Playbooks are ran by ansible using `ansible-playbook path/to/playbook.yml`.
The ansible commands should be ran from the `mitik-mgmt/config` folder.
There are five main playbooks :
- device_setup.yml # set up a new device, or update configuration
- ssh_setup.yml # set up ssh keys
- start_sens_sniffer.yml
- stop_sens_sniffer.yml
- test_meta.yml # test functions
## First master-nodes connection: SSH setup
In order to ease configuring ssh keys and passwordless authentication, the playbook `ssh_setup.yml` (previously `playbook_SSH_keygen.yml`) has been re-written.
- Asks for SSH password
- Installs sshpass and keychain (master) (needs superuser powers)
- Creates a ssh key (master)
- Copy public ssh key to authorized_hosts (nodes)
- Using `.bashrc`, autoload and load the ssh key (master)
## Nodes setup and configuration
Multiple configuration scripts, here called microstasks, have been put into a single playbook `device_setup.yml`