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Commit 3ddd619f authored by Jérôme Euzenat's avatar Jérôme Euzenat
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- documented test generation

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......@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
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......@@ -87,12 +85,12 @@ cannot find such a paper about the Alignment API or one of its sample matcher).
<dd>Official releases.</dd>
<dt><a href="align.html">Install &amp; use</a></dt>
<dd>Quick start with the API.</dd>
<dt><a href="aserv.html">Alignment Server</a></dt>
<dd>Installing a server that will generate and store alignments</dd>
<dt><a href="tutorial/">Tutorial</a></dt>
<dd>Walk through the Alignment API features</dd>
<dt><a href=";selected_doc_group_id=1812">Documentation</a></dt>
<dd>Supposed to be a reference manual, but not fully complete.</dd>
<!--dt><a href=";selected_doc_group_id=1812">Documentation</a></dt>
<dd>Supposed to be a reference manual, but not fully complete.</dd-->
<dt><a href="aserv.html">Alignment Server</a></dt>
<dd>Installing a server that will generate and store alignments</dd>
......@@ -103,7 +101,7 @@ cannot find such a paper about the Alignment API or one of its sample matcher).
<dt><a href="ontowrap.html">Wrapping ontology APIs</a></dt>
<dd>The package contains an ontology API wrapper called ontowrap
allowing for using the Alignment API with various ontology APIs
(JENA, OWL API 1.0, 3.0, soon SKOS).</dd>
(JENA, OWL API 1.0, 3.0, SKOS API and our SKOSLite API).</dd>
<dt><a href="format.html">Alignment format</a> and
the <a href="edoal.html">Expressive and Declarative Ontology Alignment Language (EDOAL)</a></dt>
<dd>How to express alignments that the API can input or output.</dd>
......@@ -112,8 +110,8 @@ the <a href="edoal.html">Expressive and Declarative Ontology Alignment Language
<dt><a href="labels.html">Registered annotations</a></dt>
<dd>List of extension labels that are declared (and should not be
used by others)</dd>
<dt><a href="eval.html">Eval</a></dt>
<dd>Using the API for evaluating alignments.</dd>
<dt><a href="testgen.html">Generating tests</a> and <a href="eval.html">evaluating results</a></dt>
<dd>Using the API for evaluating alignments and matchers.</dd>
<h2>Additional resources</h2>
......@@ -139,6 +137,8 @@ the <a href="edoal.html">Expressive and Declarative Ontology Alignment Language
<dt><a href="neontk/">NeOn Alignment plug-in</a></dt>
<dd>Alignment API and server plug-in for the NeOn toolkit.</dd>
<dt><a href=""></a>Microalign</dt>
<dd>Stripped down Alignment API and implementation for Android.</dd>
......@@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ with a warning:
<h2>Current SVN trunk version</h2>
<!--h2>Version 4.4 (): ??/??/2012 - ?????????</h2-->
<p><ul compact="1">
<li>Simplified <tt>TestGen</tt> options (cli)</li>
<h2>Version 4.3 (1690): 22/02/2012 - Zimt</h2>
<p><span style="color: red;">BEWARE:</span> All command-line utilities
......@@ -16,162 +16,306 @@
<p>It allows for generating altered ontologies from a seed ontology
and generating the reference alignment between the two ontologies).</p>
<h2>Using predefined alterators</h2>
<h2>Generating tests</h2>
<h3>Generating tests from the command line</h3>
<img width="72%" src="img/testgeneration.png">
It is possible to use the command line command <tt>TestGen</tt> in
order to generate tests.
It can be invoked for generating only one test:
<div class="fragment">
$ java -Xmx1200m -cp $JAVALIB/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TestGen -u outputurl -o outputdir -Dparameter=value seedontology
such that:
<li>seed ontology is the ontology which is altered for producing the test;</li>
<li>outputurl is the url prefix that will be used for the generated ontology;</li>
<li>outputdir is the directory in which the test will be generated;</li>
<li>-Dparameter=value are the parameters used for generating this tests (see Alterator section below)</li>
For instance:
<div class="fragment">
$ java -Xmx1200m -cp $JAVALIB/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TestGen -u -o mynewtest -DremoveComments=1. -DrenameClasses=.75 -DremoveProperties=.5 biblio.owl
It may also be used for generating a whole test set (see below) by:
<div class="fragment">
$ java -Xmx1200m -cp $JAVALIB/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TestGen -t testsetclass -u outputurl -o outputdir seedontology
In which, testsetclass is the class name of an implementation
of <tt>TestSet</tt> (see below) to be used for generating a testset.
For instance:
<div class="fragment">
$ java -Xmx1200m -cp $JAVALIB/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TestGen -t fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.gen.BenchmarkGenerator -u -o mynewtestset -Dcontinuous=1 biblio.owl
generates part of the initial <a href="">OAEI</a> benchmarks.
<h3>Generating tests from Java</h3>
Alterators are simple classes, implementing the <tt>Alterator</tt> interface
The equivalent to the command line invokations may be obtained in Java
by the simple:
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
TestGenerator tg = new TestGenerator();
tg.setDirPrefix( dir );
tg.setURLPrefix( url );
tg.modifyOntology( fileName, (Properties)null, testNumber, params );
for generating only one test, and
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
TestSet gb = new BenchmarkGenerator();
gb.generate( params );
for generating a test set (here <tt>BenchmarkGenerator</tt>).
<h2>Ontology alterators</h2>
The tests are generated from the notion of <tt>Alterators</tt>.
Ontology alterators are classes, implementing
the <tt>Alterator</tt> interface.
<img width="36%" src="img/alterator.png">
The test framework is based on the notion of <tt>Alterator</tt> instances of
the <tt>fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.gen.Alterator</tt>. An
alterator, takes as input an ontology (Jena <tt>OntModel</tt>) and an
alignment (<tt>Alignment</tt>) and generates an altered ontology and
alignment. Following the schema of the figure.
<h3>Predefined alterators</h3>
The available predefined alterators are:
<dt>EmptyModification []</dt>
<dd>generates a test in which the initial ontology is not
altered. This test is used in test sets (see below), for the root test.</dd>
<!--dt>AddClassLevel [addClassLevel=<i>p.n</i>]</dt>
<dd>adds at level <i>p</i> (from the top) of the class hierarchy </dd-->
<dt>AddClasses [addClasses=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>adds <i>p</i>% classes.</dd>
<dt>AddProperties [addProperties=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>adds <i>p</i>% properties.</dd>
<dt>FlattenLevel [levelFlattened=<i>n</i>]</dt>
<dd>removes all classes of level <i>n</i> (their subclasses are
directly conenected to their superclasses).</dd>
<!--dt>RemoveClassLevel []</dt>
<dt>RemoveClasses [removeClasses=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>removes <i>p</i>% of classes.</dd>
<dt>RemoveComments [removeComments=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>removes <i>p</i>% of comments.</dd>
<dt>RemoveIndividuals [removeIndividuals=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>removes <i>p</i>% of individuals.</dd>
<dt>RemoveProperties [removeProperties=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>removes <i>p</i>% of properties.</dd>
<dt>RemoveRestrictions [removeRestrictions=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>removes <i>p</i>% of restriction.</dd>
<dt>RenameClasses [renameClasses=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>renames <i>p</i>% of classes in various ways [default: random]</dd>
<dt>RenameProperties [renameProperties=<i>p</i>]</dt>
<dd>renames <i>p</i>% of properties in various ways [default: random]</dd>
<dt>SuppressHierarchy [noHierarchy]</dt>
<dd>suppresses all subclasses relations (but to owl:Thing)</dd>
<h3>Benchmark generator</h3>
<h3>Adding new alterators</h3>
The alterator interface is rather complex.
However, most of the functions of alterators are available in
the <tt>BasicAlterator</tt>, so that creating a new alterator requires
only to write the <tt>modify( Properties )</tt> method if it extends
An alterator follows a particulat lifecycle:
The Alterator is created either:
<li>from a seed ontology and generate the alignment between this ontology itself</li>
<li>from a previous alterator from which it will take the output ontology and alignment as input.</li>
So a "virtual" constructor should be provided in which the alterator
is created from a previous alterator:
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
public Alterator( Alterator om );
Once this has been done, it is possible to retrieve the namespace of
the input ontology (which is the target of the previous alignment if
an alterator has been used for creating the alignment):
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
public String getNamespace();
and the namespace of the source ontology in the input alignment
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
public String getBase();
<p>The <tt>modify</tt> method applies the alteration to the input:
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
public Alterator modify( Properties params );
The results are kept in internal structures which, in the case
of <tt>BasicAlterator</tt> have the following accessors:
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
public Properties getProtoAlignment();
public OntModel getProtoOntology();
public ClassHierarchy getHierarchy();
It is often useful to relocate the results, i.e., to change their
namespaces in both the ontologies and alignments to output. This is
achieved with the following methods (the namespaces are those of the
source and target ontology respectively):
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
public void relocateTest( String namespace1, String namespace2 );
public void relocateTest( String namespace2 );
<h4>Exporting the results</h4>
The BenchmarkGenerator class is an example of a whole test set
Finally, results can be obtained through the two following primitives:
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
public Alignment getAlignment();
public OntModel getModifiedOntology();
<h2>Test sets</h2>
Full test sets can be generated from one seed ontology (see Figure). For that
purpose, the structure of the test set is defined through a
structure which described how a test is generated from scratch or from
other tests in the test set.
<img width="72%" src="img/testset.png">
From this structure it is possible to generate the test set with
different modalities which are specified through parameters.
<h3>Predefined test sets</h3>
<h4>Benchmark generator</h4>
The <tt>BenchmarkGenerator</tt> class is an example of a whole test set
defined at once.
It combines various alterators in a specified way.
