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<title>Alignment API: Command line interface</title>
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<center><h1>Alignment API: Command line interface</h1></center>

The implementation offers various command line tools available in
the <tt>fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.cli</tt> package:
<dt>Procalign</dt><dd>Runs a matcher on a pair of ontologies</dd>
<dt>ParserPrinter</dt><dd>Parses and alignment and displays it in
    various formats.</dd>
<dt>EvalAlign</dt><dd>Evaluates and alignment with respect to a
    reference alignment.</dd>
<dt>TestGen</dt><dd>Generates tests for evaluating matchers.</dd>
<dt>GroupAlign</dt><dd>Runs a matcher against several different test cases.</dd>
<dt>GroupEval</dt><dd>Evaluates several matcher results in several different test cases.</dd>
<dt>ExtGroupEval</dt><dd>Same as above with extended evaluators</dd>
<dt>WGroupEval</dt><dd>Same as above with weighted evaluators.</dd>
<dt>GenPlot</dt><dd>Generates various pliots from matcher resulst
    (ROC curves or precision/recall graphs).</dd>
<dt>GroupOutput</dt><dd>Generates other representations of matcher results.</dd>
These command line operations usually share switch conventions:
<li>displaying help (-h);</li>
<li>displaying debug information (-d);</li>
<li>directing the output to a file (-o);</li>

<h2>Displaying alignments</h2>
Another such utility (<tt>ParserPrinter</tt>) allows to read an
alignment, to manipulate it and to output it without processing
the <tt>align</tt> method.

The implementation offers a stand-alone program (<tt>fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.util.Procalign</tt>) which:
<li>Reads two OWL/RDF ontologies;</li>
<li>Creates an alignment object;</li>
<li>Computes the alignment between these ontologies;</li>
<li>Eventually cut the alignment under a threhold:</li>
<li>Displays the result.</li>
Additional options are available:
<li>controlling the way of rendering the output (-r);</li>
<li>deciding the implementation of the matching method (-i);</li>
<li>providing an input alignment (-a).</li>

<p>Running the program is achieved through:
<div class="terminal">
$ java -jar lib/procalign.jar
Two URIs required
usage: Procalign [options] URI1 URI2
options are:
	--impl=className -i classname		Use the given alignment implementation.
	--renderer=className -r className	Specifies the alignment renderer
	--output=filename -o filename	Output the alignment in filename
	--params=filename -p filename	Reads parameters from filename
	--alignment=filename -a filename Start from an XML alignment file
	--threshold=double -t double	Filters the similarities under threshold
	--cutmethod=hard|perc|prop|best|span -T hard|perc|prop|best|span	method for computing the threshold
	--debug[=n] -d [n]		Report debug info at level n
	-Dparam=value			Set parameter
	--help -h			Print this message

Parameters can be passed to all the command line interfaces through the "-Dname=value" scheme. These parameters are either used by the command line utility or transmitted to the called programs, e.g., <tt>align()</tt>. Parameters can also be passed through an XML file through the "-P filename" option.

<h2>Batch matching</h2>

<p>There is a small utility (<tt>GroupAlign</tt>) which allows to implement batch matching. It starts with a directory containing a set of subdirectories. Each subdirectory contains an ontology to align (usually called <tt>onto.rdf</tt>) and there exist an ontology to be aligned againts these (-n argument, e.g., named <tt>./onto.rdf</tt>).</p>

<p>Invoking <tt>GroupAlign</tt> with some implementation (-i argument), some set of parameters (-p argument), the name of the output file (-o argument) and optionally a renderer (-r argument) will output the resulting alignment in each of these directories:
<div class="terminal">
$ java -cp $CWD/../lib/procalign.jar fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.util.GroupAlign
   -o edna -n file://$CWD/101/onto.rdf
   -i fr.inrialpes.exmo.align.impl.method.EditDistNameAlignment
This will compare each onto.rdf file in each of the subdirectory to the <tt>file://$CWD/101/onto.rdf</tt> with the <tt>EditDistNameAlignment</tt> method and output the result in a <tt>edna.rdf</tt> file in each directory.
The output is ready to be evaluated by <tt>GroupEval</tt>.

<h3>Generating tests</h3>

Tools for generating matching tests (<tt>TestGen</tt>) are described
in the <a href="testgen.html">test generation page</a>.

<h3>Evaluating alignments</h3>

Tools for evaluating (<tt>EvalAlign</tt>) and batch evaluating
alignments  (<tt>GroupEval</tt>, <tt>ExtGroupEval</tt>, <tt>WGroupEval</tt>) and displaying
results (<tt>GenPlot</tt>, <tt>GroupOutput</tt>) are described in the <a href="eval.html">evaluation page</a>.

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