)</li>
......@@ -212,7 +218,7 @@ with a warning:
<li>Improved RDF Rendering layout (impl)</li>
<h2>Version 4.0 (1415): 31/03/2010 - Rouquine carm&eacute;lite</h2>
<a name="4.0"></a><h2>Version 4.0 (1415): 31/03/2010 - Rouquine carm&eacute;lite</h2>
<p>The Alignment API is now compiled in Java 1.6 (older versions should still be able to run it). All <a href="lib.html">imported libraries</a> have been upgraded to their current versions. Only the upgrade from <span style="color: green">Jena 2.5 to 2.6</span> required a minor change (due to parameterised declarations: the API still works with 2.5 but needs 2.6 to compile).
......@@ -278,7 +284,7 @@ with a warning:
<h2>Version 3.6 (988): 27/05/2009 - Sabai sabai</h2>
<a name="3.6"></a><h2>Version 3.6 (988): 27/05/2009 - Sabai sabai</h2>
<p><span style="color: red;">BEWARE:</span>
Java WordNet Library (JWNL) has been upgraded to version 1.4.1rc2 (from 1.3rc3). This is included in the lib directory.
......@@ -314,7 +320,7 @@ If you want to stay with WordNet-2.0, you need to replace the jwnl.jar
<h2>Version 3.5 (886): 21/10/2008 - La granja</h2>
<a name="3.5"></a><h2>Version 3.5 (886): 21/10/2008 - La granja</h2>
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -340,7 +346,7 @@ If you want to stay with WordNet-2.0, you need to replace the jwnl.jar
<h2>Version 3.4 (815): 31/08/2008 - Barbare</h2>
<a name="3.4"></a><h2>Version 3.4 (815): 31/08/2008 - Barbare</h2>
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -378,7 +384,7 @@ If you want to stay with WordNet-2.0, you need to replace the jwnl.jar
<h2>Version 3.3 (710): 24/04/2008 - O sole mio</h2>
<a name="3.3"></a><h2>Version 3.3 (710): 24/04/2008 - O sole mio</h2>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Suppressed language dependent (OWLAPI) alignments (impl)</li>
......@@ -400,7 +406,7 @@ If you want to stay with WordNet-2.0, you need to replace the jwnl.jar
<li>Corrected link to documentation (doc)</li>
<h2>Version 3.2 (666): 29/02/2008 - Blejsko jezero</h2>
<a name="3.2"></a><h2>Version 3.2 (666): 29/02/2008 - Blejsko jezero</h2>
<ul compact="1">
<li>Connection to Oyster directory (server)</li>
......@@ -425,7 +431,7 @@ If you want to stay with WordNet-2.0, you need to replace the jwnl.jar
<h2>Version 3.1 (614): 05/02/2008 - Klippekort</h2>
<a name="3.1"></a><h2>Version 3.1 (614): 05/02/2008 - Klippekort</h2>
<p><span style="color: red;">BEWARE:</span>
For better conforming with RDF practice, we have
......@@ -480,7 +486,7 @@ Other improvements include:
<li>Added a server-based tutorial (tutorial)</li>
<h2>Version 3.0 (436): 25/02/2007 - Hyderabad</h2>
<a name="3.0"></a><h2>Version 3.0 (436): 25/02/2007 - Hyderabad</h2>
<p><span style="color: red;">BEWARE:</span>
The main modification in this version is more independence from the
......@@ -527,7 +533,7 @@ The main modification in this version is more independence from the
judged based on URI and not OWLAPI entities anymore.</li>
<h2>Version 2.5 (375): 30/12/2006 - Thalia</h2>
<a name="2.5"></a><h2>Version 2.5 (375): 30/12/2006 - Thalia</h2>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Added Alignment server</li>
......@@ -540,7 +546,7 @@ The main modification in this version is more independence from the
<li>Improved Weighted harmonic means computation in GroupEval</li>
<h2>Version 2.4 (302): 10/07/2006 - Cercedilla noches</h2>
<a name="2.4"></a><h2>Version 2.4 (302): 10/07/2006 - Cercedilla noches</h2>
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Added a <a href="tutorial">tutorial</a> in the html pages.</li>
......@@ -554,7 +560,7 @@ The main modification in this version is more independence from the
<li>Suppressed a printout in MatrixMeasure</li>
<h2>Version 2.3 (271): 15/06/2006 - OAEI-2006 ready</h2>
<a name="2.3"></a><h2>Version 2.3 (271): 15/06/2006 - OAEI-2006 ready</h2>
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -564,7 +570,7 @@ The main modification in this version is more independence from the
<li><tt>GroupAlign</tt> default matcher becomes <tt>StringDistAlignment</tt>.</li>
<h2>Version 2.2 (263): 05/06/2006 - Onyeari's version a.k.a. may GForge be with you</h2>
<a name="2.2"></a><h2>Version 2.2 (263): 05/06/2006 - Onyeari's version a.k.a. may GForge be with you</h2>
<p>Upgraded to <span style="color: green">OWL-API 06-04-12 (1.4.3)</span><br />
<span style="color: red;"></span> No problem encountered.
