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<title>Alignment API: Server setup</title>
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<h1 class="titre">Setting up an Alignment Server</h1>

<p>An extensive presentation of the alignment API can be
  found at <a href=""></a>. We also have
  an on-line <a href="tutorial/tutorial1/server/">tutorial</a> on using it.</p>


<p>Using the alignment server requires an SQL database server.
We see here how to use mysql (, but
  the server also works with Postgres.</p>

<h2>Creating the MySQL database</h2>

In order to use the Alignment server, it is necessary to create its database. This can simply be done by the following shell instructions:
<div class="terminal">
$ sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password &lt;mysqlpassword><!--
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password &lt;mysqlpassword>-->
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p&lt;mysqlpassword>
sql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON AServDB.* TO adminAServ@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'aaa345';
sql> quit
The database schema will be created upon the first launch of the
Of course, you are advised to use different user, password and
database name. This can be achieved either:
<li>by changing values of DBMSBASE, DBMSUSER and DBMSPASS in <tt></tt> and recompiling;</li>
<li>by passing parameters dbmsbase, dbmsuser and dbmspass to

<p>Sample backup of the server content:
<div class="terminal">
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u adminAServ -paaa345 AServDB > toto.sql
And restoring:
<div class="terminal">
$ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u adminAServ -paaa345 AServDB
sql> source toto.sql;
It is also possible to use Postgres instead of MySQL, but then you
should know how to do it.

<h2>Launching the Alignment server</h2>

The Alignment server requires that the corresponding database management system server be running. In our case, this can be achieved through:
<div class="terminal">
$ sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &
Running the Alignment server is achieved through (use the corresponding options):
<div class="terminal">
$ java -jar lib/alignsvc.jar -H
The alignment server is then available through HTTP with:
The possible switches to the server launcher are:
<div class="terminal">
$ java -jar lib/alignsvc.jar -h
usage: AlignmentService [options]
options are:
	--html[=port] -H[port]			Launch HTTP service
	--jade[=port] -A[port]			Launch Agent service
	--wsdl[=port] -W[port]			Launch Web service
	--jxta[=port] -P[port]			Launch P2P service
	--oyster -O			Register to Oyster directory
	--serv=class -i class			Launch service corresponding to fully qualified classname
	--output=filename -o filename	Redirect output to filename
	--dbmshost=host -m host			Use DBMS host
	--dbmsport=port -s port			Use DBMS port
	--dbmsuser=name -u name			Use DBMS user name
	--dbmspass=pwd -p pwd			Use DBMS password
	--dbmsbase=name -b name			Use Database name
	--dbms=name -B name			Use Database Management System
	--debug[=n] -d[n]		Report debug info at level n
	-Dparam=value			Set parameter
	--help -h			Print this message

Alignment server 4.3 (1709:1716M) ($Id$)
<h2>Embedding more methods in the Alignment Server</h2>

<p>Adding new matcher, renderer, evaluators, or services in the
  Alignment Server, is really easy. This requires that your class be
  an implementation of respectively AlignmentProcess, AlignmentRenderer,
  Evaluator or AlignmentServiceProfile. It suffices to add all the
  necessary jarfiles in the MANIFEST file of the Alignment Server
  jarfile used to launch the server (typically alignsvc.jar) and to
  put these jarfiles in the same location as this last one.</p>
<p>For instance:
<div class="java">
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: alignsvc.jar olgraph.jar procola.jar
Main-Class: fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.service.AlignmentService

is the required MANIFEST file for embedding our OLA algorithm which
requires two jarfiles: procola.jar and olgraph.jar.

<h2>Ports used by the Alignment Server (by default)</h2>

<p>The alignment server is a communicating system that communicates through
TCP sockets which are bound to ports on your machines. We provide here the
list of default ports and options to change them as well as the necessity
for the firewalls to open these ports:

<tr><td>MySQL</td><td>3306</td><td>--dbmsport</td><td>N (if on the same machine)</td></tr>
<tr><td>//</td><td>1099</td><td></td><td>? (RMI)</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td>7778</td><td></td><td>Y (MTP HTTP)</td></tr>
<tr><td>Oyster</td><td>1099</td><td>-O</td><td>Y (RMI/Kaon2)</td></tr>

Of course, the ports need only to be open if there is an access from
the outside to the server with the corresponding plug-in. The only
compulsory ports for the server is the MySQL one.

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