This can be applied to any seed ontology (that Jena
is able to parse).
It can be invoked from the command line through:
$ java -Xmx1200m -cp $JAVALIB/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TestGen -m generateBenchmark -u outputurl -o outputdir -i seedontology
<h3>Designing a whole test set</h3>
<h4>Adaptive benchmark generator</h4>
Designing a whole test set can be achived as it is done for
Benchmarks, by instantiating the <tt>TestSet</tt> class and creating
a hierarchy of tests (each one built from another; but this can be
achieved by having all tests generated from the init ontology).
<p>Not available yet.</p>
<h3>Adaptive benchmark generator</h3>
<h4>Hidden ontology generator</h4>
<p>Not available yet.</p>
<h3>Hidden ontology generator</h3>
<h3>Adding new test sets</h3>
<p>Not available yet.</p>
Designing a whole test set can be achieved, as it is done for
Benchmarks, by extending the <tt>TestSet</tt> class and creating
a hierarchy of tests (each one built from another; but this can be
achieved by having all tests generated from the init ontology).
New test sets can be obtained by extending the <tt>TestSet</tt>
abstract class. The only abstract method is:
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
public abstract void initTestCases( Properties params );
It creates a structure comprising the test cases as a hierarchy with
an initial test (which will bear the initial ontology):
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
TestCase initTests( String labelInitTest );
and other tests derived from the initial one through alterations:
<div class="owl" id="qu1"><pre>
void addTestChild( String labelParentTest, String labelNewTest,
Properties alterationSpecification );
<tt>initTestCases</tt> is only used for creating this structure which
will be later processed to generate a particular test from a precise
seed ontology and various modalities (in particular if each test will
be generated intependently of the others (random) or if they will be
generated incrementally by further alterating previous tests (continuous).
<h2>Ontology network alterators</h2>
<h2>Creating a simple test</h2>
<h2>Extending the test generation framework</h2>
<p>The test framework is based on the notion of Alterator instances of
the <tt>fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.gen.Alterator</tt>. An
alterator, takes as input an ontology (Jena <tt>OntModel</tt>) and an
alignment (<tt>Alignment</tt>) and generates an altered ontology and
So its interface is :
* An abstract test generator which takes as input an ontology and an
* alignment between this ontology and another one and transform the
* ontology and the alignment accordingly to a type of alteration.
* It follows a particular lifecycle
public interface Alterator {
* It is created either:
* - from a seed ontology and generate the alignment between this
* ontology itself
* - from a previous alterator from which it will take the output
* ontology and alignment as input.
//public Alterator( Alterator om );
* the namespace of the input ontology
public String getNamespace();
* the namespace of the source ontology in the input alignment
public String getBase();
* modify applies the alteration to the input (the results are kept in
* internal structures.
public Alterator modify( Properties params );
// Temporary
* getProtoAlignment, getProtoOntology, getHierarchy
* are used for accessing these internal structure at creation time.
public Properties getProtoAlignment();
public OntModel getProtoOntology();
public ClassHierarchy getHierarchy();
* Modifies the namespaces of source and target ontologies
* (for the main purpose of outputing them)
public void relocateTest( String namespace1, String namespace2 );
public void relocateTest( String namespace2 );
* Returns the altered Alignment and Ontology in output form
public Alignment getAlignment();
public OntModel getModifiedOntology();
Most of the functions of alterators are available in
the <tt>BasicAlterator</tt>, so that creating a new alterator requires
only to write the <tt>modify( Properties )</tt> method if it extends
Ontology network alterators obey to the <tt>OntologyNetworkWeakener</tt> interface.
This interface is very simple since it consists of one single
method: <tt>weaken</tt> taking as argument an onology network, an int
(absolute value) or a double (percentage) characterizing the amount of
alteration and a set of optional parameters in a <tt>Properties</tt>
Each alterator returns a brand new ontology network with eventually
modified alignments.
Ontology network alterators cannot be obtained at command line.
<h3>Predefined network alterators</h3>
Some alterators are available with the Alignment API implementation:
<dd>randomly drops <i>n</i>% of all alignments in the network. <i>n</i> is a number between 0. and 1.
<dd>suppresses <i>n</i>% of the correspondences at random in each alignments. <i>n</i> is a number between 0. and 1.
A <tt>threshold</tt> parameter tells if the corrrespondences are suppressed at random (false) of by suppressing the <i>n</i>% of lower confidence (true)
<dd>suppresses <i>n</i>% of the correspondences at random in all alignments (globally). <i>n</i> is a number between 0. and 1. a <tt>threshold</tt> parameter tells if the corrrespondences are suppressed at random (false) of by suppressing the <i>n</i>% of lower confidence (true).
<dd>(Not implemented) suppresses alignments in the ontology network so that it retain <i>n</i>-connectivity, i.e., any pairs of ontologies connected by less than <i>n</i> alignments are still connected through at most <i>n</i> alignments.
<!--h3>Adding new network alterators</h3-->
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