......@@ -589,7 +595,7 @@ The main modification in this version is more independence from the
<li>GenPlot generates directly gnuplot output and LaTeX/PGF inclusion.</li>
<h2>Version 2.1: 17/02/2006 - pre GForge</h2>
<a name="2.1"></a><h2>Version 2.1: 17/02/2006 - pre GForge</h2>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -606,7 +612,7 @@ The main modification in this version is more independence from the
<li>Corrected mistakes in align.owl and align.rdfs (thanks to Antoine Isaac);</li>
<h2>Version 2: 1/10/2005 - Raphael's version a.k.a. AC385 version</h2>
<a name="2.0"></a><h2>Version 2: 1/10/2005 - Raphael's version a.k.a. AC385 version</h2>
<p><span style="color: red;">BEWARE:</span> <tt>Alignment</tt> methods <tt>getAlignCell1</tt>, <tt>getAlignCell2</tt>, <tt>getAlignedObject1</tt>, <tt>getAlignedObject2</tt>, <tt>getStrength1</tt>, <tt>getStrength2</tt>, <tt>getRelation1</tt>
and <tt>getRelation2</tt> deprecated (implementation is still
......@@ -627,7 +633,7 @@ The main modification in this version is more independence from the
<li>Added extension mechnism for alignments (any extra-annotation stored).</li>
<h2>Version 1.4: 04/07/2005 - OAEI 2005 facilities</h2>
<a name="1.4"></a><h2>Version 1.4: 04/07/2005 - OAEI 2005 facilities</h2>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -636,7 +642,7 @@ The main modification in this version is more independence from the
<li>Added freeing of ontology from memory between tests in GroupAlign</li>
<h2>Version 1.3: 15/06/2005 - Ready for OAEI 2005</h2>
<a name="1.3"></a><h2>Version 1.3: 15/06/2005 - Ready for OAEI 2005</h2>
<p>Upgraded to <span style="color: green">OWL-API 05-03-21 (1.4.2)</span><br />
<span style="color: red;">BEWARE:</span> if you experience problems
......@@ -646,7 +652,7 @@ because it requires and additional method:
<tt>OWLRDFErrorHandler</tt> (see for the fix).
<p>Compatible with Java 1.5</p>
<p>Compatible with <span style="color: green">Java 1.5</span></p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -666,7 +672,7 @@ because it requires and additional method:
<li>Started reengineering matrix-based distance alignments</li>
<h2>Version 1.2: 23/11/2004 - ISWC suggestions and improvements</h2>
<a name="1.2"></a><h2>Version 1.2: 23/11/2004 - ISWC suggestions and improvements</h2>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -677,7 +683,7 @@ because it requires and additional method:
<li>Fully implemented the parser and the printer so that onto tags contains file info and uri tags contain URI info.</li>
<h2>Version 1.1: 5/11/2004 - Lessons from EON</h2>
<a name="1.1"></a><h2>Version 1.1: 5/11/2004 - Lessons from EON</h2>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -692,7 +698,7 @@ because it requires and additional method:
<li>Provided an XSLT stylesheet for alignments;</li>
<h2>April 19th, 2004</h2>
<a name="1.01"></a><h2>April 19th, 2004</h2>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -719,9 +725,9 @@ because it requires and additional method:
<li>Changed name: Evaluator.evaluate() --> Evaluator.eval();</li>
<h2>Version 1.0: 4/4/2004 - First complete version</h2>
<a name="1.0"></a><h2>Version 1.0: 4/4/2004 - First complete version</h2>
<p>This uses the 090304 (1.2.0) version of the OWL API.</p>
<p>This uses the 090304 (1.2.0) version of the <span style="color: green">OWL API</span>.</p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
......@@ -735,7 +741,7 @@ because it requires and additional method:
<h2>January 2004</h2>
<a name="0.2"></a><h2>January 2004</h2>
<p>Put under CVS at Sophia-Antipolis</p>
<p>New version featuring:
......@@ -744,7 +750,7 @@ because it requires and additional method:
<h2>Version 0.1: 12/12/2003 - First release</h2>
<a name="0.1"></a><h2>Version 0.1: 12/12/2003 - First release</h2>
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File moved
File moved
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<version>3.3</version> <!-- or is it 3.7 ?-->
<name>Java Agent Development Environment (JADE)</name>
......@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
......@@ -29,505 +29,4 @@
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
- Note that due to the special requirements of logging unit-tests, most
- tests are executed in the "integration-test" phase rather than the
- "test" phase. Please run "mvn integration-test" to run the full suite of
- available unit tests.
