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Modularize "heart-uci" example for its real-life deployment.

ANDREY Paul requested to merge modularize-heart-example into develop

This MR implements the following modifications the the Heart UCI example:

  • Add optional parameters to the Python functions and the argparser so as to enable running the UCI-Heart-Dataset examples over an actual network.
  • Make the documentation more verbose about these options, and the difference between localhost-based simulations and real-network use.
  • Rationale: having a minimal example to run is a valuable feature when deploying declearn to a new machines~network setting, so as to quickly assess (and/or debug) the framework's usability.

In addition:

  • Most of the argparse code is abstracted into test-utils functions to enable re-using them in future examples.
  • A new make_importable util is proposed to reduce boilerplate "dirty-import" statements. If accepted, it may be deployed in test files' code as well.

Note: these changes were drafted (and used) a few months ago but had never found their way into the main branch.

Merge request reports
