Matches the two ontologies identified by <ontoURI>
@@ -75,20 +70,89 @@ Options:
-h,--help Print this page
-i,--impl <CLASS> Use the given CLASS for matcher
-o,--output <FILENAME> Send output to FILENAME
-o,--output <FILE> Send output to FILE
-P,--params <FILE> Read parameters from FILE
-r,--renderer <CLASS> Use the given CLASS for output
-T,--cutmethod <METHOD> Method to use for triming (hard|perc|prop|best|span)
-t,--threshold <DOUBLE> Trim the alignment with regard to threshold
Alignment API implementation 4.5 (1864M)
Alignment API implementation 4.6 (1886:1889M)
Parameters can be passed to all the command line interfaces through the "-Dname=value" scheme. These parameters are either used by the command line utility or transmitted to the called programs, e.g., <tt>align()</tt>. Parameters can also be passed through an XML file through the "-P filename" option.
<h2>Batch matching</h2>
<h3>Displaying alignments</h3>
Another such utility (<tt>ParserPrinter</tt>) allows to read an
alignment, to manipulate it and to output it without processing
Transforms the given QUERY according to an alignment
-a,--alignment <URI> use the alignment identified by URI
-D <NAME=VALUE> Use value for given property
-d,--debug <LEVEL> debug argument is deprecated, use logging instead
-e,--echo Echo the input query
-h,--help Print this page
-o,--output <FILE> Send output to FILE
-P,--params <FILE> Read parameters from FILE
-q,--query <FILE> get the query from the corresponding FILE
Alignment API implementation 4.6 (1886:1889M)
The utility may be invoked in the following way:
$ java -cp lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli.TransformQuery -a file:examples/rdf/newsample.rdf -q examples/rdf/query.sparql -Donto2=
<h3>Batch matching</h3>
<p>There is a small utility (<tt>GroupAlign</tt>) which allows to implement batch matching. It starts with a directory containing a set of subdirectories. Each subdirectory contains an ontology to align (usually called <tt>onto.rdf</tt>) and there exist an ontology to be aligned againts these (-n argument, e.g., named <tt>./onto.rdf</tt>).</p>
-w,--directory <DIR> The DIRectory containing the data to match
Alignment API implementation 4.6 (1886:1889M)
<p>Invoking <tt>GroupAlign</tt> with some implementation (-i argument), some set of parameters (-P argument), the name of the output file (-o argument) and optionally a renderer (-r argument) will output the resulting alignment in each of these directories: