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Restructure the documentation and render docstrings

ANDREY Paul requested to merge docs into develop

This MR exclusively deals with declearn's documentation, and paves the way towards publishing it online using GitLab pages (or any other documentation-hosting tool).

It performs the following changes:

  • Restructure the increasingly-long README file into an ensemble of pages under the newly-created "docs" folder, and shrink the README into a minimal file.
  • Automate the copy of content from the README to the welcome page of the "docs" folder.
  • Set up tools to build the documentation into a static website, and automatically generate the API reference part of the docs.
  • Marginally restructure the code's documentation to improve its rendering by mkdocs/mkdocstrings-python.
  • Write up a small reference guide on docstrings style.
  • Marginally change extra dependencies' specifications:
    • "all" still covers all non-developer extra dependencies
    • "tests" now only covers code-testing tools (enabling to run tests on incomplete installations)
    • "docs" was added, to cover docs-building tools (only)

At the moment, the following points are left untackled:

  • Set up the website's building and publishing: this will be done on a separate repository.
  • Tweak the rendering options of the website to make it nicer ~ more custom. This is delayed to future, possibly incremental, efforts.
Edited by ANDREY Paul

Merge request reports
