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  • E. Madison Bray's avatar
    Use the dnadna-plugin: URI scheme for validating networks and transforms · 9f6aec04
    E. Madison Bray authored
    in config files, using schemas loaded from plugins.
    This allows validating networks and transforms in the config file even
    including those loaded from plugins.
    Implementing this exposed a few bugs:
    * For some reason network schemas were never being validated properly;
      if they were it would have exposed the fact that each
      nets/net_name.yml file was not referencing 'nets/base.yml' correctly;
      the RefResolver should enter a URI "scope" for each schema such that
      references are resolved relative to the current schema.
      So for example if nets/spidna1.yml references nets/base.yml, this
      gets resolved to nets/nets/base.yml.  From within spidna1.yml the
      correct relative reference is just "base.yml".
    * Also had to fix handling of resolving filename references while
      referencing a schema from a dnadna-plugin URI.
    * The changes to training.yml look big, but actually most of it was
      just re-indented.  It went from:
              - properties:
              - {"$ref": "dnanda-plugin:network"}
      where "dnadna-plugin:network" provides a schema that allows
      "network_name" only for those networks loaded from plugins, and
      associates the "net_params" property with the correct schema for
      the network selected by "network_name".