<name>Morgan Delagrange</name>
<email>morgand at apache dot org</email>
<role>Java Developer</role>
<name>Rodney Waldhoff</name>
<email>rwaldhoff at apache org</email>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Craig McClanahan</name>
<email>craigmcc at apache org</email>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Scott Sanders</name>
<email>sanders at apache dot org</email>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Robert Burrell Donkin</name>
<email>rdonkin at apache dot org</email>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Peter Donald</name>
<email>donaldp at apache dot org</email>
<name>Costin Manolache</name>
<email>costin at apache dot org</email>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Richard Sitze</name>
<email>rsitze at apache dot org</email>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Juozas Baliuka</name>
<role>Java Developer</role>
<name>Simon Kitching</name>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Dennis Lundberg</name>
<organization>Apache Software Foundation</organization>
<name>Brian Stansberry</name>
- The custom test framework requires the unit test code to be
- in a jarfile so it can control its place in the classpath.
- Copied from commons-parent-5, because X-Compile-Target-JDK is
- wrong there. Can be removed when we update to commons-parent-6.
- We want to create four jarfiles from this project: normal, tests, api
- and adapters. The first two are handled by the normal jar:jar target.
- Alas, the standard jar plugin doesn't have includes/excludes support
- in version 2.0, so antrun is used to create the other ones.
<property name="workdir" value="${}/rejar" />
<property name="target" value="${project.artifactId}-api-${project.version}" />
<delete dir="${workdir}" failonerror="false" />
<mkdir dir="${workdir}" />
<unjar src="${}/${}.jar" dest="${workdir}" />
<jar basedir="${workdir}" destfile="${}/${target}.jar" manifest="${basedir}/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF">
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/impl/Log4J*" />
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/impl/Avalon*" />
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/impl/Jdk13*" />
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/impl/LogKit*" />
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/impl/Servlet*" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}" />
<attribute name="X-Compile-Source-JDK" value="${maven.compile.source}" />
<attribute name="X-Compile-Target-JDK" value="${}" />
<property name="workdir" value="${}/rejar" />
<property name="target" value="${project.artifactId}-adapters-${project.version}" />
<delete dir="${workdir}" failonerror="false" />
<mkdir dir="${workdir}" />
<unjar src="${}/${}.jar" dest="${workdir}" />
<jar basedir="${workdir}" destfile="${}/${target}.jar" manifest="${basedir}/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF">
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/*" />
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/impl/WeakHashtable*" />
<exclude name="org/apache/commons/logging/impl/LogFactoryImpl*" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${}" />
<attribute name="X-Compile-Source-JDK" value="${maven.compile.source}" />
<attribute name="X-Compile-Target-JDK" value="${}" />
<copy todir="${project.reporting.outputDirectory}">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="RELEASE-NOTES.txt" />
- The logo should be moved to
- ${basedir}/src/site/resources/images
- once we can drop support for the Maven 1 site.
- When that is done this section can be removed.
<fileset dir="${basedir}/xdocs">
<include name="images/logo.png" />
- Attach the adapters and api jars to the normal artifact. This way
- they will be deployed when the normal artifact is deployed.
- The site needs to be built prior to deploy,
- because it is included in the assembly.
<goals>site deploy</goals>
<!-- Pass these arguments to the deploy plugin. -->
- Many of JCL's tests use tricky techniques to place the generated
- JCL jarfiles on the classpath in various configurations. This means
- that the tests must be run *after* the "package" build phase. The
- normal test phase is therefore disabled here, and the test plugin
- rebound to the "integration-test" phase instead.
<!-- Do not deploy the assemblies to the repository. -->
<!-- This profile can be removed when we update to commons-parent-5 -->
<name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>Apache Development Snapshot Repository</name>
<!-- Create the assemblies automatically during release. -->
<!-- Pick up this configuration from settings.xml. -->
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File added
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