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Created with Raphaël 2.2.011Jul106527Jun26201986add plot script and debug parallel cgdevelopdevelopdistributed dot productMerge branch 'develop' of into developCompute the partition of unityRemplacer dans main.cpp les std::vector et ijvmatrix par eigenDelete maphys.oRemplacer dans main.cpp les std::vector et ijvmatrix par eigenMerge branch 'develop' of into developclean version renomed to maphysDelete mainDelete myassdist without bugMerge branch 'develop' into 'master' mastermasterUpdate Makefile for portability (spack location instead of explicit path)bugfix uninitialized vector x and test sparseIndentationNew version with objects and templatesadd object and template versions and makefilescg_creuxpatch-3patch-3cgpatch-2patch-2Template_cgpatch-1patch-1cg complet et cg creuxC++ linksGitflow linksAdded brief readme