A set of FEniCS- and VTK-based python tools for Finite Element Digital Image Correlation.
First you need to install [myPythonLibrary]( as well as [myVTKPythonLibrary]( You also need a working installation of FEniCS (including DOLFIN python interface) & VTK (also including python interface).
git clone
cd fenics-developer-tools
cp install/profiles/fenics.Linux.yaml fenics.yaml
In fenics.yaml, add numpy & scipy in the requested packages, and set vtk_wrap_python to true.
./install/ fenics.yaml
### Installation
Get the code:
> git clone
To load the library within python, the simplest is to add the folder containing dolfin_dic to `PYTHONPATH`:
> export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/folder
(To make this permanent, add the line to `~/.bashrc`.)
Then you can load the library within python:
> import dolfin_dic as